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Guidelines on Recreational Water Quality: Volume 1 Coastal and Fresh Waters [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021.

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Guidelines on Recreational Water Quality: Volume 1 Coastal and Fresh Waters [Internet].

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2Health-based targets and surveillance

Although a variety of stakeholders are engaged in ensuring recreational water safety, health authorities have specific roles to play in determining national health-based targets and conducting health outcome surveillance. Health-based targets underpin implementation of recreational water safety plans (RWSPs) at priority sites (refer to Chapter 3). Health outcome surveillance can verify health impacts, support communication of water quality improvements under RWSPs, and generate evidence to inform updates to national health-based targets, as necessary. Recreational waters have been shown to present a measurable and significant risk to the health of water users that is worthy of control using water quality monitoring. For example, Graccia et al. (2018) collated data for the period 2000–2014 for 35 states of the United States of America and Guam among users of untreated surface waters (marine and fresh water), and reported 140 disease outbreaks, with 4958 cases of disease and two deaths caused by pathogens, toxins or chemicals. In the 95 outbreaks having a confirmed infectious etiology, 92% were caused by enteric pathogens; 22% of these were caused by norovirus.

2.1. Health-based targets

Recommendation 1Set national health-based targets for recreational water bodies



Express targets as microbial water quality standards for sources of faecal contamination based on the guideline values in Table 2.1.1


Develop additional water quality standards for cyanotoxins or biovolume indicators from harmful algal blooms based on guideline values in Fig. 5.1.


Consider additional standards based on provisional guideline values for beach sand and chemicals, operational monitoring limits for other microbial hazards, and aesthetic and nuisance aspects if justified by national or local risk assessment and resource availability for monitoring and control measures.


Where high-quality, locally relevant epidemiological studies are available, national authorities may adapt Table 2.1 to develop nationally relevant health-based targets, as described in section 2.1.2.

Health-based targets are measurable health, water quality or performance objectives that are established based on a judgement of safety and on risk assessments of waterborne hazards. There are two distinct types of health-based targets relevant for recreational waters:

  • health outcome targets (e.g. tolerable burdens of disease, cases of disease); and
  • water quality targets (e.g. guideline values for microbial indicators, sources of faecal contamination).

Recommendation 1.1 specifies microbial water quality targets for feacal pollution because most countries do not have high-quality local epidemiological studies from which to derive adapted national health outcome targets. Some information on the underlying epidemiology and the approach for setting health outcome targets is given in section 2.1.1.

Health-based targets underpin the development of RWSPs (refer to Chapter 3) and verification of successful RWSP implementation. Health-based targets can be used to support incremental improvement by charting milestones in progress towards water safety and public health goals. This requires periodic review and updating of priorities, norms and standards. Health-based targets should assist in determining specific control measures, such as treatment processes for sources of feacal pollution, and guide public health surveillance and risk communication (refer to section 2.2).

For recreational water quality, the principal health-based targets relate to the adverse health effects associated with faecal pollution (Chapter 4) and harmful algal/cyanobacterial blooms (Chapter 5). Other hazards that may be locally or seasonally important include other microbial hazards (Chapter 6), contaminants in beach sand (Chapter 7), certain chemicals (Chapter 8), and hazards relating to aesthetics and nuisance (Chapter 9).

Details on derivation of health outcome targets for faecal–oral disease and microbial water quality targets (Recommendation 1.1) are detailed below.

2.1.1. Health outcome targets

Should a jurisdiction choose to develop health outcome–based targets, a considerable body of epidemiological information is available that may be adapted using high-quality locally relevant epidemiological studies, where available, and a national-level judgement of tolerable risk for the exposed population.

Numerous studies have shown a causal relationship between gastrointestinal symptoms and recreational water quality, as measured by levels of faecal indicator organisms (FIOs). Gastrointestinal symptoms are the most frequent health outcome for which significant dose-related associations have been reported (Wiedenmann et al., 2006). Randomized controlled trials conducted in marine waters in the United Kingdom (Kay et al., 1994; Fleisher et al., 1996) provide the most convincing data, and the most accurate measures of exposure, for water quality and illness. These trials are therefore the key studies for the derivation of guideline values for coastal and fresh recreational waters (refer to section 2.1.2). However, these results primarily apply to healthy adults using sewage-affected marine waters in temperate climates. Most studies reviewed by Prüss (1998) suggested that symptom rates were higher in younger age groups, and the United Kingdom studies may therefore systematically underestimate risks to children (Wade et al., 2008; Leonard et al., 2018).

