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Curry N, Davenport R, Thomas H, et al. Early high-dose cryoprecipitate to reduce mortality in adult patients with traumatic haemorrhage: the CRYOSTAT-2 RCT with cost-effectiveness analysis. Southampton (UK): National Institute for Health and Care Research; 2024 Nov. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 28.76.)

Cover of Early high-dose cryoprecipitate to reduce mortality in adult patients with traumatic haemorrhage: the CRYOSTAT-2 RCT with cost-effectiveness analysis

Early high-dose cryoprecipitate to reduce mortality in adult patients with traumatic haemorrhage: the CRYOSTAT-2 RCT with cost-effectiveness analysis.

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Appendix 2Additional tables and figures

Table Icon


Recruitment by study site

Baseline characteristics for different subgroups


Baseline characteristics, by cryoprecipitate timing: data are number/total number (%) for categorical variables, and median (IQR) for continuous variables

Standard care arm (n = 805)Intervention armOverall (n = 1604)
EC < 45 (n = 101)EC 46–60 (n = 147)EC 61–90 (n = 273)EC ≥ 90 (n = 128)EC unknown (n = 150)
Male633/796 (80)81/101 (80)115/147 (78)218/273 (80)97/128 (76)107/136 (79)1251/1581 (79)
Age (years)40 (26–55)41 (28–52)34 (24–53)39 (26–55)37 (25–55)41 (27–58)39 (26–55)
Time from injury to admission to emergency department (minutes)77 (55–100)89 (69–107)76 (56–100)72 (52–96)70 (53–91)83 (60–104)76 (55–100)
Injuries and physiology at admission to emergency department
Blunt injury519/796 (65)60/101 (59)87/147 (59)174/273 (64)82/128 (64)92/136 (68)1014/1581 (64)
ISS29 (18–43)33 (17–43)29 (17–45)29 (17–43)29 (18–43)27 (16–42)29 (18–43)
Head AIS ≥ 4191/664 (29)20/82 (24)32/132 (24)47/235 (20)24/111 (22)34/105 (32)348/1329 (26)
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)103 (83–126)98 (78–121)104 (80–126)99 (84–122)104 (84–126)107 (92–130)103 (83–125)
Heart rate (per minute)108 (88–127)110 (91–130)110 (92–128)109 (86–128)108 (85–125)103 (85–121)108 (88–127)
In cardiac arrest17/735 (2)3/88 (3)2/132 (2)3/252 (1)2/122 (2)2/123 (2)29/1452 (2)
Glasgow Coma Scale score13 (3–15)3 (3–14)12 (3–14)14 (3–15)15 (7–15)12 (3–15)14 (3–15)
Pre hospital
RBC (units)0 (0–2)1 (0–2)0 (0–2)0 (0–1)0 (0–1)0 (0–1)0 (0–2)
FFP (units)0 (0–1)0 (0–2)0 (0–1)0 (0–1)0 (0–0)0 (0–1)0 (0–1)
Crystalloids (ml)0 (0–250)0 (0–300)0 (0–350)0 (0–250)0 (0–250)0 (0–300)0 (0–250)
Colloids (ml)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)
TXA administered639/796 (80)86/100 (86)118/147 (80)209/272 (77)92/128 (72)110/136 (81)1254/1579 (79)

EC, early cryoprecipitate; TXA, tranexamic acid.


Summary of missing data: data on all characteristics were missing for 23 participants. In addition, ISS, cardiac arrest and blood pressure were missing for 246, 129 and 119 participants, respectively. There were a small number of missing data for other items.


Baseline characteristics, by injury type: data are number/total number (%) for categorical variables, and median (IQR) for continuous variables

BluntPenetratingOverall (n = 1604)
Standard care arm (n = 519)Intervention arm (n = 495)Standard care arm (n = 277)Intervention arm (n = 290)
Male384/519 (74)355/495 (72)249/277 (90)263/290 (91)1251/1581 (79)
Age (years)46 (30–60)46 (30–60)30 (22–43)30 (22–42)39 (26–55)
Time from injury to admission to emergency department (minutes)88 (67–108)84 (66–106)57 (44–78)59 (41–83)76 (55–100)
Injuries and physiology at admission to emergency department
Blunt injury519/519 (100)495/495 (100)0/277 (0)0/290 (0)1014/1581 (64)
ISS38 (27–50)36 (26–48)18 (11–26)17 (10–26)29 (18–43)
Head AIS ≥ 4176/453 (39)143/437 (33)15/211 (7)14/228 (6)348/1329 (26)
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)104 (82–128)100 (84–125)102 (84–126)104 (84–124)103 (83–125)
Heart rate (per minute)107 (88–126)108 (89–126)109 (87–129)107 (87–128)108 (88–127)
In cardiac arrest9/479 (2)7/453 (2)8/256 (3)5/264 (2)29/1452 (2)
Glasgow Coma Scale score6 (3–15)12 (3–15)15 (11–15)14 (8–15)14 (3–15)
Pre hospital
RBC (units)0 (0–2)0 (0–2)0 (0–1)0 (0–1)0 (0–2)
FFP (units)0 (0–1)0 (0–1)0 (0–1)0 (0–1)0 (0–1)
Crystalloids (ml)0 (0–250)0 (0–300)0 (0–100)0 (0–100)0 (0–250)
Colloids (ml)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)0 (0–0)
TXA administered439/519 (85)406/495 (82)200/277 (72)209/288 (73)1254/1579 (79)

TXA, tranexamic acid.


