Septin Members of this family include CDC3, CDC10, CDC11 and CDC12/Septin. Members of this family bind GTP. As regards the septins, these are polypeptides of 30-65kDa with three characteristic GTPase motifs (G-1, G-3 and G-4) that are similar to those of the Ras family. The G-4 motif is strictly conserved with a unique septin consensus of AKAD. Most septins are thought to have at least one coiled-coil region, which in some cases is necessary for intermolecular interactions that allow septins to polymerize to form rod-shaped complexes. In turn, these are arranged into tandem arrays to form filaments. They are multifunctional proteins, with roles in cytokinesis, sporulation, germ cell development, exocytosis and apoptosis.