Epidemiological studies are preferred as the basis for setting health outcome–based targets since they can eliminate sources of bias and error in assessment of human health impact. However, epidemiological studies are limited to a single, or a few closely related, diseases and carefully defined cohorts, and hence generally do not measure the full range of variation in population responses or environmental scenarios. Most recreational bathing studies have focused on temperate, not tropical, water environments, and the relationships between FIOs and pathogen survival may differ between these two environments (Harwood et al., 2014; Wade et al., 2018).

In resource-constrained settings, epidemiological studies may be challenging. Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) can be used to indirectly estimate the risk to human health by predicting infection or illness rates, given densities of particular pathogens in recreational waters, assumed rates of ingestion and appropriate dose–response models for the exposed population. QMRA estimates and epidemiological investigations have given comparable results for potential impacts of such events (Viau, Lee & Boehm, 2011; Soller et al., 2017), giving credence to the use of QMRA. QMRA can also explore risks below epidemiologically detectable levels or under circumstances that are not suited to epidemiological examination. However, caution is required in interpreting the results of QMRA because the risk of infection or illness from exposure to pathogenic microorganisms is subject to many uncertainties. Consequently, QMRA has greatest utility in resource-constrained settings for risk management (refer to section 4.4), where relative changes in estimated risks under various scenarios can be explored.

In the absence of high-quality, locally relevant epidemiological studies, national authorities are advised to develop microbial water quality targets derived from Kay et al. (1994) and Fleisher et al. (1996), as summarized in section 2.1.2 and Table 2.1.

2.1.2. Water quality standards

Guidance on setting national microbial water quality standards for the primary risk of faecal pollution (Recommendation 1.1) is detailed below. Indicators and guideline values for harmful algal blooms (Chapter 5), beach sand (Chapter 7) and chemical risks (Chapter 8) are included in each of the supporting chapters and summarized in the executive summary. For microbial hazards with insufficient information to develop specific guideline values (Chapter 6), operational monitoring options can be used in the context of an RWSP. Guideline values for aesthetic and nuisance aspects are presented in qualitative rather than quantitative terms since they reflect societal and cultural norms. Similarly, the quality of water that has special religious significance is also not quantified.

The guideline values presented are not mandatory limits; rather, they are measures of the safety of a recreational water environment. Derivation of guideline values and their conversion to national standards therefore require an element of valuation to address the frequency, nature and severity of associated health effects, since there is no clear cut-off value at which health effects are excluded. Societal norms play an important role in this valuation process, and the conversion of guidelines into national policy, legislation and standards should therefore take account of environmental, social, cultural and economic factors.

The existence of a guideline value or national standard does not imply that environmental quality should be allowed to degrade to this level. Indeed, a continuous effort should be made to ensure that recreational water environments are of the highest attainable quality and managed in a proactive manner. Many of the hazards associated with recreational use of the water environment are relatively short term. Short-term deviations above guideline values or conditions are therefore important to health, and measures should be in place to ensure and demonstrate that recreational water environments are continuously safe during periods of actual or potential use.

When a guideline value is exceeded, this should be a signal to:

  • investigate the cause of the failure and the likelihood of future failure;
  • liaise with the authority responsible for public health to determine whether immediate action should be taken to reduce exposure to the hazard; and
  • determine whether measures should be put in place to prevent or reduce exposure under similar conditions in the future (refer to Chapter 3).

Predictive models, coupled with timely public communications, can prevent exposure by alerting water users in real time to likely exceedances (refer to section 4.2.3).

Guideline values for microbial water quality

Quantitative epidemiological studies (Kay et al., 1994) in marine water enable estimation of the degree of health protection (or, conversely, the burden of disease) associated with a range of water quality criteria. Derived guideline values for both marine and fresh water were first presented in the World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines for safe recreational water environments (WHO, 2003), based on a tolerable burden of <1–5% gastrointestinal disease for voluntary recreational activities.

A subsequent study in fresh water (Wiedenmann et al., 2006) was used as a basis for slightly less stringent guideline values for fresh water in the later 2006 European Union Bathing Water Directive (EU, 2006), in which marine standards are generally applied to brackish or estuarine waters. Kay et al. (1994) found that enterococci best predicted gastrointestinal illness in recreational water users, whereas Wiedenmann et al. (2006) suggested that no-observed-adverse-effect levels, with respect to gastroenteritis, were evident for Escherichia coli, intestinal enterococci, somatic coliphages and Clostridium perfringens.

