WHO steering group
- Kate Medlicott (Water Sanitation Hygiene and Health, WHO Headquarters)
- Bruce Gordon (Water Sanitation Hygiene and Health, WHO Headquarters)
- Sophie Boisson (Water Sanitation Hygiene and Health, WHO Headquarters)
- Jennifer De France (Water Sanitation Hygiene and Health, WHO Headquarters)
With thanks to WHO regional advisers for review and support to end-user and expert consultation: Guy Mbayo (WHO Regional Office for Africa), Patricia Segurado (WHO Regional Office for the Americas), Rola Al-Emam (WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterrean), Shinee Enkhtsetseg and Oliver Schmoll (WHO Regional Office for Europe), Genandrialine Peralta (WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific) and Rasheed Hussain (WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia).
Guidelines development group
- Nicholas Ashbolt (Southern Cross University, Australia)
- Lorraine Backer (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)
- João Brandão (National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge, Portugal)
- Neil Chernoff (United States Environmental Protection Agency, USA)
- Ingrid Chorus (independent)
- Maria Rosario Coelho (Águas do Algarve, Portugal)
- Fátima Marinheiro Coimbra (Águas de Portugal, Portugal)
- David Cunliffe (Public Health Service, Australia)
- Lesley D’Anglada (United States Environmental Protection Agency, USA)
- Dan Deere (Water Futures Pty Ltd, Australia)
- Jutta Fastner (Umweltbundesamt, German Environment Agency, Germany)
- Lorna Fewtrell (Independent consultant, United Kingdom)
- Rosina Girones (University of Barcelona, Spain)
- David Kay (Centre for Research into Environment and Health, United Kingdom)
- Teresa Lettieri (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy)
- Mong Hoo Lim (Public Utilities Board, Singapore)
- Luca Lucentini (National Institute for Health, Italy)
- Calum McPhail (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, United Kingdom)
- Maria Teresa Rebelo (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Ciska Schets (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Netherlands)
- Helena Solo-Gabriele (University of Miami, USA)
- Regine Szewzyk (Umweltbundesamt, German Environment Agency, Germany)
- Marta Vargha (National Public Health Centre, Hungary)
- Timothy J Wade (United States Environmental Protection Agency, USA)
- Andrei Badilla Aguilar (Laboratorio Nacional de Aguas del Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, Costa Rica)
- Darner A Mora Alvarado (Laboratorio Nacional de Aguas del Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, Costa Rica)
- Rani Amir (Marine Environment Protection Division, Ministry of Environment, Israel)
- Maria Sonabel S Anarna (Disease Prevention and Control Bureau, Department of Health, Philippines)
- Nitasha Baijnath-Pillay (Aquatic Science and Coastal Infrastructure Development, Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa)
- Derya Çamur (Health Sciences University, Turkey)
- Steve Daniel (Ministry of Health and Wellness, Barbados)
- Ana Maria de Roda Husman (RIVM, Netherlands)
- Roberto Debono (Ministry of Health, Malta)
- Dganit Eichen (Ministry of Health, Israel)
- Maja Feder (Bathing Water & Tourism, European Commission – DG Environment, Belgium)
- Darren D Fernandez (Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority, Regulatory Office, Philippines)
- Renato Castilla Feitosa (Fiocruz, Brazil)
- Lora Fleming (University of Exeter Medical School, United Kingdom)
- Bettina Genthe (independent consultant, water quality specialist, South Africa)
- Sophie Bachet Granados (International Blue Flag Director, Denmark)
- Tim Hopley (Population Health and Prevention, Ministry of Health [Manatū Hauora], New Zealand)
- Sebastian Jooste (Department of Water Affairs, South Africa)
- Nonhlanhla Kalebaila (Water Research Commission, South Africa)
- Hartwig Kremer (United Nations Environment Programme, Kenya)
- Juan Francisco Herrera Leal (General Maritime Directorate of Colombia)
- Daina Sudraba Livcane (Health Inspectorate of Latvia, Division of Environmental Health)
- Zhaneta Miska (Directorate of Programming, Standardization and Harmonization of the Regulatory Framework, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Albania)
- Mohamed Musthafa (Ministry of Environment, Maldives)
- Claire Pace (Ministry of Health, Malta)
- Eleni Paipai (Environment Department, Municipality of Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
- Yazeed Peterson (Coastal Pollution Management, Department of Environmental Affairs, South Africa)
- Tarja Pitkänen (Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland)
- Regina Sommer (Medical University of Vienna, Austria)
- Sarah Teng (Public Utilities Board, Singapore)
- Adriaan van der Linden (Leisurelands [operator of several recreational water sites], Netherlands)
- Richard Whitman (Beach Sciences, United States Geological Survey, USA)
This guideline was edited by Biotext Pty, Australia.
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World Health Organization, Geneva
NLM Citation
Guidelines on Recreational Water Quality: Volume 1 Coastal and Fresh Waters [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021. Acknowledgements.