ClinVar Genomic variation as it relates to human health
NM_020975.6(RET):c.2370G>T (p.Leu790Phe)
The aggregate germline classification for this variant, typically for a monogenic or Mendelian disorder as in the ACMG/AMP guidelines, or for response to a drug. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from submitters. Read our rules for calculating the aggregate classification.
Stars represent the aggregate review status, or the level of review supporting the aggregate germline classification for this VCV record. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from submitters. Read our rules for calculating the review status. The number of submissions which contribute to this review status is shown in parentheses.
No data submitted for somatic clinical impact
No data submitted for oncogenicity
Variant Details
- Identifiers
NM_020975.6(RET):c.2370G>T (p.Leu790Phe)
Variation ID: 38612 Accession: VCV000038612.61
- Type and length
single nucleotide variant, 1 bp
- Location
Cytogenetic: 10q11.21 10: 43118458 (GRCh38) [ NCBI UCSC ] 10: 43613906 (GRCh37) [ NCBI UCSC ]
- Timeline in ClinVar
First in ClinVar Help The date this variant first appeared in ClinVar with each type of classification.
Last submission Help The date of the most recent submission for each type of classification for this variant.
Last evaluated Help The most recent date that a submitter evaluated this variant for each type of classification.
Germline Dec 19, 2017 Oct 20, 2024 Jul 31, 2024 - HGVS
Nucleotide Protein Molecular
consequenceNM_020975.6:c.2370G>T MANE Select Help Transcripts from the Matched Annotation from the NCBI and EMBL-EBI (MANE) collaboration.
NP_066124.1:p.Leu790Phe missense NM_000323.2:c.2370G>T NP_000314.1:p.Leu790Phe missense NM_001355216.2:c.1608G>T NP_001342145.1:p.Leu536Phe missense NM_001406743.1:c.2370G>T NP_001393672.1:p.Leu790Phe missense NM_001406744.1:c.2370G>T NP_001393673.1:p.Leu790Phe missense NM_001406759.1:c.2370G>T NP_001393688.1:p.Leu790Phe missense NM_001406760.1:c.2370G>T NP_001393689.1:p.Leu790Phe missense NM_001406761.1:c.2241G>T NP_001393690.1:p.Leu747Phe missense NM_001406762.1:c.2241G>T NP_001393691.1:p.Leu747Phe missense NM_001406763.1:c.2235G>T NP_001393692.1:p.Leu745Phe missense NM_001406764.1:c.2241G>T NP_001393693.1:p.Leu747Phe missense NM_001406765.1:c.2235G>T NP_001393694.1:p.Leu745Phe missense NM_001406766.1:c.2082G>T NP_001393695.1:p.Leu694Phe missense NM_001406767.1:c.2082G>T NP_001393696.1:p.Leu694Phe missense NM_001406768.1:c.2106G>T NP_001393697.1:p.Leu702Phe missense NM_001406769.1:c.1974G>T NP_001393698.1:p.Leu658Phe missense NM_001406770.1:c.2082G>T NP_001393699.1:p.Leu694Phe missense NM_001406771.1:c.1932G>T NP_001393700.1:p.Leu644Phe missense NM_001406772.1:c.1974G>T NP_001393701.1:p.Leu658Phe missense NM_001406773.1:c.1932G>T NP_001393702.1:p.Leu644Phe missense NM_001406774.1:c.1845G>T NP_001393703.1:p.Leu615Phe missense NM_001406775.1:c.1644G>T NP_001393704.1:p.Leu548Phe missense NM_001406776.1:c.1644G>T NP_001393705.1:p.Leu548Phe missense NM_001406777.1:c.1644G>T NP_001393706.1:p.Leu548Phe missense NM_001406778.1:c.1644G>T NP_001393707.1:p.Leu548Phe missense NM_001406779.1:c.1473G>T NP_001393708.1:p.Leu491Phe missense NM_001406780.1:c.1473G>T NP_001393709.1:p.Leu491Phe missense NM_001406781.1:c.1473G>T NP_001393710.1:p.Leu491Phe missense NM_001406782.1:c.1473G>T NP_001393711.1:p.Leu491Phe missense NM_001406783.1:c.1344G>T NP_001393712.1:p.Leu448Phe missense NM_001406784.1:c.1380G>T NP_001393713.1:p.Leu460Phe missense NM_001406785.1:c.1353G>T NP_001393714.1:p.Leu451Phe missense NM_001406786.1:c.1344G>T NP_001393715.1:p.Leu448Phe missense NM_001406787.1:c.1338G>T NP_001393716.1:p.Leu446Phe missense NM_001406788.1:c.1185G>T NP_001393717.1:p.Leu395Phe missense NM_001406789.1:c.1185G>T NP_001393718.1:p.Leu395Phe missense NM_001406790.1:c.1185G>T NP_001393719.1:p.Leu395Phe missense NM_001406791.1:c.1065G>T NP_001393720.1:p.Leu355Phe missense NM_001406792.1:c.921G>T NP_001393721.1:p.Leu307Phe missense NM_001406793.1:c.921G>T NP_001393722.1:p.Leu307Phe missense NM_001406794.1:c.921G>T NP_001393723.1:p.Leu307Phe missense NM_020629.2:c.2370G>T NP_065680.1:p.Leu790Phe missense NM_020630.7:c.2370G>T NP_065681.1:p.Leu790Phe missense NM_020975.5:c.2370G>T NC_000010.11:g.43118458G>T NC_000010.10:g.43613906G>T NG_007489.1:g.46390G>T LRG_518:g.46390G>T LRG_518t1:c.2370G>T LRG_518p1:p.Leu790Phe LRG_518t2:c.2370G>T LRG_518p2:p.Leu790Phe P07949:p.Leu790Phe - Protein change
- L790F, L536F, L395F, L491F, L745F, L747F, L446F, L615F, L355F, L448F, L460F, L548F, L644F, L658F, L702F, L307F, L451F, L694F
- Other names
- -
- Canonical SPDI
- NC_000010.11:43118457:G:T
consequence HelpThe effect of the variant on RNA or protein function, based on experimental evidence from submitters.
- -
Global minor allele
frequency (GMAF) HelpThe global minor allele frequency calculated by the 1000 Genomes Project. The minor allele at this location is indicated in parentheses and may be different from the allele represented by this VCV record.
