PKA-RI-RII subunit binding domain of A-kinase anchor protein AKAP7_RIRII_bdg is the C-terminal domain of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase A, PKA, anchor protein AKAP7. This protein anchors PKA, for its role in regulating PKA-mediated gene transcription in both somatic cells and oocytes, by binding to its regulatory subunits, RI and RII, hence being known as a dual-specific AKAP. The 25 crucial amino acids of RII-binding domains in general form structurally conserved amphipathic helices with unrelated sequences; hydrophobic amino acid residues form the backbone of the interaction and hydrogen bond- and salt-bridge-forming amino acid residues increase the affinity of the interaction. The N-terminus, of family AKAP7_NLS, carries the nuclear localization signal.