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    Mcm7 minichromosome maintenance complex component 7 [ Mus musculus (house mouse) ]

    Gene ID: 17220, updated on 4-Jan-2025


    Official Symbol
    Mcm7provided by MGI
    Official Full Name
    minichromosome maintenance complex component 7provided by MGI
    Primary source
    See related
    Ensembl:ENSMUSG00000029730 AllianceGenome:MGI:1298398
    Gene type
    protein coding
    RefSeq status
    Mus musculus
    Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Mus; Mus
    Also known as
    Mcmd7; mCDC47
    Enables single-stranded DNA binding activity. Contributes to DNA helicase activity. Acts upstream of or within DNA unwinding involved in DNA replication; cell population proliferation; and cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus. Located in nucleus. Part of MCM complex. Is expressed in several structures, including alimentary system; brain; genitourinary system; respiratory system; and sensory organ. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in hepatocellular carcinoma. Orthologous to human MCM7 (minichromosome maintenance complex component 7). [provided by Alliance of Genome Resources, Jan 2025]
    Broad expression in liver E14 (RPKM 73.1), liver E14.5 (RPKM 66.9) and 24 other tissues See more
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    Genomic context

    See Mcm7 in Genome Data Viewer
    5 G2; 5 76.97 cM
    Exon count:
    Annotation release Status Assembly Chr Location
    RS_2024_02 current GRCm39 (GCF_000001635.27) 5 NC_000071.7 (138162845..138170675, complement)
    108.20200622 previous assembly GRCm38.p6 (GCF_000001635.26) 5 NC_000071.6 (138164583..138172111, complement)

    Chromosome 5 - NC_000071.7Genomic Context describing neighboring genes Neighboring gene zinc finger protein 113 Neighboring gene STARR-positive B cell enhancer ABC_E4799 Neighboring gene STARR-positive B cell enhancer ABC_E9656 Neighboring gene COP9 signalosome subunit 6 Neighboring gene microRNA 106b Neighboring gene microRNA 25 Neighboring gene microRNA 93 Neighboring gene CapStarr-seq enhancer MGSCv37_chr5:138612151-138612338 Neighboring gene STARR-positive B cell enhancer ABC_E1693 Neighboring gene STARR-positive B cell enhancer ABC_E1694 Neighboring gene adaptor-related protein complex AP-4, mu 1 Neighboring gene STARR-seq mESC enhancer starr_14665 Neighboring gene TATA-box binding protein associated factor 6 Neighboring gene canopy FGF signaling regulator 4

    Genomic regions, transcripts, and products


    GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

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    Alleles of this type are documented at Mouse Genome Informatics  (MGI)
    • Gene trapped (1) 
    • Targeted (1) 