0.00020 (T)
Allele frequency
The frequency of the allele represented by this VCV record.
1000 Genomes Project 0.00020
1000 Genomes Project 30x 0.00031
The Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD) 0.00001
- Links
Gene | OMIM | ClinGen Gene Dosage Sensitivity Curation |
Variation Viewer
Links to Variation Viewer, a genome browser to view variation data from NCBI databases. |
Related variants | ||
HI score
The haploinsufficiency score for the gene, curated by ClinGen’s Dosage Sensitivity Curation task team. |
TS score
The triplosensitivity score for the gene, curated by ClinGen’s Dosage Sensitivity Curation task team. |
Within gene
The number of variants in ClinVar that are contained within this gene, with a link to view the list of variants. |
The number of variants in ClinVar for this gene, including smaller variants within the gene and larger CNVs that overlap or fully contain the gene. |
RET | Sufficient evidence for dosage pathogenicity | No evidence available |
GRCh38 GRCh37 |
3598 | 3720 |
Conditions - Germline
The condition for this variant-condition (RCV) record in ClinVar. |
The aggregate germline classification for this variant-condition (RCV) record in ClinVar. The number of submissions that contribute to this aggregate classification is shown in parentheses. (# of submissions) |
Review status
The aggregate review status for this variant-condition (RCV) record in ClinVar. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from submitters. Read our rules for calculating the review status. |
Last evaluated
The most recent date that a submitter evaluated this variant for the condition. |
Variation/condition record
The RCV accession number, with most recent version number, for the variant-condition record, with a link to the RCV web page. |
Pathogenic (1) |
criteria provided, single submitter
Jun 20, 2024 | RCV000163610.15 | |
Pathogenic (11) |
criteria provided, multiple submitters, no conflicts
Jul 31, 2024 | RCV000339507.46 | |
Pathogenic (3) |
criteria provided, multiple submitters, no conflicts
Jan 31, 2024 | RCV000539138.21 | |
Pathogenic (5) |
criteria provided, multiple submitters, no conflicts
Jan 5, 2024 | RCV000709758.19 | |
Pathogenic (3) |
criteria provided, multiple submitters, no conflicts
Mar 2, 2022 | RCV000984325.10 | |
Pathogenic (1) |
criteria provided, single submitter
Feb 14, 2024 | RCV003466882.2 | |
not provided (1) |
no classification provided
- | RCV003483444.1 |
Submissions - Germline
The submitted germline classification for each SCV record. (Last evaluated) |
Review status
Stars represent the review status, or the level of review supporting the submitted (SCV) record. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from the submitter. Read our rules for calculating the review status. This column also includes a link to the submitter’s assertion criteria if provided, and the collection method. (Assertion criteria) |
The condition for the classification, provided by the submitter for this submitted (SCV) record. This column also includes the affected status and allele origin of individuals observed with this variant. |
The submitting organization for this submitted (SCV) record. This column also includes the SCV accession and version number, the date this SCV first appeared in ClinVar, and the date that this SCV was last updated in ClinVar. |
More information
This column includes more information supporting the classification, including citations, the comment on classification, and detailed evidence provided as observations of the variant by the submitter. |
(Nov 03, 2021)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
not provided
Affected status: not provided
Allele origin:
Institute for Clinical Genetics, University Hospital TU Dresden, University Hospital TU Dresden
Accession: SCV002011452.3
First in ClinVar: Nov 06, 2021 Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 |
(May 09, 2013)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
not provided
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute San Juan Capistrano
Accession: SCV002774395.2
First in ClinVar: Dec 31, 2022 Last updated: Jan 06, 2024 |
In the published literature, it has been reported in multiple individuals with Familial Medullary Thyroid Cancer (FMTC) or MEN 2A (PMID: 9506724 (1998), 12409662 (2002), … (more)
In the published literature, it has been reported in multiple individuals with Familial Medullary Thyroid Cancer (FMTC) or MEN 2A (PMID: 9506724 (1998), 12409662 (2002), 18062802 (2008), 18248648 (2008), 21688339 (2012), 23756355 (2013), 26254625 (2016)). This variant is described by the American Thyroid Association (ATA) as associated with moderate risk of aggressive MTC (PMID: 25810047 (2015)). Based on the available information, the variant is classified as pathogenic. (less)
(Jul 01, 2024)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
not provided
Affected status: yes
Allele origin:
