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Items: 6

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    Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
    ID: 85235
    H2A clustered histone 12 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 6, NC_000006.12 (27147106..27147562)H2A/S, H2AFALii, H2AH, HIST1H2AH, dJ86C11.1615013
    ID: 8969
    H2A clustered histone 11 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 6, NC_000006.12 (27133043..27133535)H2A.1b, H2A/p, H2AC13, H2AC15, H2AC16, H2AC17, H2AFP, H2AG, HIST1H2AG, pH2A/f615012
    ID: 8336
    H2A clustered histone 17 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 6, NC_000006.12 (27892699..27893185, complement)H2A.1, H2A/n, H2AC11, H2AC13, H2AC15, H2AC16, H2AFN, HIST1H2AM, dJ193B12.1602796
    ID: 8332
    H2A clustered histone 16 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 6, NC_000006.12 (27865317..27865798)H2A.i, H2A/i, H2AC11, H2AC13, H2AC15, H2AC17, H2AFI, HIST1H2AL, dJ193B12.9602793
    ID: 8330
    H2A clustered histone 15 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 6, NC_000006.12 (27837880..27838375, complement)H2A.1, H2A/d, H2AC11, H2AC13, H2AC14, H2AC16, H2AC17, H2AFD, HIST1H2AK602788
    ID: 8329
    H2A clustered histone 13 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 6, NC_000006.12 (27808173..27808667)H2A/c, H2AC11, H2AC15, H2AC16, H2AC17, H2AFC, HIST1H2AI602787
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