Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd01790: Ubl_HERP 
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ubiquitin-like (Ubl) domain found in homocysteine-inducible endoplasmic reticulum stress protein HERP
HERP is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) integral membrane protein containing an N-terminal ubiquitin-like (Ubl) domain with a beta-grasp Ubl fold. The Ubl domain is required for the degradation of HERP itself as well as for HERP-mediated anti-apoptotic effects. HERP is induced by the ER stress response pathway and is involved in improving the balance of folding capacity and protein loads in the ER. There are two types of HERP, HERP1 and HERP2, which are encoded by the HERPUD1 and HERPUD2 genes, respectively.
PSSM-Id: 340488
Aligned: 17 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 91.9287
Created: 9-Jun-2017
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
key conservedkey conserved
Conserved site include 1 residue -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: key conserved lysine K27, 1 residue position
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  • Comment:K27 (Ub numbering) is a lysine conserved in the Ubl_ubiquitin_like family; it is one of 7 lysines involved in chain linkage in ubiquitin (K6, K11, K27, K29, K33, K48, or K63, Ub numbering); may have other functions, for example for NEDD8 it is involved in the mechanism of protein neddylation

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                      #                                                 
XP_003724185   9 LTLVVKAPn--qEVGDQTVECfleWTVRKLKKHLSAVYPtnPNERSQRIIYSGKLLQDNlllkdv------------lyv 74  purple sea urchin
AAF52560      29 VRLLIKSSn--qQYEDLNVDSdlcWTVQRLKKHLSLIYPgkPLIQDQKLIYSGKLLDDSqkisevi----------rsyk 96  fruit fly
KFM79639       3 VTLIIKSAa--qNVEDFTLNCesdWTIGKVKDQISILYPtkPQREHQKLIYGGKLLPDHlples--------------al 66  Stegodyphus mim...
KXJ27343      10 VTLVVKTPn--rSIDDLQISCalnWTVEKLKRHLSSVYPskPESKKQRLIYSGQLLLDHqtvkdf------------lre 75  Exaiptasia pallida
CDF35239      25 FNILVKNPtdrpGSMPFTLDVnvkATVRNLKELLTSSYPgsPSVTSQRLIYAGKLLKDShsleti------------lts 92  carragheen
EFJ50980       6 TTLVIKNPs--rSNQHFSINFrldGTIADLQKLLSETYEgrPAPADQTLIYGGKVLKDNsvrlrdi----------vskh 73  Volvox carteri ...
ETV82450      11 VTLVVKSVy--eRNLSLELKMegsSTILQVKELLQDRLPspALPKHQRLIFGGKICDDIqtlvqv------------lkr 76  Aphanomyces astaci
CCA19698      15 VNVLVKNVy--aPSQSHTFEVtlkLSILKLKYEIQAAFPskPAVEDQKLIFGGKICSNDtlletilkqlnfgeganeste 92  Albugo laibachi...
Feature 1                    
1WGD_A        72 pkQEKRHVLHLV 83  human
2KDB_A        88 rkQDEYHMVHLV 99  human
XP_003724185  75 tdPKDKCTVHLV 86  purple sea urchin
AAF52560      97 dvYQQHHIFHLV 108 fruit fly
KFM79639      67 nkMQDVHIVHIV 78  Stegodyphus mimosarum
KXJ27343      76 hqDGKLHTVHLV 87  Exaiptasia pallida
CDF35239      93 tdRPAQHIIHLV 104 carragheen
EFJ50980      74 daPVGPHSIHLV 85  Volvox carteri f. nagariensis
ETV82450      77 mdPNETYTFHLL 88  Aphanomyces astaci
CCA19698      93 qgEEPVVVFHLM 104 Albugo laibachii Nc14

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