CeGaT Center for Human Genetics Tuebingen
Accession: SCV001961204.20
First in ClinVar: Oct 08, 2021 Last updated: Oct 20, 2024 |
RET: PP1:Strong, PS1, PM1, PM2, PS4:Moderate
Number of individuals with the variant: 3
(Jul 20, 2022)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A
Affected status: yes
Allele origin:
MGZ Medical Genetics Center
Accession: SCV002580980.1
First in ClinVar: Oct 15, 2022 Last updated: Oct 15, 2022
ACMG criteria applied: PS1, PP1_STR, PS4_MOD, PM2_SUP, PP3
Number of individuals with the variant: 6
Sex: male
(Mar 02, 2022)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Not Provided
Affected status: yes
Allele origin:
Accession: SCV000329491.8
First in ClinVar: Dec 06, 2016 Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 |
Not observed at a significant frequency in large population cohorts (gnomAD); In silico analysis supports that this missense variant has a deleterious effect on protein … (more)
Not observed at a significant frequency in large population cohorts (gnomAD); In silico analysis supports that this missense variant has a deleterious effect on protein structure/function; This variant is associated with the following publications: (PMID: 9506724, 26868437, 29175871, 21810974, 23756355, 22403753, 12193298, 12409662, 18062802, 12490841, 21688339, 9167962, 22965292, 26254625, 24699901, 27379493, 21626080, 26678667, 27809725, 28018431, 28609830, 28698976, 29378779, 29341155, 29590403, 30355600, 30877234, 31510104, 30787465, 31447099, 15455293, 34426522, 33087929, 14633923) (less)
(Jan 31, 2024)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Labcorp Genetics (formerly Invitae), Labcorp
Accession: SCV000658446.8
First in ClinVar: Dec 26, 2017 Last updated: Feb 20, 2024 |
This sequence change replaces leucine, which is neutral and non-polar, with phenylalanine, which is neutral and non-polar, at codon 790 of the RET protein (p.Leu790Phe). … (more)
This sequence change replaces leucine, which is neutral and non-polar, with phenylalanine, which is neutral and non-polar, at codon 790 of the RET protein (p.Leu790Phe). This variant is present in population databases (rs75030001, gnomAD 0.007%). This missense change has been observed in individual(s) with medullary thyroid carcinoma and/or pheochromocytoma (PMID: 9506724, 12409662, 12490841, 21688339, 22403753, 22965292, 23756355). Notably, the p.Leu790Phe variant is associated with a less aggressive form of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2, with fewer cases of pheochromocytoma compared to other pathogenic RET variants (PMID: 23756355, 21688339, 12490841). It has also been observed to segregate with disease in related individuals. ClinVar contains an entry for this variant (Variation ID: 38612). An algorithm developed to predict the effect of missense changes on protein structure and function (PolyPhen-2) suggests that this variant is likely to be disruptive. Experimental studies have shown that this missense change does not substantially affect RET function (PMID: 21810974). For these reasons, this variant has been classified as Pathogenic. (less)
(Feb 14, 2024)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Hirschsprung disease, susceptibility to, 1
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Baylor Genetics
Accession: SCV004206735.2
First in ClinVar: Dec 30, 2023 Last updated: Jun 17, 2024 |
(Jul 31, 2024)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
not provided
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Center for Genomic Medicine, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital
Accession: SCV005090846.1
First in ClinVar: Aug 04, 2024 Last updated: Aug 04, 2024 |
(Apr 04, 2017)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Human Genome Sequencing Center Clinical Lab, Baylor College of Medicine
Accession: SCV000840057.1
First in ClinVar: Oct 14, 2018 Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 |
The c.2370G>C (p.Leu790Phe) variant has been reported in patients with familial and sporadic medullary thyroid cancer [PMID 9506724, 22965292, 21810974] and pheochromocytoma [PMID 22403753]. Segregation … (more)
The c.2370G>C (p.Leu790Phe) variant has been reported in patients with familial and sporadic medullary thyroid cancer [PMID 9506724, 22965292, 21810974] and pheochromocytoma [PMID 22403753]. Segregation of the variant with medullary thyroid carcinoma was reported in several families [PMID 9506724, 22965292]. Another variant affecting the same amino acid at position 790 (c.2370G>T) and leading to the same amino acid change (p.Leu790Phe) has also been reported in patients with sporadic medullary thyroid cancer and pheochromocytoma [PMID 9506724]. A retrospective study showed that patients carrier for this p.Leu790Phe change have a non-aggressive form or slow evolving multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 [PMID 23756355]. The role of prophylactic thyroidectomy in patients carriers for this p.Leu790Phe variant was also evaluated [PMID 21688339]. Two carriers from this study were over 70 years of age and were asymptomatic. Thus, the authors concluded that, for carriers of this p.Leu790Phe variant, a case-by-case decision instead of systematic prophylactic thyroidectomy should be discussed [PMID 21688339]. This variant was observed in two individuals at the heterozygous state in the ExAC population database ( variant is highly conserved in mammals and while not clinically validated, computer-based algorithms predict this p.Leu790Phe change to be deleterious. This variant is thus classified as pathogenic. This variant is also considered medically actionable [ACMG 59, PMID 27854360]. (less)
