Quality metric = 28S to 18S: 1.6 Patient Age: 50-60 Gender: Female Ethnic Background: Caucasian Tobacco Use : Yes Years of Tobacco Use: 41-45 Type of Tobacco Use: Cigarettes Alcohol Consumption?: No Family History of Cancer?: Yes Days from Patient Diagnosis to Excision: 22 Mammogram: Yes Number of years in which a mammogram was obtained?: 0-5 Oral contraceptives?: Yes Number of years of use? (Oral contraceptives): 0-5 Oophorectomy?: No Fibrocystic disease?: No Mammogram calcifications?: No Pathological T: 2 Pathological N: 0 Pathological M: 0 Pathological Stage: 2A Pathological Grade: 2 Pathological ER: Negative Pathological PR: Negative Pathological HER/2 Neu: Negative Primary Site: Breast Histology: Ductal Carcinoma