NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
Patrias K, author; Wendling D, editor. Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007-.
Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition.
Show detailsA abridged = abr. abstract = abstr. academy = acad. adaptation = adapt. American = Amer. and others = et al. annotation = annot. annual = annu. association = assoc. augmented = augm. authorized = authoriz. B biannual = biannu. bibliography = bibliogr. bimonthly = bimonth. biography = biogr. brochure = broch. bulletin = bull. C catalog = cat. centimeter = cm. chapter = chap. commission = commiss. company = co. compiler = comp. conference = conf. column = col. corporation = corp. D department = dept. diagram = diagr. dictionary = dict. director = dir. directory = dir. dissertation = diss. distribution = dist. division = div. Doctor = Dr. document = doc. E edition = ed. editor = ed. encyclopedia = encycl. English = Engl. enlarged = enl. European = Europ. executive = exec. explanation = expl. extract = extr. | F facsimile = facs. faculty = fac. figure = fig. foundation = found. frontispiece = front. G gazette = gaz. government = gov. H handbook = handb. I illustration = ill. illustrator = ill. impression = impr. inch = in. inclusive = incl. incomplete = incompl. index = ind. information = inform. institute = inst. international = intern. introduction = introd. invariable = invar. L laboratory = lab. library = libr. literature = lit. M manual = man. manuscript = ms. meeting = meet. microfiche = mfiche. microfilm = mf. millimeter = mm. miscellaneous = misc. modified = mod. monograph = monogr. monthly = month. N national = nat. new series = n.s. newspaper = newsp. notice = not. number = no. O observation = observ. original = orig. | P pamphlet = pamph. paperback = pbk. part = pt. periodical = period. photography = phot. picture = pict. portrait = portr. posthumous = posth. preface = pref. preliminary = prelim. preparation = prep preprint = prepr. printed = print. proceedings = proc. professor = prof. program = progr. pseudonym = pseud. publication = publ. publisher = publ. Q quarterly = quart. R reference = ref. reprint = repr. reproduction = reprod. responsible = resp. revised = rev. S scientific = sci. section = sect. separate = sep. series = ser. session = sess. society = soc. special = spec. successor = success. summary = summ. supplement = suppl. symposium = symp. T table = tab. translation = transl. translator = transl. transliteration = translit. U university = univ. V volume = vol. Y year = y. yearbook = yb. |
- Abbreviations for Commonly Used English Words in Bibliographic Description - Cit...Abbreviations for Commonly Used English Words in Bibliographic Description - Citing Medicine
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