Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd04216: Phytocyanin 
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Phytocyanins are plant blue or type I copper proteins
Phytocyanins are plant blue or type I copper proteins. They are involved in electron transfer reactions with the Cu center transitioning between the oxidized Cu(II) form and the reduced Cu(I) form. Phytocyanins are classified into four groups: stellacyanin, plantacyanin, uclacyanin and early nodulin groups. Stellacyanin appears to be associated with the plant cell wall; it may be involved in oxidative reactions to build polymeric material making up the cell wall. Plantacyanin is shown to play a role in reproduction in Arabidopsis. Plantacyanins may also be stress-related proteins and may be involved in plant defense responses. The early nodulin-like protein (OsENODL1) from Oryza sativa is expressed specifically at the late developmental stage of the seeds.
PSSM-Id: 259878
Aligned: 50 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 92.7084
Created: 22-Feb-2005
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Type 1 (T1) Cu
Conserved site includes 4 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1: Type 1 (T1) Cu binding site [ion binding site], 4 residue positions
Conserved feature residue pattern:H C H XClick to see conserved feature residue pattern help
  • Structure:2CBP; Cucumber Basic Protein binds copper at the T1 copper center.
  • Citation:PMID 8876647
  • Structure:1JER: Cucumis sativus Stellacyanin binds copper at T1 site.
  • Citation:PMID 8931136
  • Comment:Blue copper proteins are characterized by their conserved H...C...H...M copper ligands
  • Comment:Some members bind copper at the T1 site with three amino acid residues (HCH), instead of four (HCHM).

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                #                       
1JER_A         4 TVHIVGDnTGWSVpsspn----fysqWAAGKTFRV--GDSLQFNFPa-------nAHNVHEMetkqsFDACNFvnsdn-- 68  cucumber
2CBP_A         1 AVYVVGGsGGWTFnt---------esWPKGKRFRA--GDILLFNYNp-------sMHNVVVVnq-ggFSTCNTpagak-- 59  cucumber
ABK25155      28 KTVIVGGsVGWTNfddsllaapdyasWSSAQKIQT--GDSLVFKYQp-------mFHDVYMLptkkaFDYCNFtdsivl- 97  Sitka spruce
XP_002974691  27 VVITVGDsLGWTNfdlstqrvpdyaaWAASQPVAS--GDSVVFRYAp-------gFHNVAMLpskadFDNCNFakatml- 96  Selaginella moe...
XP_001775277  72 KSVDVGGtAGWASydssqttapnyeaWASSQKFYV--GDSLVFKFAa-------gVHNVWQMksqatYQNCDFdgat--- 139 Physcomitrella ...
XP_001777805  23 AQAVTYDvPRWTVpaaana--dvyttWAANVSNFLkpGDVLVFQYSa-------aAHNVLTLatkanYDNCVKtspln-- 91  Physcomitrella ...
XP_002966272  25 KSVMVGGrNQWSLgtn-------yasWAAGAGPFRi-GDTLVFSYGggragkaaaPHNVFLMkdqahYRNCDFsgavlla 96  Selaginella moe...
XP_002974625  32 MIYRVGDdDGWTAnapgi----dytkWASQKAFQV--GDMLVFAYSg-------aNHTVLQTssqdaFDACNTgvedaki 98  Selaginella moe...
XP_002967915  27 TTYIVGGdTGWTIptasnt-ivnytaWASSLTASL--GDSLVFRYDp--------SHTVVQTnnlttYQSCDAtaddetl 95  Selaginella moe...
NP_563820     28 KNYTVGEsTGWFDiqerps--anyqkWADSKSFSL--GDFLIFNTDs--------NHSVVQTydfktYKDCDYdnnennd 95  thale cress
Feature 1                                                             #         #     #      
1JER_A        69 -----------dvertSPVIERLDe---------------------lGMHYFVCTv-----GTHCS-NGQKLSINV 106 cucumber
2CBP_A        60 ------------vytsGRDQIKLPk----------------------GQSYFICNf-----PGHCQ-SGMKIAVNA 95  cucumber
ABK25155      98 -----------degksGSFTWIPSk---------------------qGVYYFSCNrsiegaITHCE-AGQKVTIRV 140 Sitka spruce
XP_002974691  97 -----------dtgssGNFTWIAPek--------------------tGAYYFACGfsvegqGTHCD-GGQKVTISV 140 Selaginella moellen...
XP_001775277 140 ------------lldeGNSGYYSDsrlcsmfmnlslakqmqwkatqpGVYYFSCDkgaegvGTHCN-FNQKLAIMV 202 Physcomitrella pate...
XP_001777805  92 ------------ttstGNDALVVKa----------------------GGNYFICGi-----PTHCE-SGQKVAVNV 127 Physcomitrella pate...
XP_002966272  97 ----------dpskgtPGYKFTLKq---------------------kKAHYFACGvg---nGFHCQ-SGMKFAVSP 137 Selaginella moellen...
XP_002974625  99 ----------wsadgsSSSNVMLTt---------------------pGRTYFLCTad---dGGHCR-AGMKFGIDV 139 Selaginella moellen...
XP_002967915  96 ----------kiwsssGSSTVMLTt---------------------tGTTYFFCSad---dGSHCRdSGMRFAIQV 137 Selaginella moellen...
NP_563820     96 ttewsaanpsatspvpVSISVPLVk---------------------eGSNYFFSGny---dGEQCK-FGQHFMINV 146 thale cress

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