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    MIR593 microRNA 593 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

    Gene ID: 693178, updated on 4-Jan-2025

    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

    GeneRIFPubMed TitleDate
    Circ_0087851 suppresses colorectal cancer malignant progression through triggering miR-593-3p/BAP1-mediated ferroptosis.

    Circ_0087851 suppresses colorectal cancer malignant progression through triggering miR-593-3p/BAP1-mediated ferroptosis.
    Huang M, Gao T, Chen X, Yi J, Zhou X., Free PMC Article

    Hsa_circ_0001535 inhibits the proliferation and migration of ovarian cancer by sponging miR-593-3p, upregulating PTEN expression.

    Hsa_circ_0001535 inhibits the proliferation and migration of ovarian cancer by sponging miR-593-3p, upregulating PTEN expression.
    Han Y, Zheng Y, You J, Han Y, Lu X, Wang X, Shi C, Zhu W.

    MicroRNA-593-5p contributes to cell death following exposure to 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium by targeting PTEN-induced putative kinase 1.

    MicroRNA-593-5p contributes to cell death following exposure to 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium by targeting PTEN-induced putative kinase 1.
    Yoo M, Choi DC, Murphy A, Ahsan AM, Junn E., Free PMC Article

    lncRNA TUG1 promotes the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma by regulating the MAPK signaling pathway by sponging miR-593-3p.

    lncRNA TUG1 promotes the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma by regulating the MAPK signaling pathway by sponging miR-593-3p.
    Jiang L, Zhou B, Fu D, Cheng B., Free PMC Article

    MicroRNA-593-3p Expression in Peritoneal Lavage Fluid as a Prognostic Marker for Pancreatic Cancer Patients Undergoing Staging Laparoscopy.

    MicroRNA-593-3p Expression in Peritoneal Lavage Fluid as a Prognostic Marker for Pancreatic Cancer Patients Undergoing Staging Laparoscopy.
    Hata T, Mizuma M, Masuda K, Chiba K, Ishida M, Ohtsuka H, Nakagawa K, Morikawa T, Kamei T, Unno M.

    Regulatory roles of miR-593 in the proliferation and invasion of human hepatic carcinoma.

    Regulatory roles of miR-593 in the proliferation and invasion of human hepatic carcinoma.
    Gong XY, Huang AL.

    MiR-593-5p inhibited proliferation and migration of lung adenocarcinoma by targeting ICAM-1.

    MiR-593-5p inhibited proliferation and migration of lung adenocarcinoma by targeting ICAM-1.
    Zhang HB, Shen B, Ma ZC, Xu YY, Lou YL, Chen M.

    Overexpression of hsa_circ_0136666 predicts poor prognosis and initiates osteosarcoma tumorigenesis through miR-593-3p/ZEB2 pathway.

    Overexpression of hsa_circ_0136666 predicts poor prognosis and initiates osteosarcoma tumorigenesis through miR-593-3p/ZEB2 pathway.
    Zhang C, Zhou H, Yuan K, Xie R, Chen C., Free PMC Article

    miR-593-5p inhibit cell proliferation by targeting PLK1 in non small cell lung cancer cells.

    miR-593-5p inhibit cell proliferation by targeting PLK1 in non small cell lung cancer cells.
    Yan L, Zhang Y, Li K, Wang M, Li J, Qi Z, Wu J, Wang Z, Ling L, Liu H, Wu Y, Lu X, Xu L, Zhu Y, Zhang Y.

    Long noncoding RNA ENST00000413528 sponges microRNA-593-5p to modulate human glioma growth via polo-like kinase 1.

    Long noncoding RNA ENST00000413528 sponges microRNA-593-5p to modulate human glioma growth via polo-like kinase 1.
    Zhang R, Wei RL, Du W, Zhang LW, Du T, Geng YD, Wei XT., Free PMC Article

    MiR-593-5p promotes the development of hypoxic-induced pulmonary hypertension via targeting PLK1.

