Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd01450: vWFA_subfamily_ECM 
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Von Willebrand factor type A (vWA) domain was originally found in the blood coagulation protein von Willebrand factor (vWF). Typically, the vWA domain is made up of approximately 200 amino acid residues folded into a classic a/b para-rossmann type of fold. The vWA domain, since its discovery, has drawn great interest because of its widespread occurrence and its involvement in a wide variety of important cellular functions. These include basal membrane formation, cell migration, cell differentiation, adhesion, haemostasis, signaling, chromosomal stability, malignant transformation and in immune defenses In integrins these domains form heterodimers while in vWF it forms multimers. There are different interaction surfaces of this domain as seen by the various molecules it complexes with. Ligand binding in most cases is mediated by the presence of a metal ion dependent adhesion site termed as the MIDAS motif that is a characteristic feature of most, if not all A domains
PSSM-Id: 238727
Aligned: 132 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 69.2426
Created: 1-Nov-2000
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 5 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS)
  • Comment:consensus: DXSXS-X(60,)T-X(24,)-D
  • Comment:the vestigial MIDAS motif in vWF is only partially conserved and is not necessary for collagen binding
  • Comment:the MIDAS motif in integrins is involved in collagen binding
  • Comment:divalent cations are bound by the MIDAS motif
  • Structure:1DZI; integrin alpha2 binds Co2+ (cobalt ion) that engages collagen (Glu residue)
  • Comment:1IDN_1 shows the metal free state
  • Structure:1BHQ_1 with Cd2+ (cadmium ion)
  • Structure:1AOX_A with Mg2+
  • Structure:1JLM with Mn2+

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1            # # #                                                                    
BAB32650  250 LDIYIALDVSDSIDee-dFEKAKGVIKTLIEKIsyyevspNYEILIFAtDVARIVSMrdfksaq-knnlleILKRLkdyE 327 common carp
AAB19093  257 LDIYIAVDASDSIDpk-dFDKAKKIIKTLIEKIsyyevspNYEILMFAtDVDQIVKMrdfktnekarkilkIFEDLdnfN 335 zebrafish
P06681    253 LNLYLLLDCSQSVSen-dFLIFKESASLMVDRIfsfeinvSVAIITFAsEPKVLMSVlndns----rdmteVISSLenaN 327 human
P16893     47 VDLYLLMDCSGSIRrhnwVNHAVPLAMKLIQQLnlndnaiHLYVNVFSnNAKEIIRLhsdaskn-kekaliIIRSLlstN 125 malaria parasite P...
AAO38598  388 LDMIIAFDTSESLSsl-iVPQYVDFAKKLVAQYkygndntRVGIITFSsDVVEVRKLtdgn------tldaVNAAIdtvH 460 Caenorhabditis ele...
P58335     43 FDLYFVLDKSGSVAn--nWIEIYNFVQQLAERFvsp--emRLSFIVFSsQATIILPLtgd--------rgkISKGLedlK 110 human
BAC36683   75 FDLYLVLDKSGSVAd--nWIHIYSFAEGLVKKFtnp--nlRISIITYStEAEVILPLtsd--------skeINKSLlvlK 142 house mouse
I50807    256 THIYLVIDASYSVGke-dFDTGLNFVKDLINRIgmyvrniRYSIVMYAtNPSLKLSVrdsws----ndpnaVIKILddlD 330 Japanese lamprey
Feature 1              #                                      #                               
1DZI_A     74 QYgg---dlTNTFGAIQYARKYaysaasg------grrsatKVMVVVTDGeshdgs--mlkavIDQCNhd---------- 132 human
BAB32650  328 YNskgdrtgTNIAQAYRSILESmqieqmtn---keefkttqHIVIMFTDGqanmgg--nprpwVDQIKdlvkknspseee 402 common carp
AAB19093  336 YDkkgdrtgTNIAKLYLKILDSmsleqvqn---kedflqtqHVIIVFTDGqanmgg--npkpkVDLIKnlviknn-asre 409 zebrafish
P06681    328 YKdhengtgTNTYAALNSVYLMmnnqmrllgmetmawqeirHAIILLTDGksnmgg--spktaVDHIReilnin--qkrn 403 human
P16893    126 LPyg----rTNLTDALLQVRKHlndrin--------renanQLVVILTDGipdsiq--dslkeSRKLSdrg--------- 182 malaria parasite P...
AAO38598  461 YTgg----lTNVTKAQLTAKNLfdtes---------nanrnKVLFILTDGvptvdtytdevaaGDKLKsi---------- 517 Caenorhabditis ele...
P58335    111 RVspv--geTYIHEGLKLANEQiqkag---------glktsSIIIALTDGkldglvpsyaekeAKISRsl---------- 169 human
BAC36683  143 SIvpq--glTHMQKGLRKANEQirkstl-------ggrivnSVIIALTDGllllkpyldtmeeAKKARrm---------- 203 house mouse
Q9H6X2    111 KVlpg--gdTYMHEGFERASEQiyyenr-------qgyrtaSVIIALTDGelhedlffysereANRSRdl---------- 171 human
I50807    331 YYefddtpgTNTAMALKMVLDTmalykvan---qntfkdirQAIILLTDGrsnvgp-ppgkflMDNIDldip-------k 399 Japanese lamprey
Feature 1                                                  
1DZI_A    133 -nILRFGIAVlgylnrnaldtknlIKEIKAIAsip----terYFF 172 human
BAB32650  403 enLDLYVFGMgdd---------vnAEDINDLKtdrg---nekFFF 435 common carp
AAB19093  410 nkLDLYVFGVgkd---------vkKEDMNGLVsekk---derHFF 442 zebrafish
P06681    404 dyLDIYAIGVgkl--------dvdWRELNELGskkd---gerHAF 437 human
P16893    183 vkIAVFGIGQg------------iNVAFNRFLvgchpsdgkcNLY 215 malaria parasite P. falciparum
AAO38598  518 -sVISFFVGYssys-------devKTELGKVSep-------kYIF 547 Caenorhabditis elegans
P58335    170 -gASVYCVGVld----------feQAQLERIAds------keQVF 197 human
BAC36683  204 -gAIVYTVGVfm----------ysKQQLVNIAgd------pdRCF 231 house mouse
Q9H6X2    172 -gAIVYCVGVkd----------fnETQLARIAds------kdHVF 199 human
I50807    400 ehMDVYVFGMgd----------vyKDEIETIAsqkp---neqHSF 431 Japanese lamprey

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