(Jan 16, 2018)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: curation
Familial medullary thyroid carcinoma
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Biesecker Lab/Clinical Genomics Section, National Institutes of Health
Study: CSER_ClinSeq
Accession: SCV001132523.1 First in ClinVar: Dec 23, 2019 Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 |
Secondary finding: yes
(Oct 11, 2017)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
not provided
Affected status: yes
Allele origin:
Clinical Genetics and Genomics, Karolinska University Hospital
Accession: SCV001449992.1
First in ClinVar: Dec 10, 2020 Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 |
Number of individuals with the variant: 2
(Mar 02, 2022)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Familial medullary thyroid carcinoma
(Autosomal dominant inheritance)
Affected status: yes
Allele origin:
Pars Genome Lab
Accession: SCV002102514.1
First in ClinVar: Mar 12, 2022 Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 |
We found this variant in a 67-year-old female with Medullary thyroid carcinoma.
Age: 60-69 years
Sex: female
Ethnicity/Population group: Persian
Geographic origin: Iran
(May 01, 2021)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: research
Familial medullary thyroid carcinoma
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Laan Lab, Human Genetics Research Group, University of Tartu
Accession: SCV002538617.1
First in ClinVar: Jun 24, 2022 Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 |
Number of individuals with the variant: 1
Clinical Features:
Non-obstructive azoospermia (present)
Secondary finding: yes
Method: exome sequencing
(May 12, 2023)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Women's Health and Genetics/Laboratory Corporation of America, LabCorp
Accession: SCV003933988.1
First in ClinVar: Jun 24, 2023 Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 |
Variant summary: RET c.2370G>T (p.Leu790Phe) results in a non-conservative amino acid change located in the protein kinase domain (IPR000719) of the encoded protein sequence. Five … (more)
Variant summary: RET c.2370G>T (p.Leu790Phe) results in a non-conservative amino acid change located in the protein kinase domain (IPR000719) of the encoded protein sequence. Five of five in-silico tools predict a damaging effect of the variant on protein function. The variant allele was found at a frequency of 2e-05 in 251550 control chromosomes (gnomAD and Berndt_1998). c.2370G>T has been reported in the literature in multiple individuals affected with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2A/Familial Medullary Thyroid Cancer and has been found to segregate with disease within families (e.g. Berndt_1998, Gimm_2002, Romei_2010, Bihan_2011). These data indicate that the variant is very likely to be associated with disease. Another variant resulting in the same amino acid change, c.2370G>C (p.Leu790Phe) has also been reported in affected individuals (e.g. Gimm_2002), providing additional evidence supporting a pathogenic role. The following publications have been ascertained in the context of this evaluation (PMID: 9506724, 20516206, 21688339, 12490841). Multiple submitters have provided clinical-significance assessments for this variant to ClinVar after 2014 and the majority have classified the variant as pathogenic (n=13), with one submitter classifying it as VUS. Based on the evidence outlined above, the variant was classified as pathogenic. (less)
(Mar 28, 2023)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Not provided
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Mayo Clinic Laboratories, Mayo Clinic
Accession: SCV004226262.1
First in ClinVar: Jan 06, 2024 Last updated: Jan 06, 2024 |
PP1_strong, PP4, PP5, PM2, PS4_moderate
Number of individuals with the variant: 4
(Aug 24, 2023)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Color Diagnostics, LLC DBA Color Health
Accession: SCV004357244.1
First in ClinVar: Feb 14, 2024 Last updated: Feb 14, 2024 |
This missense variant replaces leucine with phenylalanine at codon 790 of the RET protein. Computational prediction suggests that this variant may have deleterious impact on … (more)
