Executive summary

Publication Details

The World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines on recreational water quality: volume 1 – coastal and fresh waters aims to protect public health by ensuring that the quality of recreational waters is safely managed. These guidelines update substantial content from the 2003 WHO Guidelines for safe recreational water environments: volume 1 – coastal and fresh waters and its 2009 addendum.

Key changes are:

  • emphasis on preventive risk management through site-specific recreational water safety plans at the centre of a water safety framework (Fig. 0.1); and
  • an exclusive focus on water quality, meaning that hazards that are not related to water quality (drowning; exposure to sun, heat and cold; and dangerous aquatic organisms) are outside the scope of this guideline. References to relevant guidance, including other WHO guidelines, on these topics have been added.

Water quality management for swimming pools and spas is addressed in the WHO Guidelines for safe recreational water environments: volume 2 – swimming pools and spas.

Use of coastal, estuarine and freshwater recreational water environments has significant benefits for health and well-being, including rest, relaxation, exercise, cultural and religious practices, and aesthetic pleasure. It also provides substantial local, regional and national economic benefits from tourism. However, recreational water environments contain potential hazards, which must be weighed against the benefits. These guidelines focus on water quality management for coastal and freshwater environments.

Recreational water sites are ecosystems that support a range of aquatic organisms, including fish and shellfish, insects and birds. Some of these organisms can be nuisances during recreational use of the site, or may even cause injury and health hazards to humans. Protecting human health may need to be balanced against environmental protection targets. Application of these guidelines therefore needs to consider targets and measures for the protection of coastal and aquatic ecosystems.

These guidelines are mainly aimed at national and local authorities, and other entities with an obligation to exercise due diligence relating to the safety of recreational water sites. They may be implemented in conjunction with measures for environmental protection of recreational water use sites.

Unless otherwise noted, the guidelines apply to the general population participating in all types of recreational water use entailing direct water contact, inhalation of sea spray and beach use. Immunocompromised individuals should seek medical advice on their individual ability to tolerate exposure to surface recreational waters. The guidelines:

  • describe the current state of knowledge about the possible adverse health impacts of recreational use of coastal, estuarine and freshwater environments; and
  • set out recommendations for setting national health-based targets; conducting risk assessments; and putting in place management approaches to identify, monitor and control these hazards, and associated public health surveillance and communication.

Core recommendations for implementation by national authorities and personnel responsible for implementation of recreational water safety plans (RWSP) are summarized below. The summary also includes management advice for each type of risk, including indicators, guideline values and information on system assessment, monitoring and management communications relevant for RWSPs. In-depth scientific rationale, supporting data and case studies are in Chapters 19.


National authorities should formulate a national recreational water safety framework, encompassing policies, plans, regulations, guidelines and tools, aligned with the recommendations and management advice for specific risks. If not already established, clear roles and responsibilities among national and local authorities need to be defined for each element of the framework.

Recommendations below should be read in conjunction with detailed descriptions in Chapters 13.

Fig. 0.1. Recreational water safety framework for recommendations and management advice.

Fig. 0.1

Recreational water safety framework for recommendations and management advice.

Recommendation 1Set national health-based targets for recreational water bodies



Express targets as microbial water quality standards for sources of faecal contamination based on the guideline values in Table 2.1.1


Develop additional water quality standards for cyanotoxins or biovolume indicators from harmful algal blooms based on guideline values in Fig. 5.1.


Consider additional standards based on provisional guideline values for beach sand and chemicals, operational monitoring limits for other microbial hazards, and aesthetic and nuisance aspects if justified by national or local risk assessment and resource availability for monitoring and control measures.


Where high-quality, locally relevant epidemiological studies are available, national authorities may adapt Table 2.1 to develop nationally relevant health-based targets, as described in section 2.1.2.

Table 0.1. Guideline values for microbial quality of coastal and freshwater recreational waters.

Table 0.1

Guideline values for microbial quality of coastal and freshwater recreational waters.

