NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
Web Link Help [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2005-.
This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.
This guide provides instructions on creating a link or bookmark to PubMed.
Users intending to send frequent queries or retrieve large numbers of records from the NCBI databases should use E-Utilities. Users must comply with the usage guidelines and requirements to prevent overloading NCBI systems.
The NCBI Disclaimer and Copyright notice must be evident to users. Users are advised to consult legal counsel to ensure compliance with intellectual property laws. NLM cannot provide advice about copyright issues.
- Retrieve PubMed citations in HTML or text format by PubMed ID (PMID)
- Search PubMed
- Link PubMed citations to similar articles
- Link to PubMed Feature Pages
NLM currently leases PubMed journal citations, at no charge.
Retrieve PubMed Citations
Base URL:
To retrieve results in HTML or text format use PMIDs.
- Retrieval parameters:
Retrieve a PubMed citation by PMID and display in the abstract format:
Retrieve a PubMed citation by PMID and display in MEDLINE text format:,18276893?report=medline&format=text
Search PubMed
Use search to create a web link for terms with or without Boolean operators. “Escape” spaces by converting them to plus signs (+), e.g., Biochem Soc Trans should be entered as: Biochem+Soc+Trans.
- Search parameters:
- term=search term(s) (PubMed Help)
- report=display format (DocSum (default display, except for a single citation), abstract, MEDLINE, XML
- dispmax=number of citations to display if other than 20
- tool=resource
- email=address
Search PubMed for articles about antioxidant and chocolate:
- activating filters (PubMed Help):
- cmd_current=Limits
- pmfilter_filter name = filter value
- turning off filters
- pubmedfilters=true
Search PubMed for articles about hay fever published in 2006 and display the first 50 citations:[pdat]&dispmax=50
Search PubMed for articles about AZT filtered to the AIDS subset:
Turn off PubMed filters and search for articles about hay fever displayed in the abstract format:
Display the related records or NCBI databse links for records using unique identifiers (UIDs), you may not use accession numbers.
Base URL:
- link parameters:
Search for similar articles for PMID 27328974:
Search for Nucleotide links from PMID 27316672:
Search for PubMed links from Nucleotide ID 55417888:
A string with no internal spaces that identifies the resource that is using the database links. This argument is used to help NCBI provide better service to third parties generating NCBI database queries from programs. As with any query system, it is sometimes possible to ask the same question different ways, with different effects on performance. NCBI requests that developers sending batch requests include a constant 'tool' argument for all requests using the utilities.
Example: tool=resource
Email Address
If you choose to provide an email address we will use it to contact you if there are problems with your queries.
Example: email=[email protected]
In addition, NCBI posts general announcements regarding the E-utilities to the utilities announcement mailing list. This mailing list is an announcement list only; individual subscribers may not send mail to the list. The list of subscribers is private and is not shared or used in any other way except for providing announcements to list members. The list receives about one posting per month. Please subscribe at the above link.
PubMed Feature Pages
- Advanced: /advanced
- Clipboard: /clipboard
- Details: /details
- Clinical Queries: /clinical
To preset the PubMed Clinical Queries Medical Genetics or Clinical Study Categories use the following URL paramters:
Clinical Study Categories
- #clincat=category,scope
category= etiology, diagnosis, therpy, prognosis, clinical prediction guides
scope = broad, narrow
Medical Genetics
- #medgen=topic
topic=diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical description, management, genetic counseling, molecular genetics, genetic testing
Search for articles about cancer limited to the clinical study category of prognosis/narrow and the medical genetics topic of differential diagnosis:
Search for articles about cystic fibrosis limited to the medical genetics topic of genetic counseling: fibrosis#medgen=genetic+counseling
Other NCBI Databases
Documentation for other NCBI databases is available in the Entrez Help.