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NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

Collection Development Guidelines of the National Library of Medicine [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2019-.

Cover of Collection Development Guidelines of the National Library of Medicine

Collection Development Guidelines of the National Library of Medicine [Internet].

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Last Update: March 1, 2004.

This category includes sales and trade catalogs, academic catalogs, and exhibit catalogs.

Sales and trade catalogs present descriptions, prices, and intended uses of medical equipment, drugs, preparations and devices. NLM collects examples of these catalogs for historical purposes.

Catalogs of academic health science institutions provide a record of the development of those institutions, and changes in health science curricula. NLM collects representative examples of catalogs from a range of academic health science institutions - the prominent and influential, as well as some lesser known but culturally unique institutions.

NLM also collects catalogs of biomedical exhibits from any country, with emphasis upon works that provide valuable illustrative and descriptive material.


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