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Links from GEO Profiles

Items: 2

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    Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
    ID: 844134
    STAS domain / Sulfate transporter family [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (29317767..29323352, complement)AT1G77990, SULPHATE TRANSPORTER 2;2, SULTR2;2
    ID: 830882
    slufate transporter 2;1 [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 5, NC_003076.8 (3193017..3197136)AT5G10180, ARABIDOPSIS SULFATE TRANSPORTER 68, AST68, slufate transporter 2;1, sulfate transporter 2;1