Table 4-8Percentage of Adolescents with Poor Health as Assessed by Physicians and Adolescents

Age GroupRaterBorn in Other Country % (Total N)aBorn in U.S. % (Total N)
Mexican Americans
2-11 year oldsPhysician1.4 (257)1.2 (2206)
12-18 year oldsPhysician0.0 (234)0.6 (917)
Adolescent32.0 (235)16.5 (917)
Puerto Ricans
2-11 year oldsPhysician0.0 (148)0.3 (601)
12-18 year oldsPhysician0.7 (144)0.7 (384)
Adolescent33.7 (144)13.7 (385)
2-11 year oldsPhysician0.0 (41)0.0 (164)
12-18 year oldsPhysician1.2 (90)0.0 (85)
Adolescent8.3 (90)7.2 (85)

Total N refers to the unweighted sample size; percentages were calculated by using the sample weights provided in HHANES.

From: Chapter 4, The Health And Nutritional Status Of Immigrant Hispanic Children: Analyses Of The Hispanic Health And Nutrition Examination Survey

Cover of Children of Immigrants
Children of Immigrants: Health, Adjustment, and Public Assistance.
National Research Council (US) and Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on the Health and Adjustment of Immigrant Children and Families; Hernandez DJ, editor.
Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1999.
Copyright 1999 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

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