
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd07307: BAR 
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The Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domain, a dimerization module that binds membranes and detects membrane curvature
BAR domains are dimerization, lipid binding and curvature sensing modules found in many different proteins with diverse functions including organelle biogenesis, membrane trafficking or remodeling, and cell division and migration. Mutations in BAR containing proteins have been linked to diseases and their inactivation in cells leads to altered membrane dynamics. A BAR domain with an additional N-terminal amphipathic helix (an N-BAR) can drive membrane curvature. These N-BAR domains are found in amphiphysins and endophilins, among others. BAR domains are also frequently found alongside domains that determine lipid specificity, such as the Pleckstrin Homology (PH) and Phox Homology (PX) domains which are present in beta centaurins (ACAPs and ASAPs) and sorting nexins, respectively. A FES-CIP4 Homology (FCH) domain together with a coiled coil region is called the F-BAR domain and is present in Pombe/Cdc15 homology (PCH) family proteins, which include Fes/Fes tyrosine kinases, PACSIN or syndapin, CIP4-like proteins, and srGAPs, among others. The Inverse (I)-BAR or IRSp53/MIM homology Domain (IMD) is found in multi-domain proteins, such as IRSp53 and MIM, that act as scaffolding proteins and transducers of a variety of signaling pathways that link membrane dynamics and the underlying actin cytoskeleton. BAR domains form dimers that bind to membranes, induce membrane bending and curvature, and may also be involved in protein-protein interactions. The I-BAR domain induces membrane protrusions in the opposite direction compared to classical BAR and F-BAR domains, which produce membrane invaginations. BAR domains that also serve as protein interaction domains include those of arfaptin and OPHN1-like proteins, among others, which bind to Rac and Rho GAP domains, respectively.
PSSM-Id: 153271
Aligned: 61 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 46.6687
Created: 1-Oct-2008
Updated: 17-Jan-2013
Aligned Rows:
dimer interface
Conserved site includes 41 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:dimer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Structure:1ZWW; interface between monomers of Mus musculus Endophilin-A1 BAR domain dimer; defined at 4A contacts.
  • Structure:1I49; interface between monomers of human Arfaptin dimer; defined at 4A contacts.
  • Structure:2RAI; interface between monomers of human SNX9 dimer; defined at 4A contacts.
  • Structure:2D1L; interface between monomers of Mus musculus IMD domain of MIM dimer; defined at 4A contacts.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1         #  ##   # ##  ## ##                               ## ##  ## ##  #               
1X03_A         44 KVDVTSRaVXEIXTKTIEYLQpnpasraklsxintxskirgqekgpgypqAEALLAEAXLKFGRElgddcn--------- 114  human
2V0O_A         19 GFDVLYHnMKHGQISTKELADfvre----------------------ratIEEAYSRSMTKLAKSasnysqlgtfa---- 72   human
2D1L_A         21 TIISDXKgSYPVWEDFINKAGklqs---------------------qlrtTVVAAAAFLDAFQKVadxatntrggtr--- 76   house mouse
1ZWW_A         39 KVDVTSRaVMEIMTKTIEYLQpnpasraklsmintmskirgqekgpgypqAEALLAEAMLKFGRElgddcn--------- 109  house mouse
2RAI_A        202 FTKAXDDgVKELLTVGQEHWKrctg---------------------plpkEYQKIGKALQSLATVfsssgyqge------ 254  human
EDV12495       40 RVDALEDwIEKTVDFFDQKYKv----------------------------SFEDFRRAKETLLSQllppp---------- 81   Saccharomyces...
NP_037453     217 QFAISRElIRNIYNSFHKLRDraerias---------------raidnaaDLLIFGKELSAIGSDttplpswaalnsstw 281  human
NP_180907      38 DVEDMRDcYDSLLNAAAATAN-----------------------------SAYEFSESLRELGACllektalnd------ 82   thale cress
NP_189326      41 DMQDMREcYDRLLAAAAATAN-----------------------------SAYEFSESLGEMGSCleqiaphnd------ 85   thale cress
XP_001312432   31 NFSILQEdTSQIITTLAQLQQ-----------------------------QISNVSRICARLGSNltvws---------- 71   Trichomonas v...