This missense variant replaces leucine with phenylalanine at codon 790 of the RET protein. Computational prediction suggests that this variant may have deleterious impact on protein structure and function (internally defined REVEL score threshold >= 0.7, PMID: 27666373). A functional study has reported that this variant protein does not confer significant cell transforming activity in transfected ex vivo cells (PMID: 21810974). This variant has been reported in multiple individuals affected with medullary thyroid cancer (PMID: 9506724, 12409662, 12490841, 18062802, 26254625, 27379493, 32411094, 33827484) and an individual affected with bilateral adrenal pheochromocytoma (PMID: 22403753). This variant is also reported to segregate with medullary thyroid cancer in individuals from over 10 families (PMID: 9506724, 12409662, 33827484). This variant has been described as a low- to moderate-risk variant for medullary thyroid cancer based on the American Thyroid Association stratification (PMID: 23756355, 33167350, 33827484). This variant has been identified in 5/251150 chromosomes in the general population by the Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD). Based on the available evidence, this variant is classified as Pathogenic. (less)
(Aug 31, 2023)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
not provided
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
ARUP Laboratories, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, ARUP Laboratories
Accession: SCV000886053.4
First in ClinVar: Feb 17, 2019 Last updated: Feb 20, 2024 |
The RET c.2370G>T, p.Leu790Phe variant (rs75030001) has been reported in multiple individuals with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), segregates with disease in families with MTC, and … (more)
The RET c.2370G>T, p.Leu790Phe variant (rs75030001) has been reported in multiple individuals with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), segregates with disease in families with MTC, and has also been described in individuals with pheochromocytoma (Berndt 1998, Bihan 2011, Bihan 2013, Fitze 2002, Fussey 2021, Min 2012). This variant is listed as pathogenic in ClinVar (Variation ID: 38612) and is observed in the general population at a low overall frequency of 0.002% (5/251,150 alleles) in the Genome Aggregation Database. The leucine at codon 790 is highly conserved, and computational analyses predict that this variant is deleterious (REVEL: 0.733). Additionally, another variant that results in the same amino acid change (c.2370G>C; p.Leu790Phe) has been reported in individuals affected with MTC (Berndt 1998). Based on available information, the c.2370G>T variant is considered pathogenic. References: Berndt I et al. A new hot spot for mutations in the ret protooncogene causing familial medullary thyroid carcinoma and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A. 1998;J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 83(3):770-4. PMID: 9506724 Bihan H et al. Role of prophylactic thyroidectomy in RET 790 familial medullary thyroid carcinoma. Head Neck. 2012 Apr;34(4):493-8. PMID: 21688339. Bihan H et al. The clinical spectrum of RET proto-oncogene mutations in codon 790. 2013;Eur J Endocrinol. 169(3):271-6. PMID: 23756355. Fitze G et al. Various penetrance of familial medullary thyroid carcinoma in patients with RET protooncogene codon 790/791 germline mutations. Ann Surg. 2002 Nov;236(5):570-5. PMID: 12409662. Fussey JM et al. Diagnostic RET genetic testing in 1,058 index patients: A UK centre perspective. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2021 Aug;95(2):295-302. PMID: 33340421. Min J et al. Bilateral adrenal pheochromocytoma with a germline L790F mutation in the RET oncogene. J Korean Surg Soc. 2012 Mar;82(3):185-9. PMID: 22403753. (less)
(Dec 18, 2023)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 2
(Autosomal dominant inheritance)
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
All of Us Research Program, National Institutes of Health
Accession: SCV004814310.1
First in ClinVar: Apr 20, 2024 Last updated: Apr 20, 2024
This study involves interpretation of variants in research participants for the purpose of population health screening. Participant phenotype was not available at the time of … (more)
This study involves interpretation of variants in research participants for the purpose of population health screening. Participant phenotype was not available at the time of variant classification. Additional details can be found in publication PMID: 35346344, PMCID: PMC8962531 (less)
The c.2370G>C (p.Leu790Phe) variant has been reported in patients with familial and sporadic medullary thyroid cancer [PMID 9506724, 22965292, 21810974] and pheochromocytoma [PMID 22403753]. Segregation … (more)
