Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd19756: Bbox2 
B-box-type 2 zinc finger (Bbox2)
The B-box-type zinc finger is a short zinc binding domain of around 40 amino acid residues in length. It has been found in transcription factors, ribonucleoproteins and proto-oncoproteins, such as in TRIM (tripartite motif) proteins that consist of an N-terminal RING finger (originally called an A-box), followed by 1-2 B-box domains and a coiled-coil domain (also called RBCC for Ring, B-box, Coiled-Coil). The B-box-type zinc finger often presents in combination with other motifs, like RING zinc finger, NHL motif, coiled-coil or RFP domain in functionally unrelated proteins, most likely mediating protein-protein interaction. Based on different consensus sequence and the spacing of the 7-8 zinc-binding residues, B-box-type zinc fingers can be divided into two groups, type 1 (Bbox1: C6H2) and type 2 (Bbox2: CHC3H2). The family corresponds to type 2 B-box (Bbox2).
PSSM-Id: 380814
Aligned: 126 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 27.7617
Created: 6-Sep-2018
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Zn binding site
Conserved site includes 8 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: Zn binding site [ion binding site], 8 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:C H C [CDEH] C C [CH] [HC]Click to see conserved feature residue pattern help
  • Structure:2JUN; Homo sapiens Midline-1 binds two Zn2+ ions through its B-box motif.
  • Structure:1FRE; Xenopus laevis nuclear factor 7 binds one Zn2+ ion through its B-box motif.
  • Citation:PMID 8846787

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1         #    #         #  #    #  #      #    #     
3Q1D_A         4 MCEe--HEeek-inIYClsCEVptCSLCkvf-gaHKd--CEVAPL 42  human
2JUN_A        61 MCLe--HEdek-vnMYCvtDDQliCALCklv-grHRd--HQVAAL 99  human
Q2Q1W2       277 FCQh--HDdev-lhLYCdtCSVpiCRECtm--grHGg--HSFIYL 314 human
P29590       188 FCSnpnHRtptltsIYCrgCSKplCCSCalldssHSelkCDISAE 232 human
Q14258       156 KCSq--HNrl--reFFCpeHSEciCHIClv---eHKt--CSPASL 191 human
CBY41763      50 SCKi--HKsqk-lnIYCddCSEltCTLCkcf-gaHLn--CRVTVV 88  Oikopleura dioica
ELU06824     129 NCSk--HEdey-isFYCmdCKVplCTLCr----iHDd-qCTKHCV 165 Capitella teleta
KOF78205     150 ICHi--HVnef-lkLFCdsCDElvCNTCyv--qrHRk--CSRVLS 187 Octopus bimaculoides
PIK61121     101 NCFi--HEdlp-lkYFCvsCDSkiCPDCaf--taHRdagCDVISL 140 Japanese sea cucumber
XP_023931000 154 SCSl--HDeqa-lkYYCttCAIyiCMVClm--tsHKs--CEVTDA 191 Lingula anatina

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