- Organism: Homo sapiens
- Study:nstd102 (Clinical Structural Variants)
- Variant Type:copy number variation
- Method Type:Multiple
- Submitted on:GRCh37
- Variant Calls:2
- Validation:Not tested
- Clinical Assertions: Yes
- Region Size:1,932,478
- Description:
See descriptions for individual calls in download files - Publication(s):Chandra et al. 2004
- ClinVar: RCV003111118.2
- ClinVar: RCV003122288.1
- ClinVar: VCV002422978.3
- GeneReviews: NBK1178
- MONDO: 0010294
- MONDO: 0010518
- MONDO: 0010743
- MedGen: C0043194
- MedGen: C1839163
- MedGen: C1845987
- MedGen: CN517202
- OMIM: 300299
- OMIM: 300392.0004
- OMIM: 300392.0005
- OMIM: 300392.0006
- OMIM: 300392.0010
- OMIM: 300392.0016
- OMIM: 301000
- OMIM: 313900
- Orphanet: 268322
- Orphanet: 86788
- Orphanet: 906
- PubMed: 20301357
- Overlapping Genes
Source: NCBI
- Genome View
- Variant Region Details and Evidence
- Validation Information
- Clinical Assertions
- Genotype Information
Genome View
Select assembly:Overlapping variant regions from other studies: 3915 SVs from 93 studies. See in: genome view
Overlapping variant regions from other studies: 3922 SVs from 93 studies. See in: genome view
Variant Region Placement Information
Variant Region ID | Placement Type | Score | Assembly | Assembly Unit | Reciprocity | Sequence ID | Chr | Inner Start | Inner Stop |
nsv7098417 | Remapped | Good | GRCh38.p12 | Primary Assembly | First Pass | NC_000023.11 | ChrX | 46,758,685 | 48,691,162 |
nsv7098417 | Submitted genomic | GRCh37 (hg19) | Primary Assembly | NC_000023.10 | ChrX | 46,618,120 | 48,549,553 |
Variant Call Information
Variant Call ID | Type | Method | Analysis | Subject Phenotype | Clinical Interpretation | Source of Interpretation | ClinVar ID |
nssv18787299 | deletion | Multiple | Multiple | not provided | Pathogenic | ClinVar | RCV003122288.1, VCV002422978.3 |
nssv18789087 | deletion | Multiple | Multiple | Hereditary thrombocytopenia with normal platelets; NEUTROPENIA, SEVERE CONGENITAL, X-LINKED; SCNX; See individual phenotypes in OMIM allelic variants; Severe congenital neutropenia X-linked; THROMBOCYTOPENIA 1; THC1; Thrombocytopenia, X-linked; WAS-Related Disorders; WISKOTT-ALDRICH SYNDROME; WAS; Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; X-linked severe congenital neutropenia | Pathogenic | ClinVar | RCV003111118.2, VCV002422978.3 |
Variant Call Placement Information
Variant Call ID | Placement Type | Score | HGVS | Assembly | Reciprocity | Sequence ID | Chr | Inner Start | Inner Stop |
nssv18787299 | Remapped | Good | NC_000023.11:g.(?_ 46758685)_(4869116 2_?)del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000023.11 | ChrX | 46,758,685 | 48,691,162 |
nssv18789087 | Remapped | Good | NC_000023.11:g.(?_ 46758685)_(4869116 2_?)del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000023.11 | ChrX | 46,758,685 | 48,691,162 |
nssv18787299 | Submitted genomic | NC_000023.10:g.(?_ 46618120)_(4854955 3_?)del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000023.10 | ChrX | 46,618,120 | 48,549,553 | ||
nssv18789087 | Submitted genomic | NC_000023.10:g.(?_ 46618120)_(4854955 3_?)del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000023.10 | ChrX | 46,618,120 | 48,549,553 |
No validation data were submitted for this variant
Clinical Assertions
Variant Call ID | HGVS | Type | Allele Origin | Subject Phenotype | Clinical Interpretation | Source of Interpretation | ClinVar ID |
nssv18787299 | GRCh37: NC_000023.10:g.(?_46618120)_(48549553_?)del | deletion | germline | not provided | Pathogenic | ClinVar | RCV003122288.1, VCV002422978.3 |
nssv18789087 | GRCh37: NC_000023.10:g.(?_46618120)_(48549553_?)del | deletion | germline | Hereditary thrombocytopenia with normal platelets; NEUTROPENIA, SEVERE CONGENITAL, X-LINKED; SCNX; See individual phenotypes in OMIM allelic variants; Severe congenital neutropenia X-linked; THROMBOCYTOPENIA 1; THC1; Thrombocytopenia, X-linked; WAS-Related Disorders; WISKOTT-ALDRICH SYNDROME; WAS; Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; X-linked severe congenital neutropenia | Pathogenic | ClinVar | RCV003111118.2, VCV002422978.3 |