Fig. 0.2. Alert level framework for monitoring and managing cyanobacteria in recreational water bodies.

Fig. 0.2

Alert level framework for monitoring and managing cyanobacteria in recreational water bodies.

Recommendation 2Develop and implement recreational water safety plans (RWSPs) for priority bathing sites

Subrecommendations (also refer to Box 3.4 checklist for developing RWSPs)


Identify the lead entity and assemble a team to develop the RWSP.

  • Identify the lead entity and key stakeholders, and form a coordination committee that includes relevant stakeholder representatives with clear roles and responsibilities.


Undertake a system assessment for each existing priority recreational water site (or group of sites within the same catchment) and before developing new sites.

  • Describe the recreational water environment – by combining a sanitary survey of adjacent land and water drainage with an initial microbial quality assessment to assign a beach classifications (refer to sections 4.14.3).
  • Identify hazards and hazardous events, considering seasonality and predicted local climate change scenarios.
  • Assess and prioritize the risks.
  • Identify existing control measures, assess risks and prioritize risks that are insufficiently controlled.
  • Establish plans, with sustainable funding, for managing currently effective control measures.
  • Establish improvement plans, with sustainable funding, for incrementally implementing control measures where priority risks are insufficiently controlled.


Conduct and maintain system monitoring.

  • Establish and implement an operational monitoring regime for priority control measures in the catchment to give rapid warning when operational limits are exceeded.
  • Establish and implement corrective actions for exceedances of operational limits.
  • Conduct ongoing verification monitoring of water quality.
  • Establish procedures to verify effectiveness of the RWSP.


Establish coordinated management and communication strategies to support effective pollution control and public communications.

  • Document management procedures for normal and incident conditions, including incident response plans.
  • Where feasible, develop predictive models to support timely communication to water users.
  • Develop supporting programmes – for example, training, research and development, standard operating procedures, quality control activities, procedures for visual inspections, sample collection and equipment calibration.
  • Establish communication protocols between responsible organizations and agencies.
  • Establish mechanisms for communication with users and managers of the site.


Review and update RWSPs.

  • Meet periodically and after incidents to review performance of plans, including operational monitoring and water quality results, an updated sanitary survey and beach classification, the occurrence of incidents, communication and complaints; if necessary, update the risk assessment.

Fig. 0.3. Flowchart for assessing recreational water environments.

Fig. 0.3

Flowchart for assessing recreational water environments.

Recommendation 3Conduct ongoing surveillance and risk communication of recreational water–related illness



Collect, analyse and interpret health-related data on suspected or confirmed illness in humans and/or animals, and systematically document outbreaks associated with recreational waters.


Provide the public with timely information about the status of health risks, and provide water users with advisory warnings before, during and after a public health incident, in conjunction with RWSPs.

Management advice and guideline values

Management advice is summarized below for each of the chapters on specific hazards (Chapters 49) according to the relevant water quality indicator(s) and their guideline values (where applicable), and the three elements of an RWSP:

  • system assessment
  • monitoring
  • management and communication.

This management advice should be read in conjunction with the detailed descriptions in Chapters 49.

Chapter 4: Faecal pollution

Faecal indicator organism (FIO)

Intestinal enterococci in both marine water and fresh water1,2

Guideline value

200/100 mL (upper 95th percentile)3,4

System assessment and beach classification

  • Classify beaches by combining water quality testing and sanitary surveys (refer to sections 4.14.3).

    Undertake a sanitary survey to identify all sources and conditions leading to faecal pollution (refer to section 4.1.2).

    Determine recreational water quality from an initial microbial water quality assessment (refer to section 4.2.1).

    Combine results from the sanitary survey and the microbial water quality assessment to classify the recreational water environment as very good, good, fair, poor or very poor (refer to section 4.3).

  • Undertake further assessment, and possibly on-site empirical investigations, if there is discrepancy between the results of the microbial water quality assessment and the sanitary survey.
  • Consider upgrading the beach classification to a more favourable level if local management actions (e.g. advisories) are effective.