In these WHO Guidelines on recreational water quality: volume 1 – coastal and fresh waters, the marine water guideline values have again also been applied to fresh waters. This is based on a precautionary approach to fresh water, where effluent dilution and dispersal of untreated intermittent storm drainage is often constrained after discharges to rivers and lakes. Further, WHO recommends intestinal enterococci only, rather than intestinal enterocci and/or E. coli, since no statistical relationship has been established for E. coli that can support a dose–response guideline value. Some jurisdictions, such as the European Union, use E. coli in fresh water with a 100 cfu/100 mL threshold of risk, based on findings of Wiedenmann et al. (2006). However, the study sites in Wiedenmann et al. (2006) are less characteristic of waters globally, and use of two FIOs can introduce avoidable complexity in analysis and interpretation of results at the operational level.

As further empirical epidemiological data become available, it may be possible to use E. coli, microbial source tracking markers and viral pathogens (Gitter et al., 2020; Schoen et al., 2020) or their indicators (e.g. phages), protozoa or helminths to assess health risk in recreational waters.

The current recommended approach defines a range of water quality categories for classifying individual locations. The use of multiple categories provides incentive for progressive improvement by achieving higher water quality standards that are more protective of public health.

Coastal water

The guideline values for microbial water quality given in Table 2.1 are derived from the key studies (Kay et al., 2004) corresponding to Recommendation 1.1. The guideline value threshold for no-observed-adverse-effect level or lowest-observed-adverse-effect level for gastrointestinal illness and acute febrile respiratory illness is 200 cfu/100 mL, corresponding to the upper range for Category B in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Guideline values for microbial quality of coastal and freshwater recreational waters.

Table 2.1

Guideline values for microbial quality of coastal and freshwater recreational waters.

The values are expressed in terms of the 95th percentile – that is, the value of intestinal enterococci per 100 mL below which 95% of environmental samples would be expected to occur. They represent readily understood levels of risk based on the exposure conditions of the key studies. The values may need to be adapted to take account of different local conditions and new epidemiological studies. They are recommended for use in the classification scheme for recreational water environments discussed in section 4.3.

Fresh water

Recommended guideline values for fresh water are the same as the values for marine water in Table 2.1. Gastrointestinal illness occurs at a higher rate in seawater swimmers than in freshwater swimmers at a given level of faecal indicator bacteria (WHO, 2009). This difference may be due to the more rapid die-off of indicator bacteria than pathogens (especially inactivation of viruses) in seawater compared with fresh water (WHO, 2009). This would result in more pathogens in seawater than in fresh water for the same culture-derived density of FIOs.

Application of the guideline values derived for seawater to fresh water from culturable FIOs would therefore be likely to result in a lower illness rate in freshwater users, providing a conservative (i.e. more protective) guideline in the absence of suitable epidemiological data for fresh waters. However, a number of national and international authorities have different standards for seawater and freshwater sites (e.g. European Union, since 2006), based on the randomized controlled trials of Wiedenmann et al. (2006) for recreational fresh waters.

Adaptation of guideline values to national and local circumstances

The guideline values in Table 4.1 were derived from studies involving healthy adult recreational water users swimming in sewage-affected marine waters in a temperate climate. They may not apply in tropical or brackish waters, or to children, the elderly or people who are immunocompromised, who may have lower immunity and might require a greater degree of protection. If there are significant water user groups in an area, or human excreta–borne pathogen conditions differ substantially from those in temperate waters, local authorities may need to adapt the guideline values.

Risks are also likely to be greater in areas with higher carriage rates or prevalence of diseases that could be transmitted through recreational water contact, and stricter standards may be judged appropriate by local authorities if they can also be followed up with appropriate management and control actions.

If a region is an international tourist area or only used for special events, the susceptibility of visiting populations to locally endemic disease (e.g. hepatitis A) and the risk that visitors might introduce unfamiliar pathogens to the resident population need to be considered. Special events where samples have been taken to make decisions are further discussed in section 4.3.3.

Because pathogens and FIOs are inactivated at different rates, any one FIO is, at best, only an approximate index of the efficacy of pathogen removal in water (Davies-Colley, Donnison & Speed, 2000; Sinton et al., 2002; Maraccini et al., 2016; Boehm, Graham & Jennings, 2018; Jennings et al., 2018; Nelson et al., 2018; Box 4.3). This suggests that factors influencing FIO die-off should be taken into consideration when applying the guideline values in Table 4.1, depending on local circumstances. This is particularly the case where sewage is disinfected before release because disinfection may markedly increase the pathogen to indicator ratio, as described by QMRA studies (Schoen, Soller & Ashbolt, 2011).

