(a) There are four genera listed in this family (Gorilla, Homo, Pan, and Pongo) with six species-level names (Gorilla gorilla, Homo sapiens, Pan paniscus, Pan troglodytes, Pongo pygmaeus, and Pongo sp.) and 2 subspecies. Common names are shown in parentheses if they are available in the Taxonomy database. The lineage above Hominidae is shown in the line at the top of the display; selecting the word Lineage will toggle back and forth between the abbreviated lineage (the display used in GenBank flatfiles) and the full lineage (as it appears in the Taxonomy database). Selecting any of the taxa above Hominidae (in the lineage) or below Hominidae (in the hierarchical display) will refocus the browser on that taxon instead of the Hominidae. Selecting Hominidae itself, however, will display the taxon-specific page for the Hominidae. (b) The default setting displays three levels of the classification on the hierarchy pages. To change this, enter a different number in the Display levels box and select Accept. If any of the check boxes to the right of the Display levels box are selected (i.e., Nucleotide, Protein, Structures, ...), the numbers of records in the corresponding Entrez database that are associated with that taxon will appear as hyperlinks. Selecting a link retrieves those records.