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Items: 5

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    Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
    ID: 246404
    uncharacterized protein [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 2R, NT_033778.4 (11350811..11351621)Dmel_CG30031, Dmel\CG30031, SP6, endo-I
    ID: 246398
    uncharacterized protein [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 2R, NT_033778.4 (11353564..11354373, complement)Dmel_CG30025, Dmel\CG30025, SP215
    ID: 48343
    deltaTrypsin [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 2R, NT_033778.4 (11355319..11356128)Dmel_CG12351, CG12351, DeltaTry, DmDeltaTry, Dmel\CG12351, SP213, Try, delta, endo-I
    ID: 36544
    Argonaute-1 [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 2R, NT_033778.4 (13943387..13958089, complement)Dmel_CG6671, AGO-1, Ago, Ago-1, Ago1, Agp1, CG6671, Dm Ago1, DmAgo1, Dmel\CG6671, MRE20, ago-1, ago1, ago1-1, anon-WO0257455.29, argonaute1, dAGO1, dAgo1, dmAgo1, l(2)04845, l(2)4845, l(2)k00208, l(2)k08121
    ID: 36221
    gammaTrypsin [Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly)]Chromosome 2R, NT_033778.4 (11349061..11349870, complement)Dmel_CG30028, BcDNA:RE40325, CG30028, DmGammaTry, Dmel\CG30028, GammaTry, SP180, SPH180, Try, endo-I, gamma, gamma-Try
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