Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd13752: TGF_beta_INHB 
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transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) like domain found in inhibin beta A chain (INHBA), B chain (INHBB), C chain (INHBC), E chain (INHBE) and similar proteins
The family includes inhibin beta A chain (INHBA), B chain (INHBB), C chain (INHBC), and E chain (INHBE). INHBA, also termed activin beta-A chain, or erythroid differentiation protein (EDF), is a component of inhibin A, activin A, or activin AB. Inhibins and activins inhibit and activate, respectively, the secretion of follitropin by the pituitary gland. INHBB, also termed activin beta-B chain, is a component of inhibin B, activin A, or activin AB. Inhibins and activins inhibit and activate, respectively, the secretion of follitropin by the pituitary gland. INHBC, also termed activin beta-C chain, might play important roles in carcinogenesis. It may function as a negative regulator of liver growth. INHBE, also termed activin beta-E chain, is a possible insulin resistance-associated hepatokine with hepatic gene expression that positively correlated with insulin resistance and body mass index in humans. It also acts as a possible new marker for drug-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress.
PSSM-Id: 381630
Aligned: 53 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 110.435
Created: 16-Apr-2010
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 6 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:homodimer interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Structure:1NYS; Homo sapiens INHBA forms a homodimer, contacts at 4A.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                                    ## #
NP_497318    159 CCVIPFYVNFtEIGWNDWILSPpGFYANVCSDTv---CSTEsde----vyqFMKAAISDLPE--------------PKCA 217 Caenorhabditis ...
NP_001121540 461 CCRQIFRVHF-LDLGWDWVISPrGFDANYCRGS----CSNFnsp-----slTHTSIMHTAREknpnf-----niprPCCT 525 purple urchin
CDJ81141     182 CCLVEHYVNFtEIGWDKFIQYPaGFYANYCMGPsnmrCPHEn--------pEVEYLLSTARAqsel------plkpFACA 247 barber pole worm
KHN85723     234 CCLHHMYVNFtEIGFNDFIIAPtGYQANYCAGR----CTKHen------ahGHRRMLQIIHE--------------PCCA 289 dog roundworm
BAQ19140     179 CCLDNFYVSF-KAIGWDWIRNPvGYNAQQCRGR----CNSRhpk-----snPHRSMVSAISTrrnit-----ddikFCCT 243 Cladonema pacif...
XP_015928440 251 CCKIDFYISF-KEIGWNFVVYPeGFYANMCYGK----CSNEdqna---fpsHYHRILNLALTnktstaenkepvwtPCCS 322 common house sp...
XP_021966233 408 CCRERFVVDF-KEIGWDWIIGPqSYDAFYCKGS----CSLSss------asRRGSILARYLNmrdann--qtaelvPCCT 474 Folsomia candida
XP_022105432 364 CCMRDFLVNFtVIGWDSWIVQPlTFDAHYCAGE----CSVSsrh----flkDHTEIIALLLQhqeaa-----sdmkLCCV 430 crown-of-thorns...
PAV55885     165 CCLKQFYVNFtELGWNDWILSPpGYNANYCTGQ----CPYNense--vqriLHSAKTNDTAFfi----------sqPECA 228 Diploscapter pa...
Feature 1                                   #      ##        
1NYS_B        83 PTKLRPMSMLYYDDGq-------nIIKKD----IQNMIVEECGC 115 human
NP_497318    218 PNYYGSVDMIVALSPr-------dIRKTR----VHGLRALSCSC 250 Caenorhabditis elegans
NP_001121540 526 PRSTGTLSMIYINEDg-------qFYTVD----MPEMRILSCGC 558 purple urchin
CDJ81141     248 PRSFAPLRILYTVGPn-------hSMSLV----LPDMIALSCSC 280 barber pole worm
KHN85723     290 PTKYDPLEVVYAISEn-------dLRKRL----LHGMKVSECGC 322 dog roundworm
BAQ19140     244 TQAYAPLKISYQDFEg-------nIVHQS----LTNMIATQCGC 276 Cladonema pacificum
XP_015928440 323 PTELKPLEMIYKASNdtttnsthtLVHHE----IPNMIAESCGC 362 common house spider
XP_021966233 475 ATRMSSISLAYNDWGny-----nsSVPRRrtetLPNMVVESCGC 513 Folsomia candida
XP_022105432 431 ANDVSDLSVIYLGNDn--------AVRQR----YIDVVVENCGC 462 crown-of-thorns starfish
PAV55885     229 PRHFVPLKIVYAVSHr-------dIRVTT----FNGMSVLSCSC 261 Diploscapter pachys

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