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WHO guideline on school health services [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021.

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WHO guideline on school health services [Internet].

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AnnexGRADE methodologist, Guideline Development Group and External Review Group: affiliations, areas of expertise, and conflict of interest management

This annex provides additional information for the GRADE methodologist (Table A.1), Guideline Development Group (Table A.2) members and External Review Group members (Table A.3). Declarations of interest were documented for each of these individuals and assessed by the WHO Secretariat. The interests declared were not considered to hinder participation in the process to develop or review recommendations.

Table A.1GRADE methodologist

#SURNAMEFirst nameGenderBased on nationality and/or country of residencyInstitutionTitleDeclared interestsDecision on interests
WHO regionCountry
1.SIEGFRIEDNandiFAfricaSouth AfricaPublic Health Medical Specialist, Cape Town, South AfricaGRADE MethodologistFunding dependent on completion of guidelineNo further action required

Table A.2Guideline Development Group

#SURNAMEFirst nameGenderBased on nationality and/or country of residencyInstitutionTitleOther areas of expertiseDeclared interestsDecision on interests
WHO regionCountry
1AFIFIRimaFEastern Mediterranean/AmericasLebanon/United States of AmericaPrevention Research Center for Rural Health, Department of Community and Behavioral Health, College of Public Health, University of Iowa, United States of AmericaDirectorViolence; youth protective factors; programme evaluation/academicNoneNo further action required
2BENZIANHabibMEurope/AmericasGermany/United States of AmericaCollege of Global Public Health, New York University, United States of AmericaResearch ProfessorOral health; water, sanitation and hygiene; school health/academicOnce employed by Unilever on a toilet cleanliness projectNo further action required
3BIRUNGIHarrietFAfricaKenyaPopulation CouncilCountry DirectorSexual and reproductive health; medical anthropology/civil society programme implementerNoneNo further action required
4FERRANDRashidaFAfrica/EuropeZimbabwe/United KingdomLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research, United Kingdom, and Training Institute, Harare, ZimbabweProfessorHIV and sexual and reproductive health/academic clinical epidemiologistNoneNo further action required
5GAETEJorgeFAmericasChileDepartment of Public Health and Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, ChileChairMental health; substance use; violence/academicNoneNo further action required
6GHARBINajatFEastern MediterraneanMoroccoDivision of School and University Health, Ministry of Health, MoroccoHeadSchool health/programmesNoneNo further action required
7FRANSEN-JAIBIHenrica (Hetty) J. M.FEastern Mediterranean/EuropeTunisia/NetherlandsOccupational Therapy Programme, University of Tunis-El Manar, Tunisia, and World Federation of Occupational TherapistsHead; and delegateOccupational therapy/programmesNoneNo further action required
8LEVISONJuliaFAmericasUnited States of AmericaSchool of Public Health, Boston University, United States of AmericaProject ManagerSchool health/young academicNoneNo further action required
9MAUGHANErin D.FAmericasUnited States of AmericaNational Association of School Nurses, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States of AmericaDirector of ResearchSchool health/nursing; operational research/programmesNoneNo further action required
10MURTHYGudlavalleti V.S.MSouth-East AsiaIndiaIndian Institute of Public Health, Hyderabad, Kavuri Hills, Madhapur – Hyderabab, IndiaDirectorHearing; vision/programmesNoneNo further action required
11NALIPONGUITElla CeciliaFWestern PacificPhilippinesBureau of Learner Support Services, Department of Education, Manila, PhilippinesDirectorEducation/programmesNoneNo further action required
12RAHMANAtifMEastern Mediterranean/EuropePakistan/United KingdomInstitute of Population Health Sciences, University of Liverpool, United KingdomProfessorSchool health; mental health/clinical academicNoneNo further action required
13SAEWYC ChairElizabethFAmericasCanadaSchool of Nursing, Division of Adolescent Health and Medicine, Vancouver, CanadaDirectorSchool health/nursing; vulnerable youth; operational research/academicNoneNo further action required
14SAWYERSusanFWestern PacificAustraliaAdolescent Health, University of Melbourne; and Centre for Adolescent Health at the Royal Children’s Hospital, a WHO Collaborating Centre for Adolescent Health, Melbourne, AustraliaChair; and DirectorAdolescent health; chronic diseases; risk behaviours; models of care/academicNoneNo further action required
15SHIHui-JingFWestern PacificChinaMaternal, Child and Adolescent Health Department, School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shangai, ChinaDeputy DirectorSchool health/academicNoneNo further action required
16VIGANSharlenFAfricaTogoWorld Bank Group, Lomé, TogoSocial Protection SpecialistSchool health; nutrition/programme implementationNoneNo further action required

Table A.3External Review Group

#SURNAMEFirst nameGenderBased on nationality and/or country of residencyInstitutionTitleDeclared interestsDecision on interests
WHO regionCountry
1DICKBruceMEuropeSwitzerlandIndependent Consultant, Geneva, Switzerland and Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of AmericaConsultantNoneNo further action required
2KJOLHEDEChrisMAmericasUnited States of AmericaSchool-based Health Centers, Bassett Health Care Network, Cooperstown, New York, United States of AmericaCo-directorNoneNo further action required
3MATEMVUMazikoFAfricaMalawiHer Liberty Malawi, Lilongwe, MalawiPrograms ManagerNoneNo further action required
4MORGANAntonyMEuropeanUnited KingdomGlasgow Caledonian University London, United KingdomDean and ProfessorNoneNo further action required
5PANIELLO CASTILLOBlancaFEuropeanSpainInternational Federation of Medical Students’ Associations, Barcelona, SpainPublic Health Development AssistantNoneNo further action required
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