Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00299: GST_C_family 
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C-terminal, alpha helical domain of the Glutathione S-transferase family
Glutathione S-transferase (GST) family, C-terminal alpha helical domain; a large, diverse group of cytosolic dimeric proteins involved in cellular detoxification by catalyzing the conjugation of glutathione (GSH) with a wide range of endogenous and xenobiotic alkylating agents, including carcinogens, therapeutic drugs, environmental toxins and products of oxidative stress. In addition, GSTs also show GSH peroxidase activity and are involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. This family, also referred to as soluble GSTs, is the largest family of GSH transferases and is only distantly related to the mitochondrial GSTs (GSTK). Soluble GSTs bear no structural similarity to microsomal GSTs (MAPEG family) and display additional activities unique to their group, such as catalyzing thiolysis, reduction and isomerization of certain compounds. The GST fold contains an N-terminal thioredoxin-fold domain and a C-terminal alpha helical domain, with an active site located in a cleft between the two domains. GSH binds to the N-terminal domain while the hydrophobic substrate occupies a pocket in the C-terminal domain. Based on sequence similarity, different classes of GSTs have been identified, which display varying tissue distribution, substrate specificities and additional specific activities. In humans, GSTs display polymorphisms which may influence individual susceptibility to diseases such as cancer, arthritis, allergy and sclerosis. Some GST family members with non-GST functions include glutaredoxin 2, the CLIC subfamily of anion channels, prion protein Ure2p, crystallins, metaxins, stringent starvation protein A, and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.
PSSM-Id: 198286
Aligned: 134 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 30.5447
Created: 6-Mar-2002
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
dimer interfacesubstrateN-terminal
Conserved site includes 6 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:dimer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:Residues from both N-terminal TRX-fold and C-terminal alpha helical domains form the dimer interface.
  • Comment:Residues contributing to the dimer interface vary among different classes of GSTs.
  • Structure:1A0F; Escherichia coli Class Beta GST dimer; contacts at 3.5A
  • Citation:PMID 9680481
  • Structure:1OYJ; Oryza sativa Class Tau GST dimer; contacts at 3.5A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1        ##  ##  #                                                             #        
1EEM_A      113 QKMILELFSK-VPSLvgsfirsqnk-------------------------------edyaglkeeFRkEFTKLEEVltnk 160 human
1A0F_A       94 TIEWLNYIATeLHKGftplfrpdtp------------------------------eeykptvraqLEkKLQYVNEAlkde 143 Escherichia coli
1V40_D       87 VDAIVDTLDD-FMSCfpwaekkqdvk----------------------------eqmfnelltynAPhLMQDLDTYlggr 137 human
3BBY_A      103 ARQIQAWLRSdLXPIreerptdvvfaga-------------------------kkapltaegkasAEkLFAXAEHLlvlg 157 Escherichia coli...
ZP_00055829  91 ARALARSVSAeMHAGfvplrsacpmdl--------------------------aedhpmaeipddVKaDVARIDAIwtec 144 Magnetospirillum...
NP_744173    92 AETLIARNDTtFKAHvnlykyaeryp-----------------------------ehsrehyrqqAEaWLAELEGLlagr 142 Pseudomonas puti...
P95806      211 RRNIPLADGDpLLLEayqhkivkeeaaas----------------------fvinepqmrtaiskAEqLVTDLDRDlgas 268 Sphingomonas pau...
YP_293174   208 LKAMIDANAD-NAELvsayrakiakeqggk--------------------svrhdaalqraardhVAvLLADLDRLlgts 266 Ralstonia eutrop...
YP_266938    96 HDALCALISIdIDKIlvrdyllefafpkge--------------------nnsirfdvvkevqpkAAaIFAIIEQVlqqe 155 Colwellia psychr...
NP_937656    82 SESVLDWQRS-AFLPlqkigyprwsnmdlpefatqsarqawrmkketdalnfdallqdtpniateVEaLIERAKSVlnld 160 Vibrio vulnificu...
Feature 1                                                             
1EEM_A      161 ktt-----ffggnsISMIDYLIWPWFERLeamklne---cvdhtpkLKLWMAAM 206 human
1A0F_A      144 hw-------icgqrFTIADAYLFTVLRWAyavkln-----leglehIAAFMQRM 185 Escherichia coli
1V40_D      138 ew-------ligmsVTWADFYWEICSTTLlvfkpdl----ldnhprLVTLRKKV 180 human
3BBY_A      158 qp-------nlfgeWCIADTDLALXINRLvlhgd-------evperLVDYATFQ 197 Escherichia coli K12
ZP_00055829 145 rnrfgqggpflfgvFSNADAMYAPVVTRIrtyal-------pvgavSEAYCDAI 191 Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum MS-1
NP_744173   143 ay-------lladhPSMADAALLPLMRQFagvepqwf--aeaayprVRSWLEGW 187 Pseudomonas putida KT2440
P95806      269 tgp-----wlfgdrFTLADLFWAVSLYRFlwlgysgfwkdgagkprVEAYANRL 317 Sphingomonas paucimobilis
YP_293174   267 sp------yllgphFSLGDVLWGVNLTRLaylglas---mwkdrpnVIRYVNAL 311 Ralstonia eutropha JMP134
YP_266938   156 ta-------ltskdFTIADALLAPMLHYIsclpagfd--litdypkVEQYLANV 200 Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H
NP_937656   161 s---------yqhaTLVDEAIVFSILRGFfsaaei------qwdsvVKDWMESV 199 Vibrio vulnificus YJ016

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