
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd05402: NT_PAP_TUTase 
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Nucleotidyltransferase (NT) domain of poly(A) polymerases and terminal uridylyl transferases.
Poly(A) polymerases (PAPs) catalyze mRNA poly(A) tail synthesis, and terminal uridylyl transferases (TUTases) uridylate RNA. PAPs in this subgroup include human PAP alpha, mouse testis-specific cytoplasmic PAP beta, human nuclear PAP gamma, Saccharomyces cerevisiae PAP1, TRF4 and-5, Schizosaccharomyces pombe caffeine-induced death proteins -1, and -14, Caenorhabditis elegans Germ Line Development-2, and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii MUT68. This family also includes human U6 snRNA-specific TUTase1, and Trypanosoma brucei 3'-TUTase-1,-2, and 4. This family belongs to the Pol beta-like NT superfamily. In the majority of enzymes in this superfamily, two carboxylates, Dx[D/E], together with a third more distal carboxylate, coordinate two divalent metal cations involved in a two-metal ion mechanism of nucleotide addition. For the majority of proteins in this family, these carboxylate residues are conserved.
PSSM-Id: 143392
Aligned: 129 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 59.4931
Created: 16-Jun-2007
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 15 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:active site [active site]
  • Comment:Active site includes residues involved in ATP and metal-binding (from structural studies), and primer-binding (from mutagenesis and kinetic studies).
  • Structure:1Q79_A, Bos taurus PAP bound with an ATP analog (3'- dATP) and manganese ions, contacts determined at 4A.
  • Structure:1FA0_A,Yeast PAP bound with an ATP analog (3'- dATP) and manganese ions, contacts determined at 4A.
  • Structure:2IKF_A, Trypanosoma brucei TUTase4 bound with UTP and a magnesium ion, contacts determined at 4A.
  • Comment:TUTases may use the same two-metal mechanism as others in the NT superfamily.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                              ###         ## #                        
1FA0_A      47 NRVQVLKILQELAQrfvyevskkknmsdgmardAGGKIFTYGSYRLGVHGPGSDIDTLVVvpkh---------------- 110  baker's yeast
1Q79_A      60 RRILILGKLNNLVKewireisesknlpqsvienVGGKIFTFGSYRLGVHTKGADIDALCVaprh---------------- 123  cow
NP_056084  375 VRQEIVEEMSKVITtf----------------lPECSLRLYGSSLTRFALKSSDVNIDIKfppk---------------- 422  human
EAU83595    65 LRRDLVSRFVKLVDkl----------------dPDATVRVLGSTASGLHYPTSDIDMTITfrgvsks------------- 115  Coprinopsis cine...
NP_190161   63 TRKELVKNLNTMALdiyg-----------kseeSSPVLEAYGSFVMDMYSSQSDLDVSINfgngtse------------- 118  thale cress
CAG08609    82 KRRSVVAVMQDLLLsv----------------lPEIRLRLYGSSCTKFGFKDSDVNIDIQfpqh---------------- 129  Tetraodon nigrov...
Q5BLK4     315 QRLEIKRVMESVFRhk----------------lPDCSLRLYGSSCSRLGFRDSDVNIDVQfpav---------------- 362  house mouse
ABI79451    30 MRTRLIDSIQGALKhri--------------gvQDLHVQPYGSFVSQQYNAGSDLDLALCgyipaaklkpaalaeiyrge 95   Chlamydomonas re...
O74518      40 YRKLLLEKLQTHIRev----------------vLDAELQVYGSMYIGTTLSISDVDVSLKspr----------------- 86   fission yeast
CAJ03778    24 IDKEVVDDLRLRVVdlcs------------rcvNKVELQLFGSLATGFCTTGADADLSLTfrnfspwl------------ 79   Leishmania major
Feature 1                                                  ## # #          #                   
1FA0_A     111 ------vtrEDFFTVFDSLLRERke---------lDEIAPVPDAFVPIIKIKFs--GISIDLICArldqpqvplsltlsd 173  baker's yeast
1Q79_A     124 ------vdrSDFFTSFYDKLKLQee---------vKDLRAVEEAFVPVIKLXFd--GIEIDILFArlalqtipedldlrd 186  cow
NP_056084  423 ------mnhPDLLIKVLGILKKNvl---------yVDVESDFHAKVPVVVCRDrksGLLCRVSAGn-------------- 473  human
EAU83595   116 --ssrssstRTRLSTLEHKIQSSgf---------aSRIDSILNAAVPLLRITDamtGLEIDLTASd-------------- 170  Coprinopsis cine...
NP_190161  119 ---iprekkLEILKRFAKKLRSLqge------gqvKNVESIFSAKVPIVKFSDqgtGVECDLSVEn-------------- 175  thale cress
CAG08609   130 ------mhqPDVLLLVKETLSVCpl---------fVDVEADFHARVPVVLCKDktcGLICKVSAGn-------------- 180  Tetraodon nigrov...
Q5BLK4     363 ------msqPDVLLLVQECLKNSds---------fIDVDADFHARVPVVVCRDkqsGLLCKVSAGn-------------- 413  house mouse
ABI79451    96 peeelvplhKLDKRTKANLLRDAgyrlagsgvasrDSMEFVLHARVPIVKFADratGIEVDLCLGnaatsfk-------- 167  Chlamydomonas re...
O74518      87 -------vgELEKRRVTMVLRKYl----------dADADFHSSARVPRINLVDv-sGIGVDLTFGn-------------- 134  fission yeast
CAJ03778    80 --sgieavdAQNFKRLARVGREAge--------mgMKNVRLINACIPVVHFQDavsGIRCDLSIGn-------------- 135  Leishmania major
Feature 1                     ##  ##       
1FA0_A     174 knllrnldekdlralNGTRVTDEILELV 201  baker's yeast
1Q79_A     187 dsllknldirxirslNGCRVTDEILHLV 214  cow
NP_056084  474 --------------dMACLTTDLLTALG 487  human
EAU83595   171 --------------eRGVKGTKMVLAWT 184  Coprinopsis cinerea okayama7#130
NP_190161  176 --------------kDGILNSQIVRIIS 189  thale cress
CAG08609   181 --------------eNAYQTTAYLAALS 194  Tetraodon nigroviridis
Q5BLK4     414 --------------eNAWLTTKHLTALG 427  house mouse
ABI79451   168 ---------awsvarVAEINPAFGRLYK 186  Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
O74518     135 --------------dKACRTAELQKAYN 148  fission yeast
CAJ03778   136 --------------vNGVANSKILAEIH 149  Leishmania major

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