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SNP FAQ Archive [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2005-.

  • This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Organism Data Accepted by dbSNP

Created: ; Last Update: June 15, 2010.

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Does dbSNP accept SNP submissions for species other than human?

Yes, we do accept SNP submissions for species other than humans. Below are instructions if you have not yet submitted to dbSNP:

You must first request a “Handle” or name under which you will be submitting your data by using the Handle Request Form. The handle might be an acronym, or a shortened name of a primary investigator or large laboratory. This "handle" will allow submissions to be associated with laboratories independent of who is handling a particular set of submissions from that laboratory.

Once you have submitted your handle request, it usually takes dbSNP 1 to 2 days to process your request and email your handle confirmation to you. Please note: You cannot submit to dbSNP until you have received a handle confirmation from dbSNP.

Create a submission form. You can do this by going to the submission file, which is located in the /specs subdirectory of the dbSNP FTP site, and selecting one , two or all three Excel templates (SNPASSAY, SNPPOPUSE and SNPINDUSE) located in “templates_SNPsub.xls”. You will use these templates to create submission form(s) for your submission.

See the “Using the Excel Submission Templates…” section of this Quick Start Guide for more information on how to use the templates. (ud: 3/21/08)

All three submission templates are in “templates_SNPsub.xls”, located in the submission file, which can be found in the /specs subdirectory of the dbSNP FTP site.

Can I submit data from the rhesus macaque? It is not currently an organism in housed in dbSNP.

dbSNP accepts submissions for all organisms. You'll need to request a submission handle for your laboratory online. When your handle has been accepted by dbSNP, submission instructions will be sent to you with your handle confirmation. (4/1/05)

Does dbSNP accept cross-species SNPs?

No, dbSNP does not accept variations between closely related species. (01/06/14)

I have dog SNPs, indels, and SINEs that I would like to submit to NCBI, but I’m not sure if I should submit them to dbSNP or Genbank. I want to make sure they are accessible on the public databases using BLAST.

You can submit your data to dbSNP. Please email your formatted data to [email protected]. You can search for your data using the “BLAST Dog Sequences” form following the release of the new dbSNP dog build.(6/22/06)

Do you accept prokaryotic data?

Yes, we do accept prokaryotic data. (03/05/08)


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