| | | Microsatellite (intron variant) | not provided | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not specified | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not specified +1 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not provided +1 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (V81M) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided +1 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (G79R) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy +3 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (A76P) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy +1 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (E70V) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided +1 more | |
| | LOC129997381, EPM2A +1 more (E70Q) | Single nucleotide variant (5 prime UTR variant +2 more) | not provided +3 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (E65K) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy +1 more | |
| | LOC129997381, EPM2A +1 more (V64M) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | not specified +2 more | |
| | LOC129997381, EPM2A +1 more (E56*) | Single nucleotide variant (nonsense +2 more) | Myoclonic epilepsy of Lafora 1 +1 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (Q55*) | Single nucleotide variant (nonsense +2 more) | not provided +2 more | GPathogenic/Likely pathogenic |
| | LOC129997381, EPM2A +1 more (Q55K) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy +3 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | not specified +1 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (A53T) | Indel (missense variant +2 more) | not specified | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | not specified +4 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (A53T) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | Inborn genetic diseases +2 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (A51D) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | not specified | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (G50E) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided +1 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (G50R) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy +3 more | |
| | EPM2A-DT, LOC129997381 +1 more (G48D) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided +3 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (A46T) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided +4 more | |
| | EPM2A-DT, LOC129997381 +1 more (A46P) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided +4 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | Inborn genetic diseases +3 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | LOC129997381, EPM2A +1 more (R41M) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided | |
| | | Deletion (nonsense +2 more) | not provided +1 more | GPathogenic/Likely pathogenic |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy +1 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (P34A) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy +2 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (W32G) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy +1 more | GPathogenic/Likely pathogenic |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (G30R) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (R26L) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided +2 more | |
| | EPM2A-DT, LOC129997381 +1 more | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | not specified | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | not specified | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (G15D) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | not specified +4 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant +2 more) | Progressive myoclonic epilepsy +1 more | |
| | EPM2A, EPM2A-DT +1 more (R2C) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant +2 more) | not provided +1 more | |
| | EPM2A-DT, LOC129997381 +1 more | Single nucleotide variant (5 prime UTR variant +1 more) | not specified | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (5 prime UTR variant +1 more) | not specified | |
| | EPM2A-DT, LOC129997381 +1 more | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not specified | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not specified | |
| | LOC129997381, EPM2A +1 more | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not provided | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not provided | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (intron variant) | not provided | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant | not provided | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant | not provided | |
| | | Deletion | not provided | |