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    Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
    ID: 39331284
    NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (202717..204458, complement); Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (185734..189944)E2229_mgp50
    ID: 39331282
    hypothetical protein [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (826861..827292)E2229_mgp04
    ID: 39331281
    ribosomal protein S3 [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (790004..792916, complement)E2229_mgp07
    ID: 39331280
    cytochrome c maturase subunit Fc [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (747159..749464)E2229_mgp10
    ID: 39331279
    hypothetical protein [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (732052..732594, complement)E2229_mgp11
    ID: 39331278
    ATP synthase subunit 8 [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (667512..667985, complement)E2229_mgp14
    ID: 39331277
    cytochrome c maturase subunit C [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (653478..654230)E2229_mgp16
    ID: 39331276
    hypothetical protein [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (638629..639060)E2229_mgp17
    ID: 39331275
    ribosomal protein L10 [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (598061..598549)E2229_mgp19
    ID: 39331274
    hypothetical protein [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (593033..593452)E2229_mgp20
    ID: 39331273
    cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (562968..564551)E2229_mgp22
    ID: 39331272
    ribosomal protein L2 [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (530717..533320)E2229_mgp24
    ID: 39331271
    ribosomal protein S12 [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (487388..487765)E2229_mgp27
    ID: 39331270
    hypothetical protein [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (486522..486869)E2229_mgp28
    ID: 39331268
    NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (424386..425015, complement)E2229_mgp35
    ID: 39331267
    NADH dehydrogenase subunit 9 [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (384128..384700)E2229_mgp37
    ID: 39331265
    hypothetical protein [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (231149..231670, complement)E2229_mgp48
    ID: 39331264
    cytochrome c maturase subunit B [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (142838..143452, complement)E2229_mgp53
    ID: 39331263
    ribosomal protein L16 [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (46268..46684, complement)E2229_mgp03
    ID: 39331262
    hypothetical protein [Populus alba (white poplar)]Chromosome MT, NC_041085.1 (21818..22306)E2229_mgp02
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