Get Alphainfluenza virus genome metadata
Retrieve Alphainfluenza virus metadata by accession or taxonomic name
Get Alphainfluenza virus genome metadata
Retrieve Alphainfluenza virus metadata by accession or taxonomic name
Get virus primary metadata by taxon
Get Alphainfluenza virus genome metadata released after 05/01/2024 using the organism name or NCBI Taxonomy ID.
datasets summary virus genome taxon "alphainfluenzavirus influenzae" --released-after 05/01/2024
Get virus primary metadata by accession.
For virus genomes, use Genbank nucleotide accessions instead of genome assembly accessions (which start with GCA or GCF).
datasets summary virus genome accession PP756108.1
Create a tsv output of virus primary metadata using dataformat
datasets summary virus genome taxon 2955291 \
--released-after 05/01/2024 \
--as-json-lines | dataformat tsv virus-genome \
--fields accession,geo-location,host-name,virus-name
Accession Geographic Location Host Name Virus Name
PP758172.1 Chile Larus belcheri Influenza A virus
PP758171.1 Chile Larus belcheri Influenza A virus
PP758170.1 Chile Larus belcheri Influenza A virus
PP758169.1 Chile Larus belcheri Influenza A virus
PP758168.1 Chile Larus belcheri Influenza A virus
PP758167.1 Chile Larus belcheri Influenza A virus
PP758166.1 Chile Larus belcheri Influenza A virus
PP758147.1 Chile Larus belcheri Influenza A virus
PP758146.1 Chile Larus belcheri Influenza A virus
PP758145.1 Chile Larus belcheri Influenza A virus