
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd05400: NT_2-5OAS_ClassI-CCAase 
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Nucleotidyltransferase (NT) domain of 2'5'-oligoadenylate (2-5A)synthetase (2-5OAS) and class I CCA-adding enzyme.
In vertebrates, 2-5OASs are induced by interferon during the innate immune response to protect against RNA virus infections. In the presence of an RNA activator, 2-5OASs catalyze the oligomerization of ATP into 2-5A. 2-5A activates endoribonuclease L, which leads to degradation of the viral RNA. 2-5OASs are also implicated in cell growth control, differentiation, and apoptosis. This family includes human OAS1, -2, -3, and OASL. CCA-adding enzymes add the sequence [cytidine(C)-cytidine-adenosine (A)], one nucleotide at a time, onto the 3' end of tRNA, in a template-independent reaction. This class I group includes the archaeal Sulfolobus shibatae and Archeoglobus fulgidus CCA-adding enzymes. It belongs to the Pol beta-like NT superfamily. In the majority of enzymes in this superfamily, two carboxylates, Dx[D/E], together with a third more distal carboxylate, coordinate two divalent metal cations involved in a two-metal ion mechanism of nucleotide addition. These carboxylate residues are conserved in this family.
PSSM-Id: 143390
Aligned: 72 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 59.3357
Created: 27-Jun-2007
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 16 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:active site [active site]
  • Comment:Based on similarity to Archaeoglobus fulgidus CCA-adding enzyme. Active site includes NTP-, metal-, and RNA-binding residues.
  • Structure:1R8C_A, Archaeoglobus fulgidus CCA-adding enzyme bound with UTP and Mn ions, contacts determined at 4A
  • Structure:2ZH7_A; A. fulgidus CCA-adding enzyme bound with a tRNA minihelix, contacts determined at 4A.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                              ###  # ###        # #                     
1R8C_A        16 PDEEEVRKGREAEEELRRRLDel---------gVEYVFVGSYARNTWLkg----sLEIDVFLLFPeefs------keelR 76  Archaeoglobus f...
BAE79143      20 ELSELANKRDILLKKLRDSDDip---------sFEEFNQGSYSMFTGVepl-dkeYDIDVGLRFNvnks------dyepL 83  Clostridium per...
YP_863868     22 TYREARSKDSSILDDLRDEFKnag------ypiIETFIQGSLSTHTGIkhp-vadFDIDRAVVIDadna------pddpV 88  Shewanella sp. ...
NP_047312     20 KKESISLSISTLHSRLKEYFGkd---------iIDVIKFGSYTRGTILprryddkSDVDIMIVFNndyd-------ykpQ 83  Lactococcus lactis
YP_431063     50 KTDEIRQHLETIRGALDKNIEg----------aIELVFGGSLSKHTYVng----lSDIDMLVRINdtsla-----naspA 110 Moorella thermo...
NP_963446     16 DYEKAKKALDYIIPILEKTPHi-----------YDVFVGGSYAKGTWLg------RDIDIFVRFPkky---------kgQ 69  Nanoarchaeum eq...
CAJ47969      20 EQASINASIVTIKSRLNNYFGta---------lSEQLRFGSSTRGTILprkmdqhSDIDYMVVFAqgg--------avpQ 82  Bordetella aviu...
XP_001635415 100 LKDHASEALDAIFKKIQEDDKlq---------iRELVKAGSLAKGTALkd----sSDLDCVMIMNgiet------vadlK 160 starlet sea ane...
CAB38027      14 NLTDANCAVKEIVECIQSLQSysvgeeqvgfsvRDIIKAGSLGHGTSVeg----nYDIDLVVYSTeisaydvlraeshfQ 89  Geodia cydonium
P29728        30 CQTLIDEMVNTICDVLQEPEQfp--------lvQGVAIGGSYGRKTVLrg----nSDGTLVLFFSdlkqfq--dqkrsqR 95  human
Feature 1                                   ##   #                 #                             
1R8C_A        77 ERGLEIGKAVldsy---------eiryAEHP-YVHGVVk-------gVEVDVVPCYKLkepk------------------ 121 Archaeoglobus f...
BAE79143      84 YLKEKIQEVLknhte--------ygadIKQP-CVTVKYkkdg--eiaYHIDLVVYSYEdkndkesqmyla---------- 142 Clostridium per...
YP_863868     89 EVKKLVLKVLekrgf--------knarIKKP-CVTADYmn-----lnLHIDIVIYRKLgqqyelavgk------------ 142 Shewanella sp. ...
NP_047312     84 TFLDRLKKFAqqkys-------tsyvyQSNP-TIVLELn-------hIKLELVPAVKIyswsddyy-------------- 134 Lactococcus lactis
YP_431063    111 DIKAYFAERLlkrlp-------nteveVGKL-AVTVRFss-----tgHEIQLLPALQTktgvria--------------- 162 Moorella thermo...
NP_963446     70 NISIYIEQTLkehnvp------yiklhGSRD-YFQTFYe-------gLKIEIVPILKLdsplerefv------------- 122 Nanoarchaeum eq...
CAJ47969      83 TYLDRLKRFAeqyys-------tsdikQSSP-SLVLQLn-------hIKFDLVPALKVwgttyqi--------------- 132 Bordetella aviu...
XP_001635415 161 KKLPDIQEQVsaclrnpppawkiedlwNSRF-AVQFKFkmkhwlhgeVEVDLLPTFQAdvesyeglflgrrklysqmhre 239 starlet sea ane...
CAB38027      90 PWLRRIYHFLannlkg------fkfeaLKNR-SLQFIYhhts--scvIKVDLLVSPYWescedfynflkkiped------ 154 Geodia cydonium
P29728        96 DILDKTGDKLkfclftkw--lknnfeiQKSLdGFTIQVftk---nqrISFEVLAAFNAls-------------------- 150 human
Feature 1                           #   #  #       
1R8C_A       122 ---------------niksAVDRTpFHHKWLEGR 140 Archaeoglobus fulgidus
BAE79143     143 -------rgkkysndenkkWEEADpINLKNKIMN 169 Clostridium perfringens
YP_863868    143 ----------lnsnvenrvWSPAEpKKLIEHIND 166 Shewanella sp. ANA-3
NP_047312    135 -----------nipynsssWLVTRpKAFDNLLVE 157 Lactococcus lactis
YP_431063    163 ------------dpngdgwSKVIRpIKFAEKLTN 184 Moorella thermoacetica ATCC 39073
NP_963446    123 ----------tdisqfhveWVKKNiKGLENDAKY 146 Nanoarchaeum equitans Kin4-M
CAJ47969     133 -------------pngpaaWQNTNpNDFNGQLDA 153 Bordetella avium 197N
XP_001635415 240 kgkdilkyysaaacklqrdFIKELpSNVKDLILL 273 starlet sea anemone
CAB38027     155 ----krtiftvcasrwqreFMSRQpPIVKNFIRQ 184 Geodia cydonium
P29728       151 ------------------lNDNPSpWIYRELKRS 166 human

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