Operational and verification monitoring

  • Undertake initial microbial water quality assessment to inform beach classification (as described above).
  • When unacceptable levels of FIOs are detected and sewage is not the likely source, identify the faecal source(s) contributing FIOs (e.g. through sanitary surveys of the catchment or where resources permit microbial source tracking).
  • Monitor the functioning of control measures using operational (microbial and nonmicrobial) parameters (e.g. warnings from release of poorly treated sewage or faecal sludge from a utility or service provider, rainfall that may affect runoff, changes in wind speed or direction, water temperature, water quality testing) and predictive modelling to allow timely warnings to water users.
  • Conduct ongoing verification monitoring to check whether water quality is likely to be high enough to meet health-based targets (refer to Table 4.2 for recommended verification monitoring schedule).

Examples of management and communication

  • Enforce compliance with regulations. For catchment pollution from human or nonhuman sources, identify major sources of pollution and develop a catchment-wide pollution abatement programme (refer to section 4.4).
  • Manage pollution of recreational waters by human or animal wastes containing faecal bacteria or pathogens through system upgrades (e.g. tertiary treatment of human effluent for direct point-source pollution and/or appropriate disposal of human effluent through long outfalls to separate discharges from water users).
  • Public health authorities should be engaged in defining water quality standards or appropriate triggers relevant to exceptional circumstances (e.g. sewer breaks, extreme floods and rainfall events with a recurrence interval of more than 5 years).
  • Develop predictive models for real-time operational monitoring and public communications, where feasible (refer to section 4.2.3).
  • Post advisory notices of likely adverse water quality if:

    weather events, such as high rainfall, lead to elevation of FIOs in recreational waters;

    a rare or extreme event causes gross pollution of the bathing water; or

    sewage, septic tank effluent and/or faecal sludge discharges occur that are unrelated to weather events.

Chapter 5: Harmful algal blooms (HABs)

Indicators and guideline values

Freshwater and brackish water bodies5

Cyanobacterial biomass indicator values (thresholds in Fig. 5.1 alert level framework):

  • Vigilance level – 1–4 mm³/L biovolume or 1–12 µg/L chlorophyll a (with dominance of cyanobacteria).
  • Alert Level 1 – 4–8 mm³/L biovolume or 12–24 µg/L chlorophyll a (with dominance of cyanobacteria).
  • Alert Level 2 – scum or transparency <0.5–1 m.

Note that clear water bodies with far lower plankton biomass may harbour toxic cyanobacteria growing on surfaces such as sediments and submerged plants as mats, which can detach and float in the water or be washed ashore.

Cyanotoxin guideline values (thresholds in Fig. 5.1. alert level framework):

  • Microcystin GVrecreation – 24 µg/L (provisional).
  • Cylindrospermopsin GVrecreation – 6 µg/L (provisional).
  • Anatoxin-a GVrecreation – 60 µg/L (conservative health-based reference value due to lack of effects in chronic studies).
  • Saxitoxin GVrecreation – 30 µg/L

System assessment

  • Develop a surveillance strategy that gives priority to the highest-risk sites based on the likelihood of toxic blooms and patterns of recreational use (refer to Table 5.2).
  • Develop an understanding of water body conditions (including under predicted local climate change scenarios), as the basis for assessing risks of bloom occurrence and thus of exposure during recreational activities (e.g. excluding fast-flowing rivers where blooms cannot form and lakewater aerosols).
  • Compile an inventory of activities in the catchment causing nutrient loads that sup-port HABs.

Fresh water:

  • Use total phosphorus concentrations above 20 µg/L and/or cyanobacterial occur-rence as a screening level for water bodies at risk of planktonic HABs, taking note of the possibility of HABs growing on surfaces in clear water bodies with lower total phosphorus concentrations.
  • Choose parameters (e.g. biovolumes) that indicate potential levels of cyanotoxins, and define the levels that trigger specific actions.
  • Interpret laboratory data in conjunction with visual information from site inspec-tion, observation of scums and water transparency, and qualitative microscopy.

