| | ARID1B, LOC115308161 (H179N) | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not provided +1 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Microsatellite (inframe_insertion +1 more) | not provided +3 more | |
| | ARID1B, LOC115308161 (Q214del) | Microsatellite (inframe_deletion +1 more) | Inborn genetic diseases +2 more | |
| | | Microsatellite (inframe_deletion) | not provided +3 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Inborn genetic diseases +2 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | not provided +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (nonsense +1 more) | Inborn genetic diseases +1 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | not provided +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (nonsense) | ARID1B-related BAFopathy +3 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (nonsense) | ARID1B-related BAFopathy +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | not provided +3 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Coffin-Siris syndrome 1 +2 more | GConflicting classifications of pathogenicity |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (synonymous variant) | Coffin-Siris syndrome 1 +2 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Coffin-Siris syndrome 1 +3 more | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Coffin-Siris syndrome 1 | |
| | | Single nucleotide variant (missense variant) | Coffin-Siris syndrome 1 +1 more | |