    Pathways from PubChem


    Products Interactant Other Gene Complex Source Pubs Description

    General gene information


    Gene Ontology Provided by MGI

    Function Evidence Code Pubs
    enables ATP binding IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables ATP hydrolysis activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables ATP-dependent H2AZ histone chaperone activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables ATP-dependent H3-H4 histone complex chaperone activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables DNA clamp loader activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    contributes_to DNA helicase activity IDA
    Inferred from Direct Assay
    more info
    contributes_to DNA helicase activity IMP
    Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
    more info
    contributes_to DNA helicase activity ISO
    Inferred from Sequence Orthology
    more info
    contributes_to DNA helicase activity ISS
    Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity
    more info
    enables chromatin extrusion motor activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables cohesin loader activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables double-stranded DNA helicase activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables forked DNA-dependent helicase activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables four-way junction helicase activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    enables protein binding IPI
    Inferred from Physical Interaction
    more info
    enables single-stranded 3'-5' DNA helicase activity IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    contributes_to single-stranded DNA binding IMP
    Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
    more info
    enables single-stranded DNA binding IPI
    Inferred from Physical Interaction
    more info
    contributes_to single-stranded DNA binding ISO
    Inferred from Sequence Orthology
    more info
    contributes_to single-stranded DNA helicase activity IBA
    Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
    more info
    Process Evidence Code Pubs
    involved_in DNA damage response IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    involved_in DNA damage response ISO
    Inferred from Sequence Orthology
    more info
    involved_in DNA replication initiation IBA
    Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
    more info
    involved_in DNA replication initiation IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    involved_in DNA strand elongation involved in DNA replication IBA
    Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
    more info
    involved_in DNA unwinding involved in DNA replication IBA
    Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
    more info
    acts_upstream_of_or_within DNA unwinding involved in DNA replication IPI
    Inferred from Physical Interaction
    more info
    involved_in DNA unwinding involved in DNA replication ISO
    Inferred from Sequence Orthology
    more info
    acts_upstream_of_or_within cell population proliferation IDA
    Inferred from Direct Assay
    more info
    involved_in cellular response to epidermal growth factor stimulus IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    acts_upstream_of_or_within cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus IDA
    Inferred from Direct Assay
    more info
    involved_in chromatin looping IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    involved_in chromatin remodeling IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    involved_in double-strand break repair via break-induced replication IBA
    Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
    more info
    involved_in premeiotic DNA replication NAS
    Non-traceable Author Statement
    more info
    involved_in regulation of phosphorylation ISO
    Inferred from Sequence Orthology
    more info
    Component Evidence Code Pubs
    part_of CMG complex ISO
    Inferred from Sequence Orthology
    more info
    part_of CMG complex ISS
    Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity
    more info
    part_of MCM complex IBA
    Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
    more info
    part_of MCM complex IDA
    Inferred from Direct Assay
    more info
    part_of MCM complex ISO
    Inferred from Sequence Orthology
    more info
    part_of MCM complex ISS
    Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity
    more info
    located_in cytosol IEA
    Inferred from Electronic Annotation
    more info
    located_in cytosol ISO
    Inferred from Sequence Orthology
    more info
    located_in nucleoplasm ISO
    Inferred from Sequence Orthology
    more info
    is_active_in nucleus IBA
    Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
    more info
    located_in nucleus IDA
    Inferred from Direct Assay
    more info
    located_in nucleus ISO
    Inferred from Sequence Orthology
    more info
    located_in nucleus NAS
    Non-traceable Author Statement
    more info

    General protein information

    Preferred Names
    DNA replication licensing factor MCM7
    CDC47 homolog
    mini chromosome maintenance deficient 7
    minichromosome maintenance deficient 7

    NCBI Reference Sequences (RefSeq)

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    RefSeqs maintained independently of Annotated Genomes

    These reference sequences exist independently of genome builds. Explain

    These reference sequences are curated independently of the genome annotation cycle, so their versions may not match the RefSeq versions in the current genome build. Identify version mismatches by comparing the version of the RefSeq in this section to the one reported in Genomic regions, transcripts, and products above.

    mRNA and Protein(s)

    1. NM_001356576.1NP_001343505.1  DNA replication licensing factor MCM7 isoform b

      Status: VALIDATED

      Transcript Variant: This variant (2) differs in the 5' UTR and coding sequence compared to variant 1. The resulting isoform (b) is shorter at the N-terminus compared to isoform a. Variants 2 and 3 both encode the same isoform (b).
      Source sequence(s)
      Conserved Domains (1) summary
      MCM; minichromosome maintenance proteins
    2. NM_001356577.1NP_001343506.1  DNA replication licensing factor MCM7 isoform b

      Status: VALIDATED

      Transcript Variant: This variant (3) differs in the 5' UTR and coding sequence compared to variant 1. The resulting isoform (b) is shorter at the N-terminus compared to isoform a. Variants 2 and 3 both encode the same isoform (b).
      Source sequence(s)
      Conserved Domains (1) summary
      MCM; minichromosome maintenance proteins
    3. NM_008568.3NP_032594.1  DNA replication licensing factor MCM7 isoform a

      Status: VALIDATED

      Transcript Variant: This variant (1) encodes the longer isoform (a).
      Source sequence(s)
      AC151719, AK133091
      Consensus CDS
      Q3U4T8, Q3UDI8, Q3V122
      ENSMUSP00000000505.10, ENSMUST00000000505.16
      Conserved Domains (3) summary
      MCM; minichromosome maintenance proteins
      MCM_N; MCM N-terminal domain
      P-loop_NTPase; P-loop containing Nucleoside Triphosphate Hydrolases

    RefSeqs of Annotated Genomes: GCF_000001635.27-RS_2024_02

    The following sections contain reference sequences that belong to a specific genome build. Explain

    Reference GRCm39 C57BL/6J


    1. NC_000071.7 Reference GRCm39 C57BL/6J

      138162845..138170675 complement
      GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)


    1. XR_001784632.3 RNA Sequence