Coastal and estuarine water:

  • Assess the potential for bloom development based on nutrient input causing eu-trophication (i.e. nutrient enrichment that promotes blooms), water temperature and water flow dynamics (noting that most marine HABs primarily affect health through ingestion of contaminated seafood); adverse effects may occur from inha-lation of spray from marine water or scum containing algal species, or at tropical and subtropical beaches from skin contact with filamentous tropical cyanobacteria growing on surfaces causing severe skin lesions (Moorea, formerly called Lyngbya).

Operational and verification monitoring for fresh, coastal and estuarine waters

  • For activities in the catchment causing nutrient-rich fluxes to water bodies used for recreation, work with relevant operators to develop methods to control and monitor nutrient release.
  • Specify the aims of monitoring, and decide on the sampling sites, intensity of monitoring and analytical targets (refer to Table 5.4).
  • Use long time series of data records on phytoplankton populations to improve understanding of the dynamics of HAB growth, predict the appearance of potentially toxic HABs, and allow recognition of new species in the area.
  • Apply visual, biological, biochemical and physicochemical methods to determine the likelihood and presence of HABs and concentrations of cyanotoxins.
  • Conduct water quality analysis based on visual examination (e.g. scum, coloured turbidity, biovolumes or chlorophyll a concentration, remote sensing) or toxin analysis in situations where health risks are likely (for fresh and brackish water, refer to Fig. 5.1 alert level framework).
  • Mobilize citizen science for data collection, where feasible.
  • Intensify monitoring activities when conditions favourable to HAB development are recognized.
  • Document the occurrence of HABs and inform public health authorities when they occur.
  • In the event of illness (including animal deaths) that is possibly associated with HABs, undertake verification monitoring. Establish communication lines for rapid water quality analyses of the recreational water body and toxin analysis to provide information for diagnosis and for immediate management actions.

Examples of management and communication

Fresh water and brackish water:

  1. Implement an alert level framework (refer to Fig. 5.1).
  2. Inform public health authorities when blooms occur. Lifeguards, where present, and beach managers can provide information on bloom occurrence.
  3. Develop an incident response plan to ensure a rapid and coordinated reaction in the case of a heavy bloom or incident (e.g. death of pets or livestock, or human illness) caused by a bloom.
  4. Ensure that users of recreational water bodies have sufficient information and are actively engaged in assessing whether it is safe to swim (e.g. through signs, social media and hotlines).
  5. Reduce nutrient (often phosphorus) input from the catchment to the water body from human excreta from sewage and wastewater, fertilizers, manure and slurry spread on land, and wastewater from industries and manufacturing enterprises (refer to Fig. 5.4).
  6. If HAB toxin concentrations or biomass volumes remain too high and blooms still occur, or if more immediate success is needed, consider implementing an internal measure that makes conditions less favourable for cyanobacteria, noting some may not be practical or may have adverse ecological effects (refer to Table 5.3).

Coastal and estuarine water:

  • For planktonic HABs, implement points 2–4 above. Consider also developing a similar alert level framework.
  • For tropical/subtropical beaches with filamentous cyanobacteria (Moorea, formerly called Lyngbya) growing on surfaces, removing detached filaments accumulating on beaches and providing information to site users (refer to point 4 above) are the only options known to be effective.

For health authorities and water managers:

  • Develop outreach materials explaining causes of HABs, and options and responsibilities for controlling them.

For recreational water users:

  • Inform the public and policy communities how to recognize HABs and avoid exposure – and who to notify in cases of concern.

For medical practitioners:

  • Inform medical practitioners about the symptoms HAB toxins may cause, their often mild and self-limiting nature, the conditions under which severe illness needs to be considered, measures to take if exposure to HAB toxins may have been substantial, and the communication lines to use if an HAB is suspected as the cause of symptoms, to immediately trigger water sampling and analyses (which are crucial to confirm a diagnosis and to prevent further exposure).

Chapter 6: Other microbial hazards


None (refer to “Operational and verification monitoring” below).

