Annex 2Priority outcomes used in decision-making

Publication Details

Priority outcomes (O)1

Critical outcomes

  • Severe infectious morbidity (sepsis, septic shock, laparotomy/ hysterectomy for infection, maternal intensive care unit admission)
  • Puerperal infection (endometritis with/without myometritis with/without salpingitis causing maternal febrile morbidity)
  • Wound infection
  • Side-effects of antibiotics
  • Antimicrobial resistance

Important outcomes

  • Maternal death
  • Maternal well-being
  • Maternal satisfaction
  • Cost of care
  • Neonatal mortality
  • Neonatal infection



These outcomes reflect the prioritized outcomes used in the development of this recommendation, in the 2015 WHO recommendations for prevention and treatment of maternal peripartum infections. The outcomes “maternal well-being” and “maternal satisfaction” have been added as part of this update. The labels of the outcomes “severe infectious morbidity” and “puerperal infection” were updated to reflect the current WHO maternal sepsis definition.