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Genotype Selection - Genes

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Association Results  Retrieving...  Searched by gene IDs retrieved from gene search.
Genes 1 - 1 of 1 Searched by gene names and/or gene IDs.
SNPs  Retrieving...  Searched by gene symbols retrieved from gene search.
eQTL Data  Retrieving...  Searched by gene IDs retrieved from gene search.
dbGaP Studies  Retrieving... Searched by traits retrieved from page 1 of association results.
Genome View  Retrieving... 
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Data shown are selected columns matching search criteria, taken directly from NCBI’s GTEx database and browser.  This database aims to provide a central resource to archive and display associations between genetic variation and high-throughput molecular-level phenotypes.  This effort originated with the NIH GTEx roadmap project; however the scope of this resource will be extended to include any available genotype/molecular phenotype datasets.
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Get information.Genes

MIR493microRNA 493 14 : 100,869,060 - 100,869,148
{ "section": "GENE", "summary": "1 - 1 of 1", "retstart": 0, "pageSize": 100, "count": 1, "SEQ": { "chr": [ ["14", 100869060, 100869148] ], "markers": { "14": [ ["MIR493", "NC_000014.9", 100869060, 100869148, "microRNA 493", "MIRN493, hsa-mir-493, mir-493", 574450] ] }, "unmapped": [ ] } }

Get information.Genome View

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SNPGeneCountLocation bps
SNP symbolGene symbol1 SNP or geneLocation symbolless than 2M bps
SNP symbolGene symbol2 - 10 SNPs or genesLocation symbolat least 2M bps
SNP symbolGene symbol11 - 20 SNPs or genes 
SNP symbolGene symbolmore than 20 SNPs or genes
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