Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd09889: NGN_Bact_2 
Bacterial N-Utilization Substance G (NusG) N-terminal (NGN) domain, subgroup 2
The N-Utilization Substance G (NusG) protein is involved in transcription elongation and termination. NusG is essential in Escherichia coli and associates with RNA polymerase elongation and Rho-termination. Paralogs of eubacterial NusG, NusG SP (Specialized Paralog of NusG), are more diverse and often found as the first ORF in operons encoding secreted proteins and LPS biosynthesis genes. NusG SP family members are operon-specific transcriptional antitermination factors. The NusG N-terminal domain (NGN) is quite similar in all NusG orthologs, but its C-terminal domain and the linker that separates these two domains are different. The domain organization of NusG and its orthologs suggests that the common properties of NusG and its orthologs and paralogs are due to their similar NGN domains.
PSSM-Id: 193578
Aligned: 12 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 114.341
Created: 31-Jan-2011
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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YP_003182233   1 MWYVVQTvAGREFAVCRLIESLved-dvlQECFVPryevqkqfrgqwrtctatLFPGYLIVVTDRvd-eLESQLRRVPAF 78  Eggerthella len...
ZP_02088757    2 LWYVVQVrTGEEKDIAAKLTDMg------FQTLAPvenrpvrsggawgtkeyvLFPGYVFLQMDYna-gNYYRLKAVPGI 74  Clostridium bol...
ZP_02441260    3 KWYVLQVlAGQETAVRDALHIMg------IRAAVPqeerllrknggwtsriytLFPGYVFLSLEYsa-eNYYRVKAVPHV 75  Anaerotruncus c...
YP_003182790   3 LWYVVQTvGGQEKHVLDLINKLvde-eliQESFIPqyevkkriqgvwkmrsevLLPGYIFVITDQpg-kLREALRSVPKF 80  Eggerthella len...
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ZP_04671091    3 RWYAVQVrTGREEAVLQLSKKMidg-svlKECFIPyyermkryqgewhkeqyiLFPGYIFLVTEQvd-eLFWELKKVPGL 80  Clostridiales b...
Q73PT3         2 DYYVVQVsTGKEKNFIEDAEFKnkfdelsYSIVFPqrilkirkagkvtekqlpVFAGYLFIGTDEiskdLYQHLRKCKGF 81  Treponema denti...
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ZP_07834260    2 KWYVGQVrSGHERKIVEKCRTMisk-dvlQDCFIPeyirkkkymgnwhdvkdiLFKGYIFMITDQid-qLNIELKKIPDF 79  Clostridium sp....
YP_003182273   1 MWYVAQVqAGRESSTLEMCRRLvpp-svmEDCFMPeyevmwkirgewrlvkrlLFPGYLFFVTDDpe-aLNRELSRVPMP 78  Eggerthella len...
YP_004090409   2 SMYVLQVlSGAEKDVCAALLDQg------IPAYTPeenrqirsgglwrarpylLFRGYVFVVVRDvr-aSYYQIRRIPGV 74  Ethanoligenens ...
YP_003182234   7 ARYVLQVvPGRERAVAERVKALagp-elvRDCFALsycilkknqgvwrlltetMFPGYLFVASDDie-aFEKTIKRSTAF 84  Eggerthella len...
YP_003182233  79 AWVLsnd-ggfVPLERDEVAWID 100 Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243
ZP_02088757   75 VKLLs------GTLTYLEAEWIR 91  Clostridium bolteae ATCC BAA-613
ZP_02441260   76 LRFLgfsglspSCLTHLEAEWLR 98  Anaerotruncus colihominis DSM 17241
YP_003182790  81 TRLLgnn-dvfTPLDDQEVAFIN 102 Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243
YP_003143606  79 TRLLgnd-vsfTPLLDDEIKFLE 100 Slackia heliotrinireducens DSM 20476
ZP_04671091   81 TKILgdg-mefVPIKEEEKVILQ 102 Clostridiales bacterium 1_7_47_FAA
Q73PT3        82 YRFLpn---nqEPKFLEGRDFEI 101 Treponema denticola
ZP_04564911   82 TKVLgndgefiCPILKEEAIFLL 104 Mollicutes bacterium D7
ZP_07834260   80 VKVIgkkkadiFPLNEEEVAFMK 102 Clostridium sp. HGF2
YP_003182273  79 IRLLgneensfFPLTGKERDWFL 101 Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243
YP_004090409  75 LRWLelhagqaTALTPGEEDRIR 97  Ethanoligenens harbinense YUAN-3
YP_003182234  85 ARLLgae-rraFALRPEEASFVH 106 Eggerthella lenta DSM 2243
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