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Siciliani L, Chalkley M, Gravelle H. Does provider competition improve health care quality and efficiency? Expectations and evidence from Europe [Internet]. Copenhagen (Denmark): European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies; 2022. (Policy Brief, No. 48.)

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Does provider competition improve health care quality and efficiency? Expectations and evidence from Europe [Internet].

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The policy brief draws heavily from a working paper, “Competition policy in five European countries. What can be learned for health policy in England?”, which was produced as part of the Health Foundation’s Policy Challenge Fund. The authors are grateful to Sally Al-Zaidy, Anita Charlesworth, Ben Collins, Sara Martin and Emma Spencelayh for their helpful comments and suggestions on the working paper. For more information about this work, see: https://www.health.org.uk/improvement-projects/competition-policy-in-five-european-countries

The authors also give thanks to the Health Foundation who provided financial support for this policy brief.

The authors wish to thank Josep Figueras, Suszy Lessof, Tom Rice, Anna Sagan and Ewout van Ginneken for reviewing this policy brief and giving invaluable input, as well as Erica Richardson for her editorial assistance in earlier versions of the brief. Lastly we are also very grateful to Jonathan North and Lucie Jackson for managing the production process, and to Andrea Kay for copy-editing the text.

© World Health Organization 2022 (acting as the host organization for, and secretariat of, the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies)
Bookshelf ID: NBK589274


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