The c.2370G>C (p.Leu790Phe) variant has been reported in patients with familial and sporadic medullary thyroid cancer [PMID 9506724, 22965292, 21810974] and pheochromocytoma [PMID 22403753]. Segregation of the variant with medullary thyroid carcinoma was reported in several families [PMID 9506724, 22965292]. Another variant affecting the same amino acid at position 790 (c.2370G>T) and leading to the same amino acid change (p.Leu790Phe) has also been reported in patients with sporadic medullary thyroid cancer and pheochromocytoma [PMID 9506724]. A retrospective study showed that patients carrier for this p.Leu790Phe change have a non-aggressive form or slow evolving multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 [PMID 23756355]. The role of prophylactic thyroidectomy in patients carriers for this p.Leu790Phe variant was also evaluated [PMID 21688339]. Two carriers from this study were over 70 years of age and were asymptomatic. Thus, the authors concluded that, for carriers of this p.Leu790Phe variant, a case-by-case decision instead of systematic prophylactic thyroidectomy should be discussed [PMID 21688339]. This variant was observed in two individuals at the heterozygous state in the ExAC population database ( variant is highly conserved in mammals and while not clinically validated, computer-based algorithms predict this p.Leu790Phe change to be deleterious. This variant is thus classified as pathogenic. This variant is also considered medically actionable [ACMG 59, PMID 27854360]. (less)
Number of individuals with the variant: 2
(Jan 05, 2024)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Myriad Genetics, Inc.
Accession: SCV004930748.1
First in ClinVar: May 01, 2024 Last updated: May 01, 2024 |
This variant is considered pathogenic. This variant has been reported in multiple individuals with clinical features of gene-specific disease [PMID: 33827484, 33167350, 12490841, 12409662, 9506724, … (more)
This variant is considered pathogenic. This variant has been reported in multiple individuals with clinical features of gene-specific disease [PMID: 33827484, 33167350, 12490841, 12409662, 9506724, 25810047]. (less)
(Jun 20, 2024)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
Hereditary cancer-predisposing syndrome
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
Ambry Genetics
Accession: SCV000214175.8
First in ClinVar: Mar 24, 2015 Last updated: Aug 11, 2024 |
The p.L790F pathogenic mutation (also known as c.2370G>T), located in coding exon 13 of the RET gene, results from a G to T substitution at … (more)
The p.L790F pathogenic mutation (also known as c.2370G>T), located in coding exon 13 of the RET gene, results from a G to T substitution at nucleotide position 2370. The leucine at codon 790 is replaced by phenylalanine, an amino acid with highly similar properties. This mutation has been described in a German family with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2); the index case and three other affected family members all had medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) and a pheochromocytoma (PCC) and two other affected family members had medullary thyroid cancer only. This mutation was not detected in 200 controls (Berndt I et al. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 1998 Mar;83:770-4). Subsequently, this mutation has been observed in patients with MTC and/or PCC of various ethnic backgrounds, including French, Korean, and Chinese (Min JW et al. J Korean Surg Soc. 2012 Mar;82:185-9; Bihan H et al. Head Neck. 2012 Apr;34:493-8; Qi XP et al. Thyroid. 2012 Dec;22:1257-65; Pirich C et al. Wien. Klin. Wochenschr. 2012 Oct;124:723-4; Innella G et al. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Nov;12:). Family members of two unrelated cases of MTC who underwent presymptomatic testing for this mutation and tested positive elected to undergo prophylactic thyroidectomy and were found to have c-cell hyperplasia at age 9 and age 16 (Fitze G et al. Ann. Surg. 2002 Nov;236:570-5). The American Thyroid Association has designated alterations at this codon occurring without additional RET mutations as moderate risk mutations (Wells SA et al. Thyroid. 2015 Jun;25:567-610). This amino acid position is well conserved in available vertebrate species. In addition, this alteration is predicted to be deleterious by in silico analysis. Based on the supporting evidence, this alteration is pathogenic with moderate risk for MEN2; however, the association of this alteration with Hirschsprung disease is unknown. (less)
(May 22, 2023)
criteria provided, single submitter
Method: clinical testing
not provided
Affected status: yes
Allele origin:
Clinical Genetics Laboratory, Skane University Hospital Lund
Accession: SCV005198057.1
First in ClinVar: Aug 25, 2024 Last updated: Aug 25, 2024 |
no assertion criteria provided
Method: clinical testing
not provided
Affected status: yes
Allele origin:
Genome Diagnostics Laboratory, University Medical Center Utrecht
Additional submitter:
Diagnostic Laboratory, Department of Genetics, University Medical Center Groningen
Study: VKGL Data-share Consensus
Accession: SCV001978162.1 First in ClinVar: Oct 16, 2021 Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 |
