Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd09893: NGN_SP_TaA 
N-Utilization Substance G (NusG) N-terminal domain in the NusG Specialized Paralog (SP), TaA
The N-Utilization Substance G (NusG) protein is involved in transcription elongation and termination. NusG is essential in Escherichia coli and is associated with RNA polymerase elongation and Rho-termination in bacteria. Paralogs of eubacterial NusG, NusG SP (Specialized Paralog of NusG), are more diverse and often found as the first ORF in operons encoding secreted proteins and LPS biosynthesis genes. NusG SP family members are operon-specific transcriptional antiterminationn factors. TaA is a NusG SP factor that is required for synthesis of a polyketide antibiotic TA in Myxococcus xanthus. Orthologs of the NusG gene exist in all bacteria, but its functions and requirements are different. The NusG N-terminal (NGN) domain is quite similar in all NusG orthologs, but its C-terminal domains and the linker that separate these two domains are different. The domain organization of NusG and its orthologs suggest that the common properties of NusG and its orthologs and paralogs are due to their similar NGN domains.
PSSM-Id: 193582
Aligned: 13 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 125.882
Created: 13-Dec-2010
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Q9ZET1        10 DWVALLVRVNHEKVAAAQLGKHgYEFFLPtytppks----sgvkaklPLFPGYLFCRYQPl---nPYRIVRAPGVIRLLg 82  Myxococcus xanthus
YP_589964     13 HWFAVQTRHRHEKRVAERLRQSeIETFLPihravhrwknginaevnlPLFPGYLFTRLRGs---qRIPLLREPGVIAIAa 89  Acidobacteria b...
YP_592573     26 SWSALFTYPRHEKKVAEQLLCRgVESFLPlyaekrtwknrqtvtltlPLFPGYVFARFARr---dRVRVMSLPGVVSIVe 102 Acidobacteria b...
YP_002603935   6 SWYTLLTKSRFENVVFNDIQKKsIEVFLPkikkrsqrk-drklmidvPLFPGYLFVNITLdp-vtHLSVVKTTGAVRLLg 83  Desulfobacteriu...
ZP_07199153   15 RWWALHTRSRFEQKVYTGLCGKsLEALLPriqvmsrrk-drrkkilvPLLPGYVFVRSTLap-eeYHRIIQTVGVVRMVs 92  delta proteobac...
YP_002429599  11 QWYALYTKSRHEACVNNYLAARsIESFYPqmrilsrrk-drrkmidvPMFPGYLFVRAALrs-rqHLSILKAPGAVTLIg 88  Desulfatibacill...
YP_846916     35 AWFALYVQVKHEKDIIRRLEQKdVDCFLPlmecwskrr-drrkritvPLFPGYVFVYTVLdn-ytNVDILKTPGAVNIVr 112 Syntrophobacter...
CBX28353       8 SWYVIHTKSRFENVVHEGLIKKnVESFLPkvlvrsrrv-drkimirvPLFPGYMFVKSDLrp-erQIEIFKTVGVVRMVg 85  uncultured Desu...
YP_002248310   7 NWYCIYVKSRHEFKVFDRLTKAgIEAFLPaverlrrwk-drkklikfPLFPGYLFVCIEKsy-elMLKVLKTPGVVTFIk 84  Thermodesulfovi...
CBK42420      24 HWYAISTRSRHEKLVRDRLAGIgVEPFLPlvkklsqwt-drkvwtesPLFSGYCFARFSLm---nSHAVLQTPGTVRIVg 99  Candidatus Nitr...
YP_462392      2 SWYAVHTRSRHEDKVFTGLVQKsITTFLPkievwskrk-drrkrimtPLFPGYLFVDMPCldnqaKLDVLKTFGVVRILg 80  Syntrophus acid...
YP_825904     19 PWFAVKVRSNFEKKSADILREKgYQEFAPsypsrryws-drvkvidqPLFPGYVFCRFHPn---hFLPVLQTAGVVQIVg 94  Solibacter usit...
YP_004054299   3 YWFAIYTKSRTEKKVADRLADQhIEVYCPtqtvmrqws-drkkkvkvAVFPSYVFVKFQDdn--eRLRILQTPGVVNFVr 79  Flexibacter tra...
Q9ZET1        83 g--daGPEAVPAQELEAIRR 100 Myxococcus xanthus
YP_589964     90 s--snSPTPIGDNEIAQLRL 107 Acidobacteria bacterium Ellin345
YP_592573    103 r--agAVSSISDHYIEKLRA 120 Acidobacteria bacterium Ellin345
YP_002603935  84 y--ssGPVPVPSAHIESLKI 101 Desulfobacterium autotrophicum HRM2
ZP_07199153   93 f--rgTPIPADEKEIASLMI 110 delta proteobacterium NaphS2
YP_002429599  89 n--trGAIAIPEDTISSLRI 106 Desulfatibacillum alkenivorans AK-01
YP_846916    113 n--seGPLPIPSYQIRNLRT 130 Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans MPOB
CBX28353      86 n--rsGPISVPDETIASLKI 103 uncultured Desulfobacterium sp.
YP_002248310  85 tp-sgEPEPIPEEEIVPLRK 103 Thermodesulfovibrio yellowstonii DSM 11347
CBK42420     100 s---lIPESIPDEEVAAIQK 116 Candidatus Nitrospira defluvii
YP_462392     81 kptgsAPIPVPDDKIDAIRR 100 Syntrophus aciditrophicus SB
YP_825904     95 f--ggKLAPVDEVELASLRT 112 Solibacter usitatus Ellin6076
YP_004054299  80 h--lgADAKIRPKEIEAIQN 97  Flexibacter tractuosus DSM 4126
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