Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd23599: TFP_LU_ECD_Cold 
extracellular domain (ECD) found in Drosophila melanogaster protein coiled and similar proteins
Coiled (Cold) is coded by the Drosophila cold gene that is expressed in a subset of glial cells. It is a member of the Drosophila Ly6 superfamily of extracellular ligands and could behave as a membrane component of the septate junctions (SJ). Cold is essential for tracheal morphogenesis and the organization of the insect SJ in a cell autonomous way. It is also required for organization of the blood-brain-barrier in the Drosophila nervous system. Coiled contains an extracellular domain (ECD), which belongs to Ly-6 antigen/uPA receptor-like (LU) superfamily and exhibits a snake toxin-like fold (also known as three-finger toxin/3FTx fold or three-fingered protein/TFP domain fold).
PSSM-Id: 467128
Aligned: 22 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 75.7994
Created: 25-Feb-2021
Updated: 27-Apr-2023
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
NP_608536     26 LECYVCSNQtgnteKCLNtiKTCep-feNVCGTEIRWgsqpyfs-egalkqYYVSKRCMtkEQCQSkrkrymqLYCTHIw 103 fruit fly
EFX86104      24 LECYVCTTQngnteKCLRtiRTCep-geDYCLTTIAWgshpywt-inadkqYYVSKQCAtkSFCEKtwn-etlPYCERIw 100 common water flea
PAA59451       3 IKCYECRNIegngdACVRlsTPCtp-deDACISHVHYttptsywtplaerkHYISKGCVsySACIKqrd-itqRSCTYDw 80  Macrostomum lig...
XP_013071824  20 LECYVCADQpdnkdKCVKttVQCee-sqDTCLTHIEWrapdfwt-prsekmFYVHKACHtsTYCANmqr-evgIRCMRDw 96  Biomphalaria gl...
ELT92794      21 LECYSCEEEernrgTCNSrtSRCed-fqDACTSYVRWgippqws-prgdrrYYISKGCDtmQGCIKrqe-atfTTCNRDw 97  Capitella teleta
OWA54137      21 LECYTCLNQednsdKCIStvQLCdpeihDTCSTNVRWgvafywl-pavqriHYISKACDnlRNCEHrrr-qleSRCYRDw 98  Hypsibius exemp...
OAF65891       7 LQCYACINEddntdKCKKtvVQCkq-ydNACVTRVRYgiapywv-pngirqFYISKYCQsmVNCLKden-arrTRCKRDw 83  Intoshia linei
XP_027232296  20 QKCYVCKDQdentgKCATtvQECsf-geDYCLSEIRWgstpfwe-igapmqYYISKKCAtaDECVTtks-eymPYCQRIw 96  Pacific white s...
XP_009025109   4 LECYKCSNNhnnwmDCTRdkVECkp-fqDACTSFVSFhsklfi--clgekwHNISKGCDtmERCEYranvvnqPLCDRSs 80  Helobdella robusta
PRD27819     127 LECYVCDSQdsnydKCIKtiKTCdi-aeDRCLSEVRWgstpywd-stgkkqFYISKTCSteRQCKDsis-avsSRCDRIw 203 Nephila clavipes
NP_608536    104 yeDWACNECCKGDRCNYF 121 fruit fly
EFX86104     101 ylDWRCSECCQGDRCNYF 118 common water flea
PAA59451      81 ftDWSCVECCRGDLCNYY 98  Macrostomum lignano
XP_013071824  97 yrDWECYECCGGDRCNFY 114 Biomphalaria glabrata
ELT92794      98 ynDWACVECCSGDLCNYF 115 Capitella teleta
OWA54137      99 waDWQCEDCCMGDRCNYY 116 Hypsibius exemplaris
OAF65891      84 yrDWECIECCSGDLCNYY 101 Intoshia linei
XP_027232296  97 wrDWKCAECCKGDRCNYF 114 Pacific white shrimp
XP_009025109  81 ynEWACVECCTGDLCNYF 98  Helobdella robusta
PRD27819     204 ynDWECVECCHGDRCNYY 221 Nephila clavipes
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