no assertion criteria provided
Method: clinical testing
not provided
Affected status: yes
Allele origin:
Joint Genome Diagnostic Labs from Nijmegen and Maastricht, Radboudumc and MUMC+
Additional submitter:
Diagnostic Laboratory, Department of Genetics, University Medical Center Groningen
Study: VKGL Data-share Consensus
Accession: SCV001979403.1 First in ClinVar: Oct 16, 2021 Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 |
(Nov 25, 2020)
no assertion criteria provided
Method: clinical testing
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A
(Autosomal dominant inheritance)
Affected status: yes
Allele origin:
Clinical Genomics Laboratory, Stanford Medicine
Accession: SCV004100822.1
First in ClinVar: Nov 11, 2023 Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 |
The p.Leu790Phe variant in the RET gene has been previously reported in at least 50 individuals with medullary thyroid cancer (Berndt et al., 1998; Brauckhoff … (more)
The p.Leu790Phe variant in the RET gene has been previously reported in at least 50 individuals with medullary thyroid cancer (Berndt et al., 1998; Brauckhoff et al., 2002; Gimm et al., 2002; Bihan et al., 2012; Larsen et al., 2020), as well as in individuals with pheochromocytoma (Berndt et al., 1998; Min et al., 2012), and segregated with disease in several families (Berndt et al., 1998; Bihan et al., 2012). This variant has been classified as a moderate risk allele primarily associated with the FMTC and MEN2A phenotypes (Loveday et al., 2018). This variant has been identified in 5/251,150 chromosomes by the Genome Aggregation Database ( Additionally, a different nucleotide change (c.2370G>C) resulting in an identical amino change has been previously reported. The c.2370G>C (p.Leu790Phe) variant is pathogenic and is expected to result in a similar disruption to protein function as c.2370G>T. Computational tools predict that p.Leu790Phe is deleterious; however, the accuracy of in silico algorithms is limited. These data were assessed using the ACMG/AMP variant interpretation guidelines. In summary, there is sufficient evidence to classify the p.Leu790Phe variant as pathogenic for autosomal dominant multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 based on the information above. [ACMG evidence codes used: PS1; PS4; PM2; PP3] (less)
not provided
no classification provided
Method: phenotyping only
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A
Hirschsprung disease, susceptibility to, 1
Explanation for multiple conditions: Uncertain.
The variant was classified for several related diseases, possibly a spectrum of disease; the variant may be associated with one or more the diseases.
Affected status: unknown
Allele origin:
GenomeConnect - Invitae Patient Insights Network
Accession: SCV004228635.1
First in ClinVar: Jan 26, 2024 Last updated: Jan 26, 2024 |
Variant interpreted as Pathogenic and reported on 11-04-2019 by Lab Invitae. GenomeConnect-Invitae Patient Insights Network assertions are reported exactly as they appear on the patient-provided … (more)
Variant interpreted as Pathogenic and reported on 11-04-2019 by Lab Invitae. GenomeConnect-Invitae Patient Insights Network assertions are reported exactly as they appear on the patient-provided report from the testing laboratory. Registry team members make no attempt to reinterpret the clinical significance of the variant. Phenotypic details are available under supporting information. (less)
Clinical Features:
Family history (present)
Indication for testing: Presymptomatic, Family Testing
Age: 40-49 years
Sex: female
Method: Gene Panel Sequencing
Testing laboratory: Invitae
Date variant was reported to submitter: 2019-11-04
Testing laboratory interpretation: Pathogenic
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Germline Functional Evidence
There is no functional evidence in ClinVar for this variation. If you have generated functional data for this variation, please consider submitting that data to ClinVar. |
Citations for germline classification of this variant
HelpTitle | Author | Journal | Year | Link |
Actionable secondary findings following exome sequencing of 836 non-obstructive azoospermia cases and their value in patient management. | Kasak L | Human reproduction (Oxford, England) | 2022 | PMID: 35535697 |
Spectrum of Germline RET variants identified by targeted sequencing and associated Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 2 susceptibility in China. | Qi XP | BMC cancer | 2021 | PMID: 33827484 |
Diagnostic RET genetic testing in 1,058 index patients: A UK centre perspective. | Fussey JM | Clinical endocrinology | 2021 | PMID: 33340421 |
Results and Clinical Interpretation of Germline RET Analysis in a Series of Patients with Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: The Challenge of the Variants of Uncertain Significance. | Innella G | Cancers | 2020 | PMID: 33167350 |