2.2. Public health surveillance

Recommendation 3Conduct ongoing surveillance and risk communication of recreational water–related illness



Collect, analyse and interpret health-related data on suspected or confirmed illness in humans and/or animals, and systematically document outbreaks associated with recreational waters.


Provide the public with timely information about the status of health risks, and provide water users with advisory warnings before, during and after a public health incident, in conjunction with RWSPs.

Public health surveillance for recreational water bodies involves collecting, analysing and interpreting health-related data on suspected or confirmed illness in humans and/or animals associated with exposure to contaminants in recreational waters. High-quality health-related data may also inform revision and adaptation of health-based targets.

In addition to health-related data, public health surveillance includes producing summary reports about advisories and closings for beaches and waters subject to a national or regional programme for beach water quality monitoring and public notification. Risk communications are derived in combination with water quality monitoring and managed under an RWSP, as described in Chapter 3. Fig. 2.1 shows how public health surveillance activities link with elements of RWSPs.

Fig. 2.1. Public health surveillance and risk communication process for recreational waters.

Fig. 2.1

Public health surveillance and risk communication process for recreational waters.

Depending on national systems, different organizations can have key roles and responsibilities for assessing water quality, collecting and managing public health information, and communicating risks. It is important that these organizations are identified and work together at national or regional levels (refer to section 1.3.2).

Public health and environmental authorities are usually the main responsible bodies for surveillance and risk communication. These can be at a mix of levels: national, regional or local government. They might include international or national sports bodies, or specific event managers. Nongovernmental organizations, local communities and citizen science programmes can also make useful contributions and provide engagement opportunities.

2.2.1. Health outcome surveillance

Systematic documentation of outbreaks and national health data reports associated with recreational water activities can provide important insights into exposure scenarios, trends and the health impacts of exposure to recreational waters. However, despite the valuable insights outbreak surveillance can provide, it is limited by the retrospective and voluntary nature of reporting. Counts of outbreaks and cases are likely to underestimate actual disease incidence, as a result of variations in public health capacity and reporting requirements. Outbreaks may often go unreported for mild cases of illness when the exposed population is geographically dispersed and when tourists leave the area, as is the case for recreational exposures at beaches and lakes. The retrospective nature of outbreak surveillance can make it difficult to obtain samples needed to measure water quality parameters and provide laboratory confirmation of disease etiology. For these reasons, large water sports events can be used as sentinel events to combine verification water quality monitoring under RWSPs and public health surveillance. However, sports event participants may not be representative of normal recreational water users.

Examples 2.12.3 provide examples of surveillance for illnesses resulting from recreational water exposure.

Example 2.1Outbreak identification and incident response following an open-water swim event at Strathclyde Loch, Scotland

Following a competitive open-water swim event in July 2012, held at Strathclyde Loch near Glasgow, Scotland (a water sports venue that has hosted rowing, open-water swim, and national and international triathlon events), a large number of participants reported gastrointestinal illness. Of 71 swimmers, 60 were affected. Those affected reported illness next day to their medical services at various locations around the country (nine regions). Ten secondary cases were reported with onset dates 4–6 days later.

The illnesses were noted as arising from the same location by clustering and commonality, which were recognized within the national reporting system NHS24, part of the National Health Service (NHS). The NHS quickly informed the regional senior public health consultant, who took charge of the incident. This management control lasted for 8 weeks. The recreational water body was closed for water contact sports using the relevant legislation. The outbreak was subsequently described as having a severe attack rate (85%), and the etiology was confirmed as norovirus. (NHS, 2013)

In Scotland, any cluster or outbreak of gastrointestinal illness is investigated by the local NHS board and managed in line with national guidance on management of public health incidents. This involves convening a multi-agency incident management team. If the outbreak is linked to recreational water use, the management team includes the relevant Local Authority Environmental Health team and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).

An immediate consequence of the incident was that a planned 2013 British triathlon was cancelled. A future international event (2014 Commonwealth Games triathlon) went ahead as planned and was successful, but required costly control measures, interventions and pollution abatement.

The incident had some positive outcomes.

  • An updated water management procedure was developed by the relevant authorities (the local authority owner, with input from the statutory public health consultant and environmental regulator), and a new daily water quality assessment (ongoing) was introduced using a rainfall trigger model.
  • The 24-hour national surveillance system was effective in this case – a relationship cluster was identified, and the surveillance system worked.
  • There was good cooperation and communication between the event organizer, the local authority, the site management and SEPA. Communication responses were shared.
  • The health protection team responded before the start of the main summer holiday period (associated with greater recreational use of the facility).

