
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00432: Ribosomal_L18_L5e 
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Ribosomal L18/L5e: L18 (L5e) is a ribosomal protein found in the central protuberance (CP) of the large subunit. L18 binds 5S rRNA and induces a conformational change that stimulates the binding of L5 to 5S rRNA. Association of 5S rRNA with 23S rRNA depends on the binding of L18 and L5 to 5S rRNA. L18/L5e is generally described as L18 in prokaryotes and archaea, and as L5e (or L5) in eukaryotes. In bacteria, the CP proteins L5, L18, and L25 are required for the ribosome to incorporate 5S rRNA into the large subunit, one of the last steps in ribosome assembly. In archaea, both L18 and L5 bind 5S rRNA; in eukaryotes, only the L18 homolog (L5e) binds 5S rRNA but a homolog to L5 is also identified.
PSSM-Id: 238246
Aligned: 135 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 54.4683
Created: 6-Mar-2002
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 19 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:5S rRNA interface [nucleic acid binding site]
  • Structure:1S72_N; Haloarcula marismortui L18 binds 5S rRNA (1S72_9), defined using 3.5 A contacts.
  • Structure:2AWB_O; Escherichia coli L18 binds 5S rRNA (2AWB_A), defined using 3.5 A contacts.
  • Comment:L18 attaches helix 1 and helix 2/3 of 5S rRNA to helix 87 of 23S rRNA
  • Comment:In bacteria, incorporation of 5S rRNA into the large subunit depends on the presence of L18, L5 and L25, and is one of the last steps in ribosome assembly. Both L18 and L5 are present and bind 5S rRNA in archaea. In eukaryotes, only the L18 homolog (L5e) binds 5S rRNA, but a homolog to prokaryotic/archaeal L5 is also identified in the ribosomal large subunit.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1       # ## #           #   ####    ## # #        ###  #                             
1S72_N     22 HQRLRLLKs-------gKPRLVARKSN----KHVRAQLVTLgpngDDTLASAHSSdlaeygweaptgnmpSAYLTGLLAG 90  Haloarcula marismo...
P49405     31 YARKRLTVqdknkyntpKYRLIVRITN----KDVVAQLAYSkiegDVVVASAYSHelpryglkvgltnyaAAYATGLLLA 106 Caenorhabditis ele...
EAA40050   31 QARKALIIqdknkyatpRYRFVVRRTN----KDIICQVTAAeltkDRVVCAAYSHelprygipvgltnyaAAYATGLLCG 106 Giardia lamblia AT...
EAR91353  320 YARKRLIIqdkdkyntpKYRLVARATN----TRIIAQIVYAtlkcDRVLCAADSYelkrfgvstglasyaAAYATGLLLA 395 Tetrahymena thermo...
XP_642429  31 QQRHRLITqdknkynspKYRLVARITN----TDVIAQVVYSkivgDFVLCAAYAHelprfgvkvgltnyaSCYATGLLLA 106 Dictyostelium disc...
NP_585846  25 KHRTNMIRqdsnscgsvKHRLVVRITG----SRVICQIVAAymdgDRVMVYADSReleryginfgatnysAAYATGFLIG 100 Encephalitozoon cu...
AAT97351   31 AARRRLILqdknkynapKYRFVVRVTN----SRVLCQVMYAtlqgDRLVCSADSQeltrygikvgltnysAAYATGLLLA 106 Eimeria tenella
AAN36843   31 RARKALILqdknkynaqKLRFVVRKTN----SQVICQIACAhiegDKILAEAKSKelirygipvglknyaAAYATGLLCA 106 Plasmodium falcipa...
EAW49442   11 IQDKNKYNm-------pKYRMIAHITN----TESVCHIAYAcmegDMIMCVPYAHelpkhgvkvgltnyaAAHCPGLLLA 79  human
EDM18950   31 YVQKRLVRqdrnkystpEYRVIVCVANrrddCVLYCQIVYA----HIEICAAHAHelpkygekvvltnyaAAYCTSGFSV 106 Norway rat
Feature 1                                                   #                    #            
1S72_N     91 LRAqea-----------------------------------gveEAVLDIGLNspt--------pgSKVFAIQEGAIDAG 127 Haloarcula marismo...
P49405    107 RRHlktigldstykgheel---------tgedynveeegdrapfKAVLDIGLArtt--------tgSKIFAVMKGVADGG 169 Caenorhabditis ele...
EAA40050  107 RRLleklsvgikenalaqlypgldkatgeeyhpdeneneevhafKAFLDIGLAras--------tgARVFAAMKGAVDAG 178 Giardia lamblia AT...
EAR91353  396 RRLlkqigldtvyagqtkvd--------gayfnvdedqkekkpfKAILDAGLVrtt--------tgNRVFGVLKGACDGG 459 Tetrahymena thermo...
XP_642429 107 RRLlaklkladlykgaekvd--------gkvflvkpvddkprpfKANLDVGLArts--------tgAKVFAVLKGAVDGG 170 Dictyostelium disc...
NP_585846 101 RRAltamsldevyrpkeid---------gtysvtkdidgekkapRVFLDIGLArst--------rgARVFGALKGASDAG 163 Encephalitozoon cu...
AAT97351  107 RRLlkqkgladefkglekps--------geeyhieevseerrpfKCVLDVGIVatt--------vgNRVFGAMKGACDGG 170 Eimeria tenella
AAN36843  107 RRFlkslnldtqflgvekvtg------eiennedkedeegrkpiKAFLDVGITrtt--------tgNRVFAALKGACDGG 172 Plasmodium falcipa...
EAW49442   80 CRLlnrsgmgkiyegqvevt--------gdeynvestygqpgafTCYLDAGLAktt--------sgNKVLGGLEGSTDGG 143 human
EDM18950  107 GLAw----------------------------------------TISMKAEWRrlemntmnvmesiNCQPGVFTCELDTG 146 Norway rat
Feature 1      
1S72_N    128 L 128 Haloarcula marismortui
P49405    170 I 170 Caenorhabditis elegans
EAA40050  179 L 179 Giardia lamblia ATCC 50803
EAR91353  460 I 460 Tetrahymena thermophila SB210
XP_642429 171 I 171 Dictyostelium discoideum AX4
NP_585846 164 L 164 Encephalitozoon cuniculi GB-M1
AAT97351  171 L 171 Eimeria tenella
AAN36843  173 L 173 Plasmodium falciparum 3D7
EAW49442  144 L 144 human
EDM18950  147 L 147 Norway rat

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