Feature 1                      #  ##                                                              
2D1L_A         77 -eigsaltrxcxRHRSIEAKLRQFSSALIDCLINPLQEQXEEwkk-------vaNQLDKDHAKEYKKARQEIKKKSSDtl 148  house mouse
EDV12495       82 -------allsnGFVSNQSFTPRLIDSFNKDYYDFSMKLLQIvkgddsshstalLELMTTAIEPYRNVRKNFDFYQGKyd 154  Saccharomyces...
NP_180907      83 ---deesgrvliMLGKLQFELQKLVDKYRSHIFQTITIPSESll--------neLRIVEEMQRLCDEKRNVYEGMLTRqr 151  thale cress
NP_189326      86 ----eessrilfMLGKVQSELQRLLDTYRSHIFETITSPSEAll--------kdLRYVEDMKQQCDGKRNVYEMSLVKek 153  thale cress
XP_001312432   72 -------eefpeNVKNEAITIESFGKQFDNLTTNFFVPRIEPlivsplakfqseVMRLVEVRKQRDEAVKQYDHARANyk 144  Trichomonas v...
Feature 1                                                                   #  ## #       #  ## ##
1X03_A        182 k---------------------------------ipDEELRQALEKFDESKEIAESSXFNLLEXDie----qVSQLSALV 224  human
2V0O_A        143 enynakcveqerlkkegatqreiekaavkskkatdtYKLYVEKYALAKADFEQKMTETAQKFQDIe------ETHLIHIK 216  human
2D1L_A        149 klqkkakkvd---------------aqgrgdiqpqlDSALQDVNDKYLLLEETEKQAVRKALIEE-------RGRFCTFI 206  house mouse
1ZWW_A        177 k---------------------------------ipDEELRQALEKFDESKEIAESSMFNLLEMDie----qVSQLSALV 219  house mouse
2RAI_A        323 ts-------------------------------kitLQDKQNXVKRVSIXSYALQAEXNHFHSNRiy---dyNSVIRLYL 368  human
EDV12495      155 smlasyqairi------------sktslepssiksdALQLFEVQKNYLKASLDLISAISAVKLSL-------DKFILESM 215  Saccharomyces...
NP_037453     362 qnrepesv-------------------eqlesriveQENAIQTMELRNYFSLYCLHQETQLIHVYlp---ltSHILRAFV 419  human
NP_180907     152 ekgrsk----------------------ggkgetfsPQQLQEAHDDYENETTLFVFRLKSLKQGQt------RSLLTQAA 203  thale cress
NP_189326     154 grpks------------------------skgerhiPPESRPAYSEFHDEATMCIFRLKSLKEGQa------RSLLIQAV 203  thale cress
XP_001312432  145 ylsekk-----------------------ssgfekaEAEYKLTKENYEKYNEDFIETVKKLMNQRengldtpAKTLIAIL 201  Trichomonas v...
Feature 1              ##  ## ##             ## ##  
1X03_A        225 QA---QLEYHKQAVQi-----------LQQVTVR 244  human
2V0O_A        217 EI---IGSLSNAIKEi-----------HLQIGQV 236  human
2D1L_A        207 SX---LRPVIEEEIS------------XLGEITH 225  house mouse
1ZWW_A        220 QA---QLEYHKQAVQi-----------LQQVTVR 239  house mouse
2RAI_A        369 EQ---QVQFYETIAEk-----------LRQALSR 388  human
EDV12495      216 KV---LKSRSIFITKdsgrkidlspciNEYLDNY 246  Saccharomyces cerevisiae RM11-1a
NP_037453     420 NS---QIQGHKEMSKv-----------WNDLRPK 439  human
NP_180907     204 RHhaaQLCFFKKALSs-----------LEEVDPH 226  thale cress
NP_189326     204 RHhtaQMRLFHTGLKs-----------LEAVERH 226  thale cress
XP_001312432  202 SQf--LMQLFREAQKfrt-------tfPEYVLNG 226  Trichomonas vaginalis G3

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