Summary of missing data: data on all characteristics were missing for 23 participants. In addition, ISS, cardiac arrest and blood pressure were missing for 246, 129 and 119 participants, respectively. There were a small number of missing data for other items.

Sensitivity analyses

Table Icon


Risk-adjusted multivariable marginal model for all-cause mortality at 28 days

FIGURE 12. Risk-adjusted OR by participant age, relative to a baseline participant at age 40 years.


Risk-adjusted OR by participant age, relative to a baseline participant at age 40 years.

FIGURE 13. Risk-adjusted OR by systolic blood pressure, relative to a baseline participant with systolic blood pressure of 100 mmHg.


Risk-adjusted OR by systolic blood pressure, relative to a baseline participant with systolic blood pressure of 100 mmHg.

Table Icon


Exclusions from per-protocol cohort, by treatment arm: n/N (%)

FIGURE 14. Forest plot of ORs and CIs for main ITT and per-protocol analyses of the primary outcome, subgroup analyses and sensitivity analyses.


Forest plot of ORs and CIs for main ITT and per-protocol analyses of the primary outcome, subgroup analyses and sensitivity analyses.

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All-cause mortality at 28 days in the standard care arm and the intervention arm for those who did or did not receive any cryoprecipitate

FIGURE 15. Kaplan–Meier survival plot up to 28 days from admission by treatment arm and whether or not any cryoprecipitate given.


Kaplan–Meier survival plot up to 28 days from admission by treatment arm and whether or not any cryoprecipitate given.

Subgroup analyses

Table Icon


All-cause mortality at 28 days by treatment arm: UK participants vs. US participants

FIGURE 16. Kaplan–Meier survival plots up to 28 days from admission by treatment arm for (a) UK and (b) USA.


Kaplan–Meier survival plots up to 28 days from admission by treatment arm for (a) UK and (b) USA.

Table Icon


All-cause mortality at 28 days by treatment arm: head AIS < 4 vs. head AIS ≥ 4

FIGURE 17. Kaplan–Meier survival plots up to 28 days from admission by treatment arm for (a) head AIS < 4 and (b) head AIS ≥ 4.


Kaplan–Meier survival plots up to 28 days from admission by treatment arm for (a) head AIS < 4 and (b) head AIS ≥ 4.

Table Icon


All-cause mortality at 28 days by treatment arm: participant sex

FIGURE 18. Kaplan–Meier survival plots up to 28 days from admission by treatment arm for (a) male and (b) female patients.


Kaplan–Meier survival plots up to 28 days from admission by treatment arm for (a) male and (b) female patients.

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All-cause mortality at 28 days by treatment arm: participant age < 70 vs. ≥ 70 years

FIGURE 19. Kaplan–Meier survival plots up to 28 days from admission by treatment arm for (a) age < 70 and (b) age ≥ 70 years.


Kaplan–Meier survival plots up to 28 days from admission by treatment arm for (a) age < 70 and (b) age ≥ 70 years.

Secondary outcomes

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Mortality data

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Transfusion requirements

FIGURE 20. Box-and-whisker plots to summarise transfusions administered from injury up to 24 hours from admission, by treatment arm.


Box-and-whisker plots to summarise transfusions administered from injury up to 24 hours from admission, by treatment arm. (a) RBC; (b) platelets; (c) FFP; (d) cryoprecipitate; (e) total blood products; and (f) crystalloids. These box-and-whisker plots show the median (line inside box), IQR (boundary of box), mean (diamond), minimum and maximum (whiskers) and outliers (values 1.5 × IQR above Q3 or below Q1). Extreme outliers for all products, defined as the top 1% of data, were excluded from these plots. Note the differing y-axes for each product.

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Quality of life at discharge and 6 months after admission

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Hospital stay

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All-cause mortality at 6 and 12 months by treatment arm

Image 15-57-02_fig9
Image 15-57-02_fig10
Copyright © 2024 Curry et al.

This work was produced by Curry et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This is an Open Access publication distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 licence, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, reproduction and adaptation in any medium and for any purpose provided that it is properly attributed. See: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. For attribution the title, original author(s), the publication source – NIHR Journals Library, and the DOI of the publication must be cited.

Bookshelf ID: NBK609199


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