ClinVar Genomic variation as it relates to human health
NM_001037132.4(NRCAM):c.2557C>T (p.Arg853Cys)
The aggregate germline classification for this variant, typically for a monogenic or Mendelian disorder as in the ACMG/AMP guidelines, or for response to a drug. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from submitters. Read our rules for calculating the aggregate classification.
Stars represent the aggregate review status, or the level of review supporting the aggregate germline classification for this VCV record. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from submitters. Read our rules for calculating the review status. The number of submissions which contribute to this review status is shown in parentheses.
No data submitted for somatic clinical impact
No data submitted for oncogenicity
Variant Details
- Identifiers
NM_001037132.4(NRCAM):c.2557C>T (p.Arg853Cys)
Variation ID: 1329987 Accession: VCV001329987.3
- Type and length
single nucleotide variant, 1 bp
- Location
Cytogenetic: 7q31.1 7: 108181911 (GRCh38) [ NCBI UCSC ] 7: 107822355 (GRCh37) [ NCBI UCSC ]
- Timeline in ClinVar
First in ClinVar Help The date this variant first appeared in ClinVar with each type of classification.
Last submission Help The date of the most recent submission for each type of classification for this variant.
Last evaluated Help The most recent date that a submitter evaluated this variant for each type of classification.
Germline Feb 10, 2022 May 1, 2024 Feb 27, 2023 - HGVS
Nucleotide Protein Molecular
consequenceNM_001037132.4:c.2557C>T MANE Select Help Transcripts from the Matched Annotation from the NCBI and EMBL-EBI (MANE) collaboration.
NP_001032209.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001193582.2:c.2557C>T NP_001180511.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001193583.2:c.2500C>T NP_001180512.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001193584.2:c.2500C>T NP_001180513.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371119.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358048.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371122.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358051.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371123.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358052.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371124.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358053.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371125.1:c.2212C>T NP_001358054.1:p.Arg738Cys missense NM_001371126.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358055.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371127.1:c.2554C>T NP_001358056.1:p.Arg852Cys missense NM_001371128.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358057.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371129.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358058.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371130.1:c.2509C>T NP_001358059.1:p.Arg837Cys missense NM_001371131.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358060.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371132.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358061.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371133.1:c.2509C>T NP_001358062.1:p.Arg837Cys missense NM_001371134.1:c.2506C>T NP_001358063.1:p.Arg836Cys missense NM_001371135.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358064.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371136.1:c.2509C>T NP_001358065.1:p.Arg837Cys missense NM_001371137.1:c.1600C>T NP_001358066.1:p.Arg534Cys missense NM_001371138.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358067.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371139.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358068.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371140.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358069.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371141.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358070.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371142.1:c.2212C>T NP_001358071.1:p.Arg738Cys missense NM_001371143.1:c.2212C>T NP_001358072.1:p.Arg738Cys missense NM_001371144.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358073.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371145.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358074.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371146.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358075.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371147.1:c.2212C>T NP_001358076.1:p.Arg738Cys missense NM_001371148.1:c.2239C>T NP_001358077.1:p.Arg747Cys missense NM_001371149.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358078.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371150.1:c.2527C>T NP_001358079.1:p.Arg843Cys missense NM_001371151.1:c.2509C>T NP_001358080.1:p.Arg837Cys missense NM_001371152.1:c.2509C>T NP_001358081.1:p.Arg837Cys missense NM_001371153.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358082.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371154.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358083.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371155.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358084.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371156.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358085.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371157.1:c.2509C>T NP_001358086.1:p.Arg837Cys missense NM_001371158.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358087.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371159.1:c.2527C>T NP_001358088.1:p.Arg843Cys missense NM_001371160.1:c.2539C>T NP_001358089.1:p.Arg847Cys missense NM_001371161.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358090.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371162.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358091.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371163.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358092.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371164.1:c.2212C>T NP_001358093.1:p.Arg738Cys missense NM_001371165.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358094.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371166.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358095.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371167.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358096.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371168.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358097.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371169.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358098.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371170.1:c.2239C>T NP_001358099.1:p.Arg747Cys missense NM_001371171.1:c.2509C>T NP_001358100.1:p.Arg837Cys missense NM_001371172.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358101.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371173.1:c.2557C>T NP_001358102.1:p.Arg853Cys missense NM_001371174.1:c.2527C>T NP_001358103.1:p.Arg843Cys missense NM_001371175.1:c.2509C>T NP_001358104.1:p.Arg837Cys missense NM_001371176.1:c.2509C>T NP_001358105.1:p.Arg837Cys missense NM_001371177.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358106.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371178.1:c.2509C>T NP_001358107.1:p.Arg837Cys missense NM_001371179.1:c.2239C>T NP_001358108.1:p.Arg747Cys missense NM_001371180.1:c.2239C>T NP_001358109.1:p.Arg747Cys missense NM_001371181.1:c.2500C>T NP_001358110.1:p.Arg834Cys missense NM_001371182.1:c.2452C>T NP_001358111.1:p.Arg818Cys missense NM_005010.5:c.2509C>T NP_005001.3:p.Arg837Cys missense NR_163867.1:n.3025C>T non-coding transcript variant NR_163868.1:n.3025C>T non-coding transcript variant NR_163869.1:n.3025C>T non-coding transcript variant NR_163870.1:n.3106C>T non-coding transcript variant NR_163871.1:n.3104C>T non-coding transcript variant NC_000007.14:g.108181911G>A NC_000007.13:g.107822355G>A NG_029898.2:g.279807C>T - Protein change
- R534C, R738C, R747C, R818C, R834C, R836C, R837C, R843C, R847C, R852C, R853C
- Other names
- -
- Canonical SPDI
- NC_000007.14:108181910:G:A
consequence HelpThe effect of the variant on RNA or protein function, based on experimental evidence from submitters.