Example 2.2Leptospirosis – athlete participation in Eco-Challenge event, Malaysian Borneo

  • Adventure travel is becoming more popular, and is the fastest growing segment of the leisure travel industry, with a growth rate of 10% per year since 1985 (Adventure Travel Society, pers. comm.). These activities may predispose participants to infection with unusual organisms through exposures to lakes, rivers, caves and canyons, as well as insect vectors. These illnesses may be unfamiliar to practitioners in the travellers’ home countries, and symptoms may go unrecognized.
  • Leptospirosis, a bacterial zoonotic infection, is more frequently found in tropical climates, and its variable early symptoms may be difficult to diagnose clinically.
  • In the period 7–11 September 2000, the Idaho Department of Health, the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and the GeoSentinel Network (an international surveillance network of travel clinics) notified the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of at least 20 cases of febrile illness. The illness was characterized by the acute onset of high fever, chills, headache and myalgia; major laboratory test abnormalities and important pulmonary or central nervous system involvement were absent. All ill people had participated in the Eco-Challenge–Sabah 2000 multisport endurance race, held in Malaysian Borneo from 21 August to 1 September 2000; 304 athletes from 26 countries and 29 USA states competed in the 10-day endurance event. Segments of the event included jungle trekking, prolonged swimming and kayaking (in both fresh and ocean water), caving, climbing and mountain biking. Symptoms and exposure history, as well as initial laboratory testing, suggested that the illness was leptospirosis.
  • Athletes were investigated to determine illness etiology and implement public health measures (Sejvar et al., 2003). Of 304 athletes, 189 were contacted. Eighty (42%) athletes met the case definition. Twenty-nine (36%) case patients were hospitalized; none died. It was concluded that improved efforts are needed to inform adventure travel participants of unique infections such as leptospirosis associated with water exposure.
  • Self-reporting of health issues following exposure to pathogens in recreational waters can sometimes be quite specific. It can have obvious additional uses in providing increased data and information that could be used by responsible agencies and academics for risk management.

Example 2.3Swimmer’s itch and sea lice

Cercarial dermatitis, colloquially known as swimmer’s itch, is a rash contracted in natural fresh water bodies, when people are exposed to skin-penetrating, larval flatworm parasites of the family Schistosomatidae, which emerge from aquatic snails. Swimmer’s itch is a globally distributed allergic condition. Very little is known about local dynamics of transmission (refer to Chapter 6 for further detail).

More than 3800 cases of swimmer’s itch were captured across Canada by a self-reporting surveillance system (Gordy, Cobb & Hanington, 2018). Swimmer’s itch cases were reported from every province except Prince Edward Island. Species surveys in Alberta revealed seven new parasite and host records, with the potential for swimmer’s itch to occur throughout most of the province based on host distributions. A review and comparison with the literature highlighted several knowledge gaps surrounding schistosome species, host species, and their distributions and contributions towards swimmer’s itch.

In marine waters, seabather’s eruption (also known as sea lice) is a similar condition with a different cause. Seabather’s eruption is usually a benign syndrome that normally resolves without intervention, although severe symptoms can occur that are treated with antihistamines and steroids. Research suggests the larvae of a jellyfish, Linuche unguiculata, as the cause of outbreaks when jellyfish larvae are transported to shore by ocean currents (Tomchik et al., 1993).

2.2.2. Public health risk communication

Information for the public on the safety of recreational water bodies comprises:

  • information on the general classification of recreational water locations (refer to section 4.4); and
  • short-term information that reflects day-to-day conditions (e.g. on-the-day warnings and advisories generated using predictive models; refer to section 4.2.3).

Good-quality and near-real-time public information describing the recreational water environment is important to enable people to make informed choices about whether to use the area. Communication options include short-term advisory notices with clear public visibility at key water access locations or, increasingly, digital information platforms such as smartphones, websites and social media, informed by predictive models.

Some locations have consistently poor water quality due to the proximity of human excreta discharges or other local hazards such as agricultural runoff. In these cases, appropriate communication will include long-term measures to discourage recreational use of the site, such as fencing; signposting; or moving the location of car parks, bus stops and toilets until pollution sources have been remediated.

Public health authorities should participate in risk communication before, during and after incidents according to the roles defined in the RWSP (refer to section 3.4). In addition, public health authorities are advised to verify the data underlying risk communication messages and test communication approaches with users to maximize user understanding and adherence to behaviour change measures and messages.


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Bookshelf ID: NBK572634


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