- Organism: Homo sapiens
- Study:estd199 (1000 Genomes Consortium Phase 1)
- Variant Type:copy number variation
- Method Type:Sequencing
- Submitted on:GRCh37 (hg19)
- Variant Calls:26
- Validation:Yes
- Clinical Assertions: No
- Region Size:8,248
- Publication(s):1000 Genomes Project Consortium et al. 2012
Source: NCBI
- Genome View
- Variant Region Details and Evidence
- Validation Information
- Clinical Assertions
- Genotype Information
Genome View
Select assembly:Overlapping variant regions from other studies: 263 SVs from 56 studies. See in: genome view
Overlapping variant regions from other studies: 263 SVs from 56 studies. See in: genome view
Variant Region Placement Information
Variant Region ID | Placement Type | Score | Assembly | Assembly Unit | Reciprocity | Sequence ID | Chr | Outer Start | Inner Start | Inner Stop | Outer Stop |
esv2678804 | Remapped | Perfect | GRCh38.p12 | Primary Assembly | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
esv2678804 | Submitted genomic | GRCh37 (hg19) | Primary Assembly | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 |
Variant Call Information
Variant Call ID | Type | Sample ID | Method | Analysis | Other Calls in this Sample and Study |
essv5412779 | deletion | SAMN00001294 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 761 |
essv5426727 | deletion | SAMN00001263 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 864 |
essv5469402 | deletion | SAMN00001314 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 746 |
essv5486944 | deletion | SAMN00001273 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 1,007 |
essv5519190 | deletion | SAMN00001313 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 847 |
essv5556611 | deletion | SAMN00001320 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 842 |
essv5578968 | deletion | SAMN00001277 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 830 |
essv5609631 | deletion | SAMN00001279 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 811 |
essv5657730 | deletion | SAMN00001251 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 740 |
essv5745525 | deletion | SAMN00001257 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 796 |
essv5759454 | deletion | SAMN00001249 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 848 |
essv5771445 | deletion | SAMN00001239 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 879 |
essv5860148 | deletion | SAMN00001266 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 829 |
essv5921041 | deletion | SAMN00001297 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 725 |
essv6055315 | deletion | SAMN00001278 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 870 |
essv6075724 | deletion | SAMN00001247 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 1,015 |
essv6077699 | deletion | SAMN00001264 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 884 |
essv6077784 | deletion | SAMN00001261 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 968 |
essv6096207 | deletion | SAMN00001235 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 869 |
essv6142277 | deletion | SAMN00001269 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 881 |
essv6265772 | deletion | SAMN00001303 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 751 |
essv6463820 | deletion | SAMN00001246 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 935 |
essv6467913 | deletion | SAMN00001225 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 748 |
essv6514949 | deletion | SAMN00001250 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 802 |
essv6526208 | deletion | SAMN00001224 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 891 |
essv6595412 | deletion | SAMN00001255 | Sequencing | Paired-end mapping, Read depth, Read depth and paired-end mapping, Split read mapping | 876 |
Variant Call Placement Information
Variant Call ID | Placement Type | Score | HGVS | Assembly | Reciprocity | Sequence ID | Chr | Outer Start | Inner Start | Inner Stop | Outer Stop |
essv5412779 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5426727 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5469402 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5486944 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5519190 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5556611 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5578968 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5609631 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5657730 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5745525 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5759454 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5771445 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5860148 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5921041 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6055315 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6075724 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6077699 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6077784 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6096207 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6142277 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6265772 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6463820 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6467913 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6514949 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6526208 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv6595412 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000012.12:g.(99 399667_99400038)_( 99407544_99407914) del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000012.12 | Chr12 | 99,399,667 | 99,400,038 | 99,407,544 | 99,407,914 |
essv5412779 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5426727 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5469402 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5486944 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5519190 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5556611 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5578968 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5609631 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5657730 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5745525 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5759454 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5771445 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5860148 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv5921041 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6055315 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6075724 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6077699 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6077784 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6096207 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6142277 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6265772 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6463820 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6467913 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6514949 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6526208 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 | ||
essv6595412 | Submitted genomic | NC_000012.11:g.(99 793445_99793816)_( 99801322_99801692) del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000012.11 | Chr12 | 99,793,445 | 99,793,816 | 99,801,322 | 99,801,692 |
Validation Information
Variant Call ID | Experiment ID | Sample ID | Method | Analysis | Result |
essv6526208 | 7 | SAMN00001224 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv6467913 | 7 | SAMN00001225 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv6096207 | 7 | SAMN00001235 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5771445 | 7 | SAMN00001239 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv6463820 | 7 | SAMN00001246 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv6075724 | 7 | SAMN00001247 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5759454 | 7 | SAMN00001249 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv6514949 | 7 | SAMN00001250 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5657730 | 7 | SAMN00001251 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv6595412 | 7 | SAMN00001255 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5745525 | 7 | SAMN00001257 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv6077784 | 7 | SAMN00001261 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5426727 | 7 | SAMN00001263 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv6077699 | 7 | SAMN00001264 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5860148 | 7 | SAMN00001266 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv6142277 | 7 | SAMN00001269 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5486944 | 7 | SAMN00001273 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5578968 | 7 | SAMN00001277 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv6055315 | 7 | SAMN00001278 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5609631 | 7 | SAMN00001279 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5412779 | 7 | SAMN00001294 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5921041 | 7 | SAMN00001297 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv6265772 | 7 | SAMN00001303 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5519190 | 7 | SAMN00001313 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5469402 | 7 | SAMN00001314 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |
essv5556611 | 7 | SAMN00001320 | SNP array | Probe signal intensity | Pass |