Pat17 is an isozyme of patatin cloned from Solanum cardiophyllum. Patatin is a storage protein of the potato tuber that shows Phospholipase A2 activity (PLA2; EC Patatin catalyzes the nonspecific hydrolysis of phospholipids, glycolipids, sulfolipids, and mono- and diacylglycerols, thereby showing lipid acyl hydrolase activity. The active site includes an oxyanion hole with a conserved GGxR motif; it is found in almost all the members of this family. The catalytic dyad is formed by a serine and an aspartate. Patatin belongs to the alpha-beta hydrolase family which is identified by a characteristic nucleophile elbow with a consensus sequence of Sm-X-Nu-Sm (Sm = small residue, X = any residue, and Nu = nucleophile). Patatin-like phospholipase are included in this group. Members of this family have also been found in vertebrates.