Guideline value

Not applicable – no dose–response relationship can be established for these organisms.

System assessment

Incorporate risk factors for the other microbial hazards of concern for the catchment within the RWSP system assessment by preparing an inventory of microbial hazards that have been observed or are likely to be present and incorporating risk factors likely to promote their proliferation.

Operational and verification monitoring

  • For organisms whose prevalence is strongly dependent on environmental conditions, incorporate indirect operational monitoring of environmental conditions (e.g. temperature) into RWSPs.
  • Undertake verification monitoring and surveillance of illness at a national level, to enable analysis of information on symptoms, severity, pre-existing conditions and the likely recreational source of infection.
  • Regular pathogen monitoring is not recommended except under exceptional circumstances (and if site-specific guideline values are established) – for example, before and after a water sports event, or during heatwaves in locations with a history of Vibrio infections. Targeted screening can be used for investigative and research purposes.

Examples of management and communication

For health authorities and water managers:

  • In catchments and bathing sites where severe infections (e.g. primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, severe leptospirosis) are suspected, incorporate pathogen-specific management and communication measures into the RWSP.
  • Potential control measures include site management (e.g. control of vectors or macrophyton) and behaviour change approaches (e.g. hygiene measures for water users).
  • Where non-native animal carriers play a role in disease transmission, manage the recreational site to control these animals.
  • Where a site has been linked to infection or has conditions that are suitable for the causative organism, inform site users to allow them to make an informed decision.

For recreational water users:

  • General precautions

    Cover existing skin lesions with waterproof dressings before entering the water. If an injury is sustained while in the water or at the recreational site, wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water.

    Remove wet swimwear; shower and towel dry after water exposure.

    Remove contact lenses before bathing in warm fresh water.

    For water sports, wear protective clothing where the risk of infection is high.

    If an infection develops after recreational water exposure, seek medical advice.

  • Specific precautions

    Protect against swimmer’s itch by avoiding high-risk areas (shallow water with dense vegetation) and high-risk periods (early morning at some sites).

    Reduce exposure to Naegleria fowleri by minimizing the amount of naturally warm fresh recreational water entering the nose (e.g. keeping the head above water, holding the nose shut, using a nose clip).

    People with underlying medical conditions (especially hepatic disease or other chronic illness) should limit their exposure to brackish water or seawater.

    Seek medical advice if planning to engage in recreational water activities in areas where human schistosomiasis and leptospirosis are endemic.

For medical practitioners:

  • Pay attention to risk behaviours such as travel to endemic areas, adventure travel and extreme water sports.

Chapter 7: Beach sand


Intestinal enterococci in both marine water and fresh water (where justified by national or local risk assessment, and resource availability for monitoring and control measures).

Provisional guideline value

60 CFU/g6,7

System assessment

Incorporate risk factors for pathogens of concern in beach sand into RWSP system assessment, paying particular attention to beaches that are vulnerable from a physical and geomorphological perspective (enclosed beaches with minimal wave action).

Operational and verification monitoring

  • Undertake pathogen sampling and analysis (refer to section 7.2.3).
  • Undertake operational monitoring of priority sources of sand pollution (e.g. dogs and birds on beaches).

Examples of management and communication

For health authorities and water managers:

  • Limit access to the beach by dogs and feral animals, such as cats.
  • Prepare management plans for birds.
  • Provide properly designed solid waste disposal facilities.
  • Provide toilet facilities, appropriate wastewater and sludge treatment, and stormwater drainage.
  • Conduct beach grooming to eliminate visible solid waste (taking care to minimize impacts on sand ecology).
  • Check the quality of source sand if beach sand renourishment is used to build artificial beaches or restore natural beaches.
  • Apply additional strategies for beaches that are vulnerable from a physical and geomorphological perspective (enclosed beaches with minimal wave action).

For recreational water and beach users (in the absence of environmental measurements):

  • Use a towel when sitting on the beach.
  • Wear shoes to minimize cuts when walking on the beach.
  • Protect open wounds from water and sand exposure.
  • Beach clean-up workers may be encouraged to wear protective clothing, including gloves and possibly dust masks.
  • Shower upon leaving the beach.