Variability in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma in RET L790F Carriers: A Case Comparison Study of Index Patients. | Mathiesen JS | Frontiers in endocrinology | 2020 | PMID: 32411094 |
Twenty-Five Years Experience on RET Genetic Screening on Hereditary MTC: An Update on The Prevalence of Germline RET Mutations. | Elisei R | Genes | 2019 | PMID: 31510104 |
Genotype-specific progression of hereditary medullary thyroid cancer. | Machens A | Human mutation | 2018 | PMID: 29656518 |
Detection of Molecular Alterations in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma Using Next-Generation Sequencing: an Institutional Experience. | Wei S | Endocrine pathology | 2016 | PMID: 27379493 |
Screening of RET gene mutations in Chinese patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma and their relatives. | Wang J | Familial cancer | 2016 | PMID: 26254625 |
Identification of Novel Small Molecule Inhibitors of Oncogenic RET Kinase. | Moccia M | PloS one | 2015 | PMID: 26046350 |
Revised American Thyroid Association guidelines for the management of medullary thyroid carcinoma. | Wells SA Jr | Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association | 2015 | PMID: 25810047 |
The clinical spectrum of RET proto-oncogene mutations in codon 790. | Bihan H | European journal of endocrinology | 2013 | PMID: 23756355 |
Ponatinib (AP24534) is a novel potent inhibitor of oncogenic RET mutants associated with thyroid cancer. | De Falco V | The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism | 2013 | PMID: 23526464 |
RET proto-oncogene genetic screening of families with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 optimizes diagnostic and clinical management in China. | Qi XP | Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association | 2012 | PMID: 23210566 |
Failure of pentagastrin-stimulated calcitonin testing in early manifestation of familial medullary thyroid cancer. | Pirich C | Wiener klinische Wochenschrift | 2012 | PMID: 22965292 |
Bilateral adrenal pheochromocytoma with a germline L790F mutation in the RET oncogene. | Min JW | Journal of the Korean Surgical Society | 2012 | PMID: 22403753 |
Role of prophylactic thyroidectomy in RET 790 familial medullary thyroid carcinoma. | Bihan H | Head & neck | 2012 | PMID: 21688339 |
In silico and in vitro analysis of rare germline allelic variants of RET oncogene associated with medullary thyroid cancer. | Cosci B | Endocrine-related cancer | 2011 | PMID: 21810974 |
RET genetic screening of sporadic medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) allows the preclinical diagnosis of unsuspected gene carriers and the identification of a relevant percentage of hidden familial MTC (FMTC). | Romei C | Clinical endocrinology | 2011 | PMID: 21054478 |
Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 syndromes (MEN 2): results from the ItaMEN network analysis on the prevalence of different genotypes and phenotypes. | Romei C | European journal of endocrinology | 2010 | PMID: 20516206 |
Medullary thyroid cancer: management guidelines of the American Thyroid Association. | American Thyroid Association Guidelines Task Force | Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association | 2009 | PMID: 19469690 |
Difference in development of medullary thyroid carcinoma among carriers of RET mutations in codons 790 and 791. | Frank-Raue K | Clinical endocrinology | 2008 | PMID: 18248648 |
Familial prevalence and age of RET germline mutations: implications for screening. | Machens A | Clinical endocrinology | 2008 | PMID: 18062802 |
Long-term outcome in 46 gene carriers of hereditary medullary thyroid carcinoma after prophylactic thyroidectomy: impact of individual RET genotype. | Frank-Raue K | European journal of endocrinology | 2006 | PMID: 16868135 |
RET proto-oncogene mutations affecting codon 790/791: A mild form of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A syndrome? | Gimm O | Surgery | 2002 | PMID: 12490841 |
Various penetrance of familial medullary thyroid carcinoma in patients with RET protooncogene codon 790/791 germline mutations. | Fitze G | Annals of surgery | 2002 | PMID: 12409662 |
Papillary thyroid carcinoma in patients with RET proto-oncogene germline mutation. | Brauckhoff M | Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association | 2002 | PMID: 12193298 |
A new hot spot for mutations in the ret protooncogene causing familial medullary thyroid carcinoma and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A. | Berndt I | The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism | 1998 | PMID: 9506724 |
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HelpRecord last updated Nov 25, 2024
This date represents the last time this VCV record was updated. The update may be due to an update to one of the included submitted records (SCVs), or due to an update that ClinVar made to the variant such as adding HGVS expressions or a rs number. So this date may be different from the date of the “most recent submission” reported at the top of this page.