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Series GSE36975 Query DataSets for GSE36975
Status Public on Apr 09, 2012
Title Expression of Human naïve B cell priming for plasma cell differentiation
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by array
Summary To explore events that govern the differentiation of human naïve B cells (NBCs) into memory B cells and plasma cells (PCs), we designed an in vitro 2-step culture model leading non-switched NBC precursors to differentiate into two cell compartments: CD20loCD38hi and CD20+CD38+.
Both populations are characterized by distinct cell fates, the former one corresponding to plasmablasts that undergo PC terminal differentiation, with intermingled relationship between cell division and bona fide differentiation two events that are usually viewed as mutually exclusive.
Postulating that extracellular cues mediated by distinct receptor-ligand interactions are likely involved in this phenomenon we explored one by one factors used in our model and found that T-cell-produced IL-2 was critical for the PC’s commitment.
Interestingly, this IL-2 effect operates independently of proliferation and survival functions and required an ERK signaling. Based on our study we proposed to complete previous scheme of PRDM1/Blimp-1 controlling PC differentiation by adding the T-cell-delivered IL-2 effect, which sustains indirectly the mitogenic-induced Blimp-1 expression by downregulating IRF8 and BACH2 via an ERK signal This study highlight early events that could take place when cognate B and T cells meet and interact before seeding follicle, where crucial inputs may condition final GC B destiny.
Overall design GEP was performed on the RNA of purified B cells from 3 healthy blood donors, stimulated at Day 0 and with addition or not of IL-2. Four time points were assessed Day 0, Day 0+16h, Day 0+22h and Day 4.
Contributor(s) Le Gallou S, Fest T
Citation(s) 22634617
Submission date Apr 02, 2012
Last update date Aug 13, 2018
Contact name Delphine Rossille
E-mail(s) [email protected]
Organization name INSERM U1236-MOBIDIC
Street address 2 avenue du Pr. Léon Bernard
City Rennes
ZIP/Postal code 35000
Country France
Platforms (1)
GPL10558 Illumina HumanHT-12 V4.0 expression beadchip
Samples (24)
GSM907730 Subject 51, unstimulated NBCs
GSM907731 Subject 51, Day0+16h stimulated NBCs
GSM907732 Subject 51, Day0+22h stimulated NBCs, IL-2 negative
BioProject PRJNA157513

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Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSE36975_RAW.tar 26.2 Mb (http)(custom) TAR
GSE36975_non-normalized_data.txt.gz 4.5 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
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