For public health authorities:

  • Stay in contact with lifeguards for potential reports of on-site outbreaks.
  • Proactively intervene by contacting medical centres – remind staff to be alert to possible beach-related outbreaks and ailments.

Chapter 8: Chemicals


None – except for specific chemicals where justified by national or local risk assessment, and resource availability for monitoring and control measures.

Guideline value

As a screening approach, investigate substances occurring in recreational water at a concentration 20 times higher than the guideline value in the WHO Guidelines for drinking-water quality.

Risk assessment

Incorporate assessment of chemical hazards in recreational waters into RWSPs, using information on potential sources of chemical hazards within the catchment, and the frequency, extent and likelihood of exposure.

Operational and verification monitoring

  • Undertake operational monitoring for the highest-risk chemical discharges (e.g. discharge permit compliance, flow rate); monitor fencing and signage, if installed, to prevent access to water bodies (e.g. quarry lakes) that are permanently unsuitable for recreational use; monitor soil and groundwater downstream of contaminated sites.
  • Use chemical analysis to support a quantitative risk assessment if contamination is present or suspected and there is significant exposure of users.

Examples of management and communication

For health authorities and water managers:

  • Manage pollution events, and provide timely and effective information (e.g. issue media advice, communicate with community or resident groups, install warning signs) about recreational water environments affected by chemical hazards.

For recreational water users:

  • Provide information about the nature of the contamination, potential health risks, activities to be avoided and planned remedial action.

Chapter 9: Aesthetics and nuisance


None (refer to “Operational and verification monitoring” below).

Guideline value

Not applicable.

System assessment

Incorporate aspects of aesthetics and nuisance into RWSP system assessment.

Operational and verification monitoring

Local authorities and/or citizen science can undertake periodic (e.g. daily, weekly) operational monitoring via visual inspection and data collection on priority aesthetic aspects of concern.

Examples of management and communication

For health authorities and water managers:

  • Provide solid waste disposal facilities.
  • Undertake beach grooming and litter clean-ups for beaches receiving litter or excessive macroalgae from offshore.
  • Provide information to beach users on proper solid waste disposal, and avoiding nearshore nuisances such as jellyfish.
  • Undertake insect control for sites with excessive mosquitoes, flies and other nuisance insects.
  • Develop policies and management for non-native animals on the beach (e.g. discourage pets and feeding of birds, keep solid waste inaccessible). If dogs are permitted, put in place policies and procedures to minimize their impacts on the aesthetic quality of the beach.



Guideline values provide a precautionary level of protection in fresh water since gastrointestinal illness occurs at a higher rate in seawater than in fresh water at a given FIO level.


No statistical relationship has been established for Escherichia coli that can support a dose–response guideline value. Many jurisdictions use E. coli in fresh water with a 100 cfu/100 mL threshold of risk, based on findings of Wiedenmann et al. (2006). The study is less characteristic of waters globally, and use of two FIOs introduces avoidable complexity in analysis and interpretation of results. As further empirical epidemiological data become available, it may be possible to use E. coli, microbial source tracking markers and viral pathogens or their indicators (e.g. phages), protozoa or helminths to assess health risk in recreational waters.


Upper range for Category B microbial water quality classification; 5% risk of gastroenteritis (refer to section 2.1 and Table 2.1).


If necessary, adapt guideline values in national standards based on high-quality local epidemiology (refer to section


Available only for freshwater HABs because of lack of data for recreational exposure to marine HAB toxins.


Where resources allow, adapt the provisional guideline value in national standards based on local epidemiological and quantitative microbial risk assessment studies. In the absence of guideline values, efforts should focus on preventive measures described under “Examples of management and communication” below.


Preliminary evidence based on a pan-European average also suggests an indicative reference value of 90 CFU/g of wet weight for fungi.

Image ch5f1
Image ch5f4