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    Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
    ID: 7354381
    tarsal-less 1A [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (13813109..13814648)Dmel_CG42384, CG42384, Dm1, Dmel\CG42384, ORF 1A, ORF1, Pep1, Pri, Tal1A, pri, tal
    ID: 7354378
    tarsal-less 3A [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (13813109..13814648)Dmel_CG42386, CG42386, Dm3, Dmel\CG42386, ORF 3A, ORF3, Pep3, pri, tal
    ID: 7354377
    tarsal-less AA [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (13813109..13814648)Dmel_CG42387, CG42387, Dm4, Dm_3R:52381, Dmel\CG42387, ORF AA, ORF4, Pep4, pri, tal
    ID: 7354376
    tarsal-less 2A [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 3R, NT_033777.3 (13813109..13814648)Dmel_CG42385, CG42385, Dm2, Dmel\CG42385, ORF 2A, ORF2, Pep2, Pri, pri, tal
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