
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd11711: GINS_A_Sld5 
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Alpha-helical domain of GINS complex protein Sld5
Sld5 is a component of GINS tetrameric protein complex, and within the complex Sld5 interacts with Psf1 via its N-terminal A-domain, and with Psf2 through a combination of the A and B domains. Sld5 in Drosophila is required for normal cell cycle progression and the maintenance of genomic integrity. GINS is a complex of four subunits (Sld5, Psf1, Psf2 and Psf3) that is involved in both initiation and elongation stages of eukaryotic chromosome replication. Besides being essential for the maintenance of genomic integrity, GINS plays a central role in coordinating DNA replication with cell cycle checkpoints and is involved in cell growth. The eukaryotic GINS subunits are homologous and homologs are also found in the archaea; the complex is not found in bacteria. The four subunits of the complex consist of two domains each, termed the alpha-helical (A) and beta-strand (B) domains. The A and B domains of Sld5/Psf1 are permuted with respect to Psf1/Psf3.
PSSM-Id: 212549
Aligned: 80 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 77.6506
Created: 22-Mar-2012
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 20 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:tetramer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Comment:Major tetramer bonding are through A-domains of GINS subunits Sld5, Psf1, Psf2 and Psf3
  • Structure:2Q9Q, human GINS heterotetramer interface at 4.0 A

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                      #  #                                              
2Q9Q_B        26 LIERLEQAWMNEKFa-PELLEs---kPEIVECVMEQLEHMEEnlrrak---------------redlkVSIHQMEMERIR 86  human
XP_001394192  25 DHQLLTRFWVAERAv-PELLPw---pASLMERMMERVRRQIEsiedlaasstdp--mqtanaattnlkLSILQSDLSRTQ 98  Aspergillus nig...
Q6BXX6        34 IYDQLVAAMLNERMs-PDVLPy---kHELMKEVLTQLSNQQQylldsheygdsnv-esgivtgdfklqLMIIETDIERLN 108 Debaryomyces ha...
Q55PG1       152 DVRKMGLVWTRERGt-TDIMPw---eGELVDALLDKLEQQQKmvsalrsdp--------qtseeehfkLMLVQTEMERVK 219 Cryptococcus ne...
XP_001523415  24 ICNSLIQAMMNERMa-PELLPy----KSNLMSSILTHISNQQqflldsheygdmnsgngiisddfklrLMIIETDVERIS 98  Lodderomyces el...
EGO23044      49 PLQQLIRHWMNERHa-PDILPa---qEELLSRLLDHIRSQSDtvltlradp--------ssseeehfrIMLAQTEVERVK 116 Serpula lacryma...
CCA69871      75 TVRALMRRWIDERLa-PDLLPw---qGELVGEILERLQSQNEivvtlqgna--------ntteeehfaVMLVQTEVERIK 142 Piriformospora ...
EGF78739      29 IYQSMIRAWVNEKAa-PDLLPf---qHDLVSQLRFIVETQQEgvhlrysg-----------qptfnflKFIYGLELERIK 93  Batrachochytriu...
EGG09067      52 LTEELIRHWSNERLa-PEVLMh---qEPFLETVLDRIKQQSEalevllaspd-------glssdehfrLTLIETEIEQMR 120 Melampsora lari...
XP_002679124  19 EVFEDMRIWLVNEKnsPELLPggkrlESMVERAKSRIESEEEklmesd---------------vyteeYSIRNTELNRLK 83  Naegleria grube...
Feature 1              #   #   ##                                             #  # # ########### 
2Q9Q_B        87 YVLSSYLRCRLMKIEKFFPHVLekektr--------------------------pegepsSLSPEELAFAREFMANTESY 140 human
XP_001394192  99 YLIRSLLRQRLSKLTAHSMHYLllisrpasqpqsqsqtdssrpedsipeppdteededtsPLSKEEVTFLHAHQTLLAGH 178 Aspergillus nig...
Q6BXX6       109 YLVRLYLRTRLAKIDKFTIHYInetsndd-------------------------ptndrsLLSPEETEYMHKHFKILTQL 163 Debaryomyces ha...
Q55PG1       220 YLVRSYVRTRLHKIEKFSYHITlspe-------------------------------lhnLLSGAELSHAQRYTELLHTH 268 Cryptococcus ne...
XP_001523415  99 YIVRLYLRTRLTKLNKFTIYYVnashnet------------------------engelqeLLSLEEREYIHKYLHLLTQL 154 Lodderomyces el...
EGO23044     117 FIVRSYLRTRLYKIEKYARYILtnpg-------------------------------vssRISESETAHARRFARLTDQH 165 Serpula lacryma...
CCA69871     143 FVLRSYLRCRLQKIEQYTPYILatpd-------------------------------vqrNLSELEQNYVQRYGDLIGRH 191 Piriformospora ...
EGF78739      94 FVLRSYIRLRLGKIQHMTIYLLsdpe-------------------------------lrmCMSDEELFFAERFQTLIQTY 142 Batrachochytriu...
EGG09067     121 YVCKAYARCRMFKLDKYFDYYLsdpd-------------------------------araKLSQVDIEYCTREQTLVHNL 169 Melampsora lari...
XP_002679124  84 FLVTSLMRTRLFKLETLCEYVKrteikninnsdlsw-----------etstdeeihsalkIVTPSEWKFLQKFSKLRSTY 152 Naegleria grube...
Feature 1              
2Q9Q_B       141 LKNVAL 146 human
XP_001394192 179 YGSSFL 184 Aspergillus niger CBS 513.88
Q6BXX6       164 YNNSFL 169 Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767
Q55PG1       269 FQHSVL 274 Cryptococcus neoformans var. neoformans B-3501A
XP_001523415 155 YNNCFL 160 Lodderomyces elongisporus NRRL YB-4239
EGO23044     166 FFSSVL 171 Serpula lacrymans var. lacrymans S7.9
CCA69871     192 FQQTTL 197 Piriformospora indica DSM 11827
EGF78739     143 HKGSYL 148 Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis JAM81
EGG09067     170 LFSSVL 175 Melampsora larici-populina 98AG31
XP_002679124 153 FDNSFI 158 Naegleria gruberi strain NEG-M

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