Holliday junction resolvase The central intermediate formed during mitotic and meiotic recombination is a four stranded DNA structure, also known as the Holliday junction (HJ), and its efficient resolution is essential for proper segregation of chromosomes. Resolution of HJs is mediated by a diverse group of DNA structure specific endonucleases known as Holliday junction resolvases (HJR). This entry is specific for RuvX also known as YqgF a family of nucleases which resolves the Holliday junction intermediates in genetic recombination. Studies carried out in M. tuberculosis, have shown that YqgF/RuvX is a genuine HJR analogous to RuvC from E. coli. Furthermore, a single cysteine present in M. tuberculosis RuvX was found to be required for disulfide-bond mediated intermolecular dimerization and HJ resolution activity, suggesting that M. tuberculosis RuvX has adapted its YqgF protein to function like a typical RuvC family HJR.