
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd13733: SPRY_PRY_C-I_1 
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PRY/SPRY domain in tripartite motif-containing (TRIM) proteins, including TRIM5, TRIM6, TRIM7, TRIM10, TRIM11, TRIM17, TRIM20, TRIM21, TRIM27, TRIM35, TRIM38, TRIM41, TRIM50, TRIM58, TRIM60, TRIM62, TRIM69, TRIM72, NF7 and bloodthirsty
This domain, consisting of the distinct N-terminal PRY subdomain followed by the SPRY subdomain, is found at the C-terminus of several Class IV TRIM proteins, including TRIM7, TRIM35, TRIM41, TRIM50, TRIM62, TRIM69, TRIM72, TRIM protein NF7 and bloodthirsty (bty). TRIM7 interacts with glycogenin and stimulates its self-glucosylating activity via its SPRY domain. TRIM35 may play a role as a tumor suppressor and is implicated in the cell death mechanism. TRIM41 is localized to speckles in the cytoplasm and nucleus, and functions as an E3 ligase that catalyzes the ubiquitin-mediated degradation of protein kinase C. TRIM50, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, is deleted in Williams-Beuren (WBS) syndrome, a multi-system neurodevelopmental disorder caused by the deletion of contiguous genes at chromosome region 7q11.23. TRIM62 is involved in the morphogenesis of the mammary gland; loss of TRIM62 gene expression in breast is associated with increased risk of recurrence in early-onset breast cancer. TRIM69 is a novel testis E3 ubiquitin ligase that may function to ubiquitinate its particular substrates during spermatogenesis. In humans, TRIM69 localizes in the cytoplasm and nucleus, and requires an intact RING finger domain to function. TRIM protein NF7, which also contains a chromodomain (CHD) at the N-terminus and an RFP (Ret finger protein)-like domain at the C-terminus, is required for its association with transcriptional units of RNA polymerase II which is mediated by a trimeric B box. In Xenopus oocyte, xNF7 has been identified as a nuclear microtubule-associated protein (MAP) whose microtubule-bundling activity, but not E3-ligase activity, contributes to microtubule organization and spindle integrity. Bloodthirsty (bty) is a novel gene identified in zebrafish and has been shown to likely play a role in in regulation of the terminal steps of erythropoiesis. TRIM72 has been shown to perform a critical function in membrane repair following acute muscle injury by nucleating the assembly of the repair machinery at injury sites. The PRY-SPRY domain in these TRIM families is suggested to serve as the target binding site.
PSSM-Id: 293968
Aligned: 104 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 185.76
Created: 22-Oct-2012
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
XP_006009157 294 TVTLDPNTAHprLTLSEDlTAVTDGstrrkdlpdnperfdycVMVLGSEGFtSGRHSWVVNVGnktdWDLGVARESAkrk 373 coelacanth
XP_006011012 294 TVTLDPNTASpwVTLSEDlTSVTYGstrknlpd-nlerfdthVLVLGSEGFtSGRHSWVVDVGnktkWDLGVVKESInrk 372 coelacanth
XP_006011008   7 PVTLDPNTAHstLTLSEDlTTVTCGstrkklpn-tperfdkcVSVLGSQGFsSGRHSWVVDVGnktdWSLGVAEESAnrk 85  coelacanth
XP_007902296 297 PLTLDPNTAHpeLVLSPNvTSVRHRdkrqklpn-tperfdrwACVLGSEGFtSGRYYWEVQVGnkavWDVGVARESVerk 375 elephant shark
XP_007883081 216 SLTLDPDTAHpwLVLSEDlTSVRLGdkrqplpd-tpkrfgkyLIVLGSEGFtSGRHYWEVQVGnkteWLVGLAGESInrk 294 elephant shark
XP_007905093 281 AVTLDPDTAHprLILSEDlTSVIRGdewqplpd-spkrfskdPIVLGSEGFtSGRHYWEVQVGnkteWTVGVSRESVnrk 359 elephant shark
XP_007883153 298 ALTLDPNTAHpqLILSEDlTTVRLGdkkqqlpd-maerfdlcLCVLGSKSFqSGRHYWEIEVLnkteWDLGVVRKSVnrk 376 elephant shark
XP_006013225  49 MVTLDPNTAHpkLTLSEDlTAVTYGstrrkdlpdnpgrfdycVMVLGSEGFtSGRHSWVVDVGnktkWSLGVARESInrk 128 coelacanth
2WL1_A        93 gn-----mtlsPENGYWVVIMmkeneYQASsv-----ppTRLLikeppkRVGIFVDYRvGSISFYNVtaRSHIYTFAScs 162 human
Q9UPQ4       381 aeghshscyhdTRSGFWYVCRtq--gVEGDhcvtsdpatSPLVlai-prRLRVELECEeGELSFYDAerHCHLYTFHArf 457 human
XP_006009157 374 ge-----itlsPKLGYWTLVLrdggkYSAGtd-----gwTRLKlekslkKVLVCVDYEaGKVSFYNAddMSHIYTFTDnf 443 coelacanth
XP_006011012 373 gt-----vnlkTEHGYWAIVLrdgkkYSACtn-----ewTEIKlktkpkKIWVSLHYEaGGVSFYNAddMSHIYTFTQkf 442 coelacanth
XP_006011008  86 gq-----vylaPENGYWTIILrdgdtYSACtn-----rrIRLElenrpkKLLVSLDYEaGKVLFYNAddMSRIFTFRHnf 155 coelacanth
XP_007902296 376 gr-----irpsPQTGYWKVGLrkgniHWGWps-----lpTSLSleakpqKIGVYLDYEgGQVSFYNAdnMSHLHTFNVnf 445 elephant shark
XP_007883081 295 gp-----itwsPEGGVWGVWLrs-gvYGALtsf----ppPELPltvrpgKIRVYLDYEgGRLTFFNAdnVSPLYTFTHtf 364 elephant shark
XP_007905093 360 rp-----itwsPDDGVWGAWLwe-gvYRALss-----ppTRLKltvrpgKIGVYLDYEeGQVTFYNAdnMSHLHTFSQtf 428 elephant shark
XP_007883153 377 kh-----ttatPGSGYWILWLrngtdYKATta-----prTTIEvkqkpkKIGVYLDYEeGQVSFYNAddMSHLHTFTDtf 446 elephant shark
XP_006013225 129 ge-----itlwPKHGYWTVVLrnggeYSAGte-----rwTRLElekspkKVLVCVDYEaGKVSFSNAddMSHIYTFTDnf 198 coelacanth
2WL1_A       163 fsgPLQPIFSPgtrdggkntAPLTIC 188 human
Q9UPQ4       458 --gEVRPYFYLggargagppEPLRIC 481 human
XP_006009157 444 -teKIFPFFCPcynsdgkngEPLRIR 468 coelacanth
XP_006011012 443 -teKLYPYFDPcnndnglnsEPLRIC 467 coelacanth
XP_006011008 156 -tqKLFPYFSPctntdnkngDPMQIC 180 coelacanth
XP_007902296 446 -teKLYPFFSPglnndgvnrKPLRIC 470 elephant shark
XP_007883081 365 -teKLYPLFYPglnddsenlEPLRIC 389 elephant shark
XP_007905093 429 -tdKLYPLFNPghkddgkslRICPVT 453 elephant shark
XP_007883153 447 -teSLLPFLSPglnddgknaEPLKIC 471 elephant shark
XP_006013225 199 -teKIFPFFSPgnnsdgkngEPLRIR 223 coelacanth
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