    MiR-593-5p promotes the development of hypoxic-induced pulmonary hypertension via targeting PLK1.
    Zhao TF, Wang SY, Zou XZ, Zhao HD.

    miR-593 targets the 3'-UTR of SLUG, causing suppression of SLUG expression. The expression of miR-593 was correlated with the progression of NSCLC, and low expression of miR-593 indicated poor outcome of patients with NSCLC.

    miR‑593 inhibits proliferation and invasion and promotes apoptosis in non‑small cell lung cancer cells by targeting SLUG‑associated signaling pathways.
    Wei F, Wang M, Li Z, Wang Y, Zhou Y., Free PMC Article

    LINC02163 regulates growth and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition phenotype via miR-593-3p/FOXK1 axis in gastric cancer cells

    LINC02163 regulates growth and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition phenotype via miR-593-3p/FOXK1 axis in gastric cancer cells.
    Dong L, Hong H, Chen X, Huang Z, Wu W, Wu F.

    miR-593 inhibits the proliferation of colon cancer cells by down-regulating PLK1 and plays the role as a tumor suppressor in colon cancer.

    [miR-593 inhibits proliferation of colon cancer cells in vitro by down-regulating PLK1].
    Ma J, Zhu Y, Wang Z, Zan J, Cao L, Feng Z, Wang S, Fan Q, Yan L., Free PMC Article

    The findings suggest an oncogenic role for hsa_circ_0007534 in breast cancer by acting as a miR-593 sponge to promote MUC19 expression.

    Downregulation of hsa_circ_0007534 suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation and invasion by targeting miR-593/MUC19 signal pathway.
    Song L, Xiao Y.

    this study indicates that inhibition of miRNA-593-3p by insulin promotes glucose metabolism through the regulation of Slc38a1 and CLIP3 expression, and provides a new insight into the role and mechanism of insulin-induced glycolysis.

    MicroRNA-593-3p regulates insulin-promoted glucose consumption by targeting Slc38a1 and CLIP3.
    Yang X, Tao Z, Zhu Z, Liao H, Zhao Y, Fan H.

    Data show that expression of MFF protein, miR-593-5p and BRCA1 protein correlates with cisplatin sensitivity and survival of tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC).

    Mitochondrial fission determines cisplatin sensitivity in tongue squamous cell carcinoma through the BRCA1-miR-593-5p-MFF axis.
    Fan S, Liu B, Sun L, Lv XB, Lin Z, Chen W, Chen W, Tang Q, Wang Y, Su Y, Jin S, Zhang D, Zhong J, Li Y, Wen B, Zhang Z, Yang P, Zhou B, Liang Q, Yu X, Zhu Y, Hu P, Chu J, Huang W, Feng Y, Peng H, Huang Q, Song E, Li J., Free PMC Article

    miR-593 serum levels were significantly elevated in patients with obesity and obese patients with type 2 diabetes

    Profiling peripheral microRNAs in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
    Wu L, Dai X, Zhan J, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Zhang H, Zeng S, Xi W.

    The various levels of specific miRNAs, particularly miR-593 and miR-511 whose direct target is the PROP1 gene, may serve as a non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers for children with CPHD.

    Circulating microRNA profiles and the identification of miR-593 and miR-511 which directly target the PROP1 gene in children with combined pituitary hormone deficiency.
    Hu Y, Wang Q, Wang Z, Wang F, Guo X, Li G., Free PMC Article

    PLK1 is post-transcriptionally regulated by miR-593* and could be a promising molecular target for EC treatment.

    Polo-like kinase 1 regulates cell proliferation and is targeted by miR-593* in esophageal cancer.
    Ito T, Sato F, Kan T, Cheng Y, David S, Agarwal R, Paun BC, Jin Z, Olaru AV, Hamilton JP, Selaru FM, Yang J, Matsumura N, Shimizu K, Abraham JM, Shimada Y, Mori Y, Meltzer SJ., Free PMC Article

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