Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd11013: Plantacyanin 
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Plantacyanin is a subclass of phytocyanins, plant type I copper proteins
Plantacyanins belong to the phytocyanin family of blue copper proteins, a ubiquitous family of plant cupredoxins. Plantacyanin is involved in electron transfer reactions with the Cu center transitioning between the oxidized Cu(II) form and the reduced Cu(I) form. The exact function of plantacyanin is unknown. However plantacyanin is shown to play a role in reproduction in Arabidopsis. Plantacyanins may also be stress-related proteins and be involved in plant defense responses.
PSSM-Id: 259899
Aligned: 10 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 120.152
Created: 7-Dec-2012
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Type 1 (T1) Cu
Conserved site includes 4 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: Type 1 (T1) Cu binding site [ion binding site], 4 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:H C H XClick to see conserved feature residue pattern help
  • Structure:2CBP; Cucumber Basic Protein binds copper at the T1 copper center.
  • Citation:PMID 8876647
  • Comment:Blue copper proteins are characterized by their conserved H...C...H...M copper ligands
  • Comment:Some members bind copper at the T1 site with three amino acid residues (HCH), instead of four (HCHM).

cd11013 is part of a hierarchy of related CD models.
Use the graphical representation to navigate this hierarchy.
cd11013 is a member of the superfamily cl19115
cd11013 Sequence Cluster
Sub-family Hierarchy
Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                #                       
2CBP_A         1 AVYVVGGs-------------GGWTFNte--sWPKGKRFRA---GDILLFNYNpsMHNVVVVNqggFSTCNTpagak-vy 61  cucumber
ABK23767      37 ATYTVGGr-------------QGWGFQtn--sWTAGKRFRA---GDTLVFNYNpsAHNLVVVGagaYRSCSTggsr--pl 96  Sitka spruce
NP_001051043  36 ATYYVGDs-------------LGWSLGsg--sWPSGKKFHA---GDILVFRYLpwMHNVVAVDedgYADCNPppfsr-yy 96  Japanese rice
CAE04641      41 REWPVGDg-------------AGWSPGvv--gWPNYKPFKA---GDVLVFSYDasAHNVVVVGdvdYALCRApanat-ay 101 Japanese rice
NP_173222     39 TTYIVGGd-------------DGWDPVvpmdtWARGKTFYA---GDILEFKYDyqRFNLIVVNrtgYETCEAnvgai-ey 101 thale cress
BAK07364      27 TEWVVGGd-------------KGWTFGva--gWENHKPIQP---GDKLVFKYQpgAHNVVEVDvagYMECKApdgar-th 87  domesticated ba...
XP_003565597  38 REWVVGDs-------------SGWTFGvm--tWPNKPDFKRfrvGDVLVFNYDpnLHNVIMVDsfgFGTCTRhpdnatvy 102 Brachypodium di...
ACZ74693      23 TEMVYGKvfavgrkeftclqeICWTTGlt--dWPKNKTIVA---GDVLEFNYSpyVRDVTLVDeegYRTCKPgknpi-iy 96  French bean
AEC05633      34 ATYTVGDs-------------GIWTFNav--gWPKGKHFRA---GDVLVFNYNprMHNVVKVDsgsYNNCKTptgak-py 94  thale cress
AEC10467      21 LTIVPGAvav--------tytIEWTTGvdysgWATGKTFRV---GDILEFKYGs-SHTVDVVDkagYDGCDAssste-nh 87  thale cress
Feature 1                          #     #      #      
2CBP_A        62 tsGRDQIKLPk-GQSYFICNf-PGHCQ--SGMKIAVNA 95  cucumber
ABK23767      97 tsGSDKVTLRk-GVNYFICSi-PGHCT--SGMKIAVPA 130 Sitka spruce
NP_001051043  97 tsGSDSVRLAr-GDNFFVCTr-YGHCN--LGMKMVVTA 130 Japanese rice
CAE04641     102 gsGDDRVALPp-GVTFFVSGf-PGDCDk-GMMKIAVTA 136 Japanese rice
NP_173222    102 ssGDDKIQLNy-GYNYFIGTytPEDCT--TGLKMAIKA 136 thale cress
BAK07364      88 ttGNDTLEMPg-GKAYFICTf-PGHCE--KGMRIGIPP 121 domesticated barley
XP_003565597 103 ssGNDRITLGssGVINFICGk-GEHCYk-QGMKMSLTV 138 Brachypodium distachyon
ACZ74693      97 rtGHDYIQVPe-GPSYYICSl-NGLCK--KGMKVAIIP 130 French bean
AEC05633      95 tsGKDRITLSk-GQNFFICNf-PNHCE--SDMKIAVTA 128 thale cress
AEC10467      88 sdGDTKIDLKtvGINYFICSt-PGHCRtnGGMKLAVNV 124 thale cress

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