- -
Global minor allele
frequency (GMAF) HelpThe global minor allele frequency calculated by the 1000 Genomes Project. The minor allele at this location is indicated in parentheses and may be different from the allele represented by this VCV record.
0.00020 (A)
Allele frequency
The frequency of the allele represented by this VCV record.
1000 Genomes Project 30x 0.00016
1000 Genomes Project 0.00020
Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC) 0.00022
The Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD), exomes 0.00022
The Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) 0.00031
Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) 0.00032
NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) Exome Variant Server 0.00038
- Links
Gene | OMIM | ClinGen Gene Dosage Sensitivity Curation |
Variation Viewer
Links to Variation Viewer, a genome browser to view variation data from NCBI databases. |
Related variants | ||
HI score
The haploinsufficiency score for the gene, curated by ClinGen’s Dosage Sensitivity Curation task team. |
TS score
The triplosensitivity score for the gene, curated by ClinGen’s Dosage Sensitivity Curation task team. |
Within gene
The number of variants in ClinVar that are contained within this gene, with a link to view the list of variants. |
The number of variants in ClinVar for this gene, including smaller variants within the gene and larger CNVs that overlap or fully contain the gene. |
NRCAM | - | - |
GRCh38 GRCh37 |
122 | 147 |
Conditions - Germline
The condition for this variant-condition (RCV) record in ClinVar. |
The aggregate germline classification for this variant-condition (RCV) record in ClinVar. The number of submissions that contribute to this aggregate classification is shown in parentheses. (# of submissions) |
Review status
The aggregate review status for this variant-condition (RCV) record in ClinVar. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from submitters. Read our rules for calculating the review status. |
Last evaluated
The most recent date that a submitter evaluated this variant for the condition. |
Variation/condition record
The RCV accession number, with most recent version number, for the variant-condition record, with a link to the RCV web page. |
NRCAM-related disorder
Pathogenic (1) |
no assertion criteria provided
Dec 28, 2021 | RCV001824188.1 |
Uncertain significance (1) |
criteria provided, single submitter
Feb 27, 2023 | RCV003163938.2 |
Submissions - Germline
The submitted germline classification for each SCV record. (Last evaluated) |
Review status
Stars represent the review status, or the level of review supporting the submitted (SCV) record. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from the submitter. Read our rules for calculating the review status. This column also includes a link to the submitter’s assertion criteria if provided, and the collection method. (Assertion criteria) |
The condition for the classification, provided by the submitter for this submitted (SCV) record. This column also includes the affected status and allele origin of individuals observed with this variant. |
The submitting organization for this submitted (SCV) record. This column also includes the SCV accession and version number, the date this SCV first appeared in ClinVar, and the date that this SCV was last updated in ClinVar. |
More information
This column includes more information supporting the classification, including citations, the comment on classification, and detailed evidence provided as observations of the variant by the submitter. |
Uncertain significance
(Feb 27, 2023)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Inborn genetic diseases
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Ambry Genetics
Accession: SCV003863048.2
First in ClinVar: Apr 15, 2023 Last updated: May 01, 2024 |
The c.2557C>T (p.R853C) alteration is located in exon 21 (coding exon 21) of the NRCAM gene. This alteration results from a C to T substitution … (more)
The c.2557C>T (p.R853C) alteration is located in exon 21 (coding exon 21) of the NRCAM gene. This alteration results from a C to T substitution at nucleotide position 2557, causing the arginine (R) at amino acid position 853 to be replaced by a cysteine (C). Based on data from gnomAD, the T allele has an overall frequency of 0.023% (66/282608) total alleles studied. The highest observed frequency was 0.096% (10/10364) of Ashkenazi Jewish alleles. This variant has been reported to be compound heterozygous with c.2705A>C (p.Lys902Thr) in an individual with global developmental delay, behavioral issues, hypotonia, and ataxia (Kurolap, 2022). This amino acid position is poorly conserved in available vertebrate species. This alteration is predicted to be tolerated by in silico analysis. Based on insufficient or conflicting evidence, the clinical significance of this alteration remains unclear. (less)
(Dec 28, 2021)
no assertion criteria provided
Method: research
NRCAM-related disorder
Affected status: yes
Allele origin:
Genetics Institute, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
Accession: SCV002044489.1
First in ClinVar: Feb 10, 2022 Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 |
Germline Functional Evidence
There is no functional evidence in ClinVar for this variation. If you have generated functional data for this variation, please consider submitting that data to ClinVar. |
Citations for germline classification of this variant
HelpTitle | Author | Journal | Year | Link |
Bi-allelic variants in neuronal cell adhesion molecule cause a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by developmental delay, hypotonia, neuropathy/spasticity. | Kurolap A | American journal of human genetics | 2022 | PMID: 35108495 |
Text-mined citations for rs150373689 ...
HelpRecord last updated May 12, 2024
This date represents the last time this VCV record was updated. The update may be due to an update to one of the included submitted records (SCVs), or due to an update that ClinVar made to the variant such as adding HGVS expressions or a rs number. So this date may be different from the date of the “